Strong winds will blow with thunder and rain, see the weather forecast

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The months of March, April and May are called pre-monsoon. During these months, temperatures start rising and there are rains and strong winds accompanied by thunderstorms in North-West, Central and Eastern India. In the next few days, there is a possibility of rain at many places in Vidarbha, Marathwada including Telangana, Chhattisgarh, East Madhya Pradesh, East Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal. Strong winds may also occur along with thunder and lightning. There may be rain and snowfall in the mountains during the next few days. There will be severe heat in South India including Southern Rajasthan, Central Maharashtra, Gujarat and West Madhya Pradesh.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Chances of rain and thunder in Eastern India including Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra

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There is a possibility of rain and snowfall in the mountains during the next three or four days. Light showers may also occur in Punjab and Haryana. At the end of the week, there may be rain along with isolated hailstorms in Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal including Vidarbha, Chhattisgarh, and East Madhya Pradesh. This will provide a slight break on the increasing heat and may provide some relief. Severe heat will be seen in South Rajasthan, Gujarat, Central Maharashtra, West Madhya Pradesh and South India.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Weather will change again in many states, heat wave alert issued

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The Meteorological Department has issued an alert of severe heat in more than half of India in the months of April and June. All states of the country except North West, East and North Eastern India will see heat waves.

Source: Skymet Weather

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How will be India’s monsoon in the year 2024, see complete information

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El Nino is completely affected right now but neutral conditions will come between April and June and the effect of La Nino will become visible during the monsoon. Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) also seems likely to be positive. Due to the impact of all these weather systems, the southwest monsoon may be normal or slightly above normal in 2024. This is very good news for all the brothers, sisters and farmer brothers of India.

Source: Skymet Weather

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There will be pre-monsoon rain with thunder, see weather forecast

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Thunderstorms may continue from Madhya Pradesh to Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and northeastern states including Orissa. There will be snowfall and rain in the mountains during the next 24 hours. Now once again the temperatures of North-West, Central and South India will increase and the heat will show its fiercest form.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Half of India scorched in scorching heat, rain and hail in some states

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At present, the heat wave is visible in more than half of India. Many cities have reached the 40-degree temperature mark. Now the heat will increase further and there is a possibility of a heat wave. Hail may fall along with rain in some districts of Punjab and Haryana. There is a possibility of very light rain and thunder in Central and Eastern India.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Pre-monsoon rain may occur again in many states, see the weather forecast

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Pre-monsoon rain activities will occur in Punjab, Haryana, and Rajasthan including Delhi and Uttar Pradesh. Vidarbha, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, and West Bengal may also see rain from March 30. Light snowfall and rain activities will continue in the mountains till the end of March. Severe heat waves will be seen in South India including Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Heat will increase in the entire country but snowfall and rain will continue in the mountains

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Two consecutive Western Disturbances will give rain and snowfall in the mountains which may continue till the end of March. Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh will remain cloudy for the next two days. Chances of rain are visible only in some parts of Punjab. Temperatures will now rise in most parts of the country and heat waves will be seen. The temperature has already crossed 40 degrees in South India including Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra. Now temperatures will increase in North India also.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Weather will remain dry in most areas, and temperature is likely to increase

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The weather will be dry in most parts of the country, there will be light rain in the mountains and light rain in North Eastern India also. On March 27, there may be clouds once again in North India but the chances of rain are very low. Now the temperature will gradually increase and the heat will become intense.

Source: Skymet Weather

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There will be clouds in many states, there may be rain in some places

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It is cloudy in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. There is a possibility of light rain at one or two places here, but the rain will not be so much that it damages the crops. Western disturbances will hit the mountains again on March 26 and March 28 and rain and snowfall will continue in the mountains. The weather in North India will clear on Holi on March 25, but there may be isolated rain again on March 26.

Source: Skymet Weather

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