The preparation of the field should be started by deep ploughing, after that 2-3 ploughing should be done with the help of a harrow or soil-turning plough so that the water-holding capacity of the soil will increase and seed germination can also be good.
In the months of May-June, the sunlight falls directly on the ground and there is high temperature, due to deep ploughing, along with the elimination of weeds, their seeds, harmful insects, their eggs and pupae present in the soil, the fungal diseases present in the soil are also eliminated.
Prepared by Gramophone, “Soya Samriddhi Kit” with a total quantity of 8 kg/acre, in well rotten farmyard manure, mixing it well before sowing, broadcast evenly in one acre of field, by the use of a leveller makes the field level. It is mandatory to have sufficient moisture in the soil while using this kit.
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