Transplanting Precautions in Chilli

  • Transplanting of chili is done from July to September.
  • The month of August is best for transplanting of Chilli, then the month of September is good.
  • 5-7 Days before Transplanting, spray tebuconazole 25.9 % @ 1-1.5 gm per liter.
  • Before transplanting, Dip seedling roots in Mycorrhiza solution ( 100 gm of mycorrhiza with 10 ltr of water ).
  • Maintain plant spacing (60 x 45 cm) 
  • if we find some harmful insects at the time of field preparation then apply Carbofuran 3G @ 8 kg/acre.
  • if we have experience of wilting of plants, then apply Trichoderma viridae @ 4 kg/acre.

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Use of Trichoderma :- When, How and Why ?

Trichoderma is most useful for all types of Plants and Vegetables such as cauliflower, cotton, soybean, sugarcane, etc.

  1. Seed treatment: Mix 1 kg of Trichoderma powder per quintal of seeds before sowing.
  2. seedling root dip: Mix 10kg FYM + 100 ltr of water + 1 kg Trichoderma powder mix well and dip the seedling roots for 10 minutes before transplanting.
  3. Soil treatment: Apply 4 Kg of Trichoderma powder per acre with 50 kg of well rotten FYM.
  4. Plant Treatment: Drench the soil near stem region with 10g Trichoderma powder mixed in a liter of water.


  • Don’t use chemical fungicide after application of Trichoderma for 4-5 days.
  • Don’t use Trichoderma in dry soil. Moisture is an essential factor for its growth and survivability.
  • Don’t put the treated seeds in direct sun rays.
  • Don’t keep the treated FYM for a longer duration.

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seed treatment in soybean

Soybean Seed Treatment: -Treat the soybean seeds with carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5 WP  @ 250 gms per quintal of seed before sowing. or treat the seeds with Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 63% @ 250 gm per quintal of seed or Thiophanate methyl 45%+ Pyraclostrobin 5% FS @ 200 Ml/quintal of Seed. After that treatment treat the seed with Imidacloprid 30.5% SC @ 100 ml/ quintal of seed or Thiamethoxam 30% FS @ 250 Ml/ Quintal of seed gets protection 30 Days from Sucking pest.

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Improved Variety of Soybean :- NRC-7

Duration medium, 90-99 day

100 grains weighing 13 grams

It has finite growth so easy for harvesting.

Resistant to shattering of beans.

This variety has purple flowers. 

Tolerant with girdle beetles and stem Fly.

Yield 10-12 q/acre.


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How to protect Crop from nematode

  • Infested plants show symptoms of yellowing, growth of the plant is stunted and fruiting capacity adversely affected.
  • The nematode attacks on the roots and produces tiny galls.
  • The infested plants show symptoms of withering and wilting of leaves.
  • It blocks the movement of nutrients and water in the plant system and subjected to wilt and finally leads to death.
  • Carbofuran 3% G @ 8 kg/acre should be applied as a soil treatment.
  • Neem cake at the rate of 80 Kg/acre should be applied for effective control.
  • Paecilomyces spp 1% WP
    • For Seed Treatment @ 10 g/kg seed, OR
    • For Nursery Treatment 50 gm/meter sq, OR
    • For Soil Application 2 kg/acre.

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Why use Magnesium on cotton crop

  • Magnesium plays an important role in the process of plant photosynthesis and is a key element in chlorophyll, it is one of the most important nutrients, involved in many enzyme activities and the structural stabilization of Plant Tissues. 
  • Deficiency symptoms (25-30 DAS) first appear on the lower leaves and shed prematurely, showing purplish red leaves with green veins.
  • Magnesium deficiency in soil can be arrested by applying Magnesium sulfate 9.5% @ 10 kg/acre as Basal dosage at the time of Sowing.
  • Magnesium sulfate @ 70-80 gram per acre is sprayed twice a week in order to remove the lack of magnesium deficiency in cotton crop.

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Suitable varieties of Cauliflower

Good quality selection of seeds of cauliflower not only ensures good yield but also reduces a lot of other infestation problems, if a suitable variety of seed offers tolerance to a particular disease then it significantly reduces the cost of input in terms of pesticide and labor. while selecting the type of seed for cauliflower, care should be taken the weather conditions and sowing time. Ideally, the types that should be selected for the upcoming sowing season are improved Karina and super first crop.


Improved Karina ( Rajkumar Seeds )

An early variety is suitable for fresh market and sowing from early May to the end of August. the maturity period after transplantation is around 55-60 days with high-temperature sustainability in humid conditions. Leaf characteristics curve in nature and curd weight up to 1.2 kg and curd color is white in nature. Curds shape is dome type and very compact in nature. This gives good protection to curd against the sun.

Super First crop

A midsegment variety for moderate temperature and climate. Sowing time is from Feb to August. thus winter hardy and produces good curd even at moderate temperature. Curds compact, pure white, weight 800 – 1000 gm. the crop matures after 60 days of transplanting. curds are compact and stone hard which makes it suitable for long-distance transportation. this variety has high tolerance to black rot disease.


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Improved Varieties of Soybean

Varieties should be selected according to the agro-climatic zone. In the light land and rain-fed areas where average rainfall is between 600 to 750 mm. There should be early duration (90-95 days) variety. Medium type loamy land and 750 to 1000 mm in areas with moderate rainfall, in the medium-duration varieties, should be used to mature in 100 to 105 days. Late varieties should be sown in areas with excess rainfall from 1250 mm and heavy land. It should be noted that the seed germination capacity is more than 70% and the number of plants for the good harvest in the field should be 40 plants per square meter, only the suitable varieties of seed should be selected.

Improved varieties of soybean suitable for Madhya Pradesh.

S. N. Name of Variety Duration in Days Yield per Hectare
1. JS-9560 82-88 18-20
2. JS-9305 90-95 20-25
3. NRC-7 90-99 25-35
4. NRC-37 99-105 30-40
5. JS-335 98-102 25-30
6. JS-9752 95-100 20-25
7. JS-2029 93-96 22-24
8. RVS-2001-4 92-95 20-25
9. JS-2069 93-98 22-27
10. JS-2034 86-88 20-25

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Chilli nursery spray schedule

The nursery is well prepared for good yield If the plant will remain healthy in the nursery, then the plant will be very strong after transplanting in the field, so take proper care of the plant in the nursery. In order to prepare good plants, gramophone advised the farmer, spray three times in the nursery, which is as follows.

First Spray at 12 DAS:-

  • Thiamethoxam 25% WP 8 gm/pump + Amino acid 20 ml/pump. ( To control soil-borne pest and seedling nutrition )

Second Spray at 20 DAS:-

  • Metalaxyl-M ( Mefanoxam ) 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP 30 gm/pump. ( To control soil-borne diseases like damping off )

Third Spray at 28 DAS:-

  • Thiamethoxam 25% WP 8-10 gm/pump + Humic Acid 10-15 gm/pump. ( To control soil-borne pest )

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Cotton fertilizer management

Apply NPK fertilizers as per soil test recommendations. If soil test recommendations are not available than fertilizer management will be:-

15-20 days after sowing:- After the first shower of Monsoon

  • ( Urea 50 kg + DAP 50 Kg+ MOP 50 Kg + PSB @ 1 ltr.+ KMB @ 1 ltr + NFB @ 1 ltr ) per acre.

30-35 Days after sowing:-

  • ( DAP 50 kg + urea 25 Kg + Mgso410 Kg + Humic acid 250 gm + NFB 1 ltr ) per acre

Spread evenly on the field and then start the irrigation.

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