Just one spray of NovaMaxx will give complete protection to crop in changing season

NovaMaxx is a great tonic for crops
  • Sudden change in weather is adversely affecting plant growth, to protect crops from this, spray Novamaxx.

  • Novamaxx is Chyawanprash for every crop, which will keep crops stress free!

  • Novamaxx (Gibberellic Acid 0.001%) is Effective for crops like paddy, maize, cereals, wheat, vegetables, cotton, sugarcane, groundnut, soybean etc., which helps to protect against stress caused by cold, drought, overwatering, and insect disease attack.

  • This increases the size of plants and fruits as well as stimulates flowering. It will not mix with sulfur and copper-based products, it can be mixed with all other pesticides and fertilizers.

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Heavy snowfall in the mountains again, frost likely in many states

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Two Western Disturbances will come one after the other in the mountains which will keep on giving continuous snowfall. Their effect will be seen in the plains as well. Frost has started in many districts of Haryana including Punjab and Rajasthan and crops have frozen. More than half of the country is experiencing severe cold. Low pressure has formed in the Bay of Bengal. Its effect will be seen in the southern states.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Symptoms and preventive measures of Cucumber mosaic virus in Cucurbits crop!

Symptoms and preventive measures of Cucumber mosaic virus in Cucurbits crop
  • The vector of the cucumber mosaic virus is aphids. Cucurbits are susceptible to the Cucumber mosaic virus.

  • Initially, water-soaked yellow spots develop on the leaves.

  • The spots grow rapidly and become irregular to circular with a light grey or white centre. The spots coalesce and turn into large lesions.

  • Plants become severely stunted and leaves become distorted.

  • When infected at the stage of flowering and fruit, there is a huge reduction in yield due to malformation of the fruit.

  • Eventually, the leaves dry up and the plant dies.

Preventive measures

  • To control this Insect, take a spray of Admire (Imidacloprid 70% WG) @ 14 g +  Silicomaxx Gold @ 50 ml per acre @ 150 to 200 litres of water.

  • After 3 days, spray Privintal BV @ 100 gm per acre @ 150 to 200 litres of water.

For such important information related to the agriculture sector and farmers, do read Gramophone’s articles daily. If you liked today’s information then don’t forget to share.


Cold may break all records in the new year, know the weather forecast of your area

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Between January 1 and January 6, two consecutive western disturbances will come on the mountains. There will be snowfall once again on the mountains from the night of January 1 to January 6. Heavy snowfall is expected between January 3 and 6. Cold winds will blow in half the country due to which the temperature will fall very fast and there will be severe cold. There is a possibility of rain in many districts of Tamil Nadu. From January 2, the effect of Western Disturbance in North India may cause a slight increase in minimum temperature.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Symptoms and control measures of pod borer caterpillars in pea crops

Symptoms and control measures of pod borer caterpillars in pea crops

Symptoms of fruit borer damage: Fruit borer caterpillars feed on leaves at an early stage and at the flowering and pod stage they bore into developing pods and feed on seeds, with the head usually inside the pod and most of the body on the outside.

Control measures: For control of this Insect, spray Tusk (Malathion 50.00% EC) @ 600 ml + Silicomaxx Gold @ 50 ml per acre @ 150 to 200 litres of water.

For such important information related to the agriculture sector and farmers, do read Gramophone’s articles daily. If you liked today’s information then don’t forget to share.


Symptoms and control measures of late blight in potato crops!

Symptoms and control measures of late blight in potato crops

Symptoms of damage: Small water-soaked brown spots develop on the tips and margins of the leaves. And a white cotton-like growth of fungus appears around the spots. Under favourable weather conditions like low temperature, and high humidity, the disease spreads rapidly and the whole crop may be destroyed and blighted within 10-14 days.

Control measures: For the control of this disease, Spray NovaCrust (Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% SC) @ 300 ml or Carmanova (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP) @ 700 gm + Novamaxx (Gibberellic Acid 0.001 % L) 300 ml + Silicomaxx gold 50ml per acre @ 150 to 200 litres of water.

For such important information related to the agriculture sector and farmers, do read Gramophone’s articles daily. If you liked today’s information then don’t forget to share.


Nutrient management in garlic crops at the 50-55 days old stage!

Nutrient management in garlic crops at the 50-55 days old stage

Garlic crop is now 50-55 days old, at this stage, for good Clove development, Boron 1 kg + Calcium Nitrate 10 kg + MOP 20 kg, mix all together and broadcast evenly one acre and do light irrigation.

Advantages of use

Boron: Increases resistance to fungal diseases. Garlic bulbs have good shine and colour.

Calcium nitrate: Increases the size of the tuber, and better quality yield is obtained. Garlic bulbs become solid, which increases their storage capacity.

Potassium: Potassium plays an important role in the transport of sugar synthesized in the plant to all parts of the plant. Potassium promotes the efficiency of natural nitrogen. Increases immunity in plants. Potassium increases yield.

For such important information related to the agriculture sector and farmers, do read Gramophone’s articles daily. If you liked today’s information then don’t forget to share.


Rain is expected in most states in the next few days, see weather forecast

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Clouds have covered many districts of Rajasthan including some parts of Gujarat. From December 27, rain activities will be seen in many districts of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra. On December 28, rain activities will also reach eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh. Rain will continue in South India as well. Heavy snowfall is expected in the mountains once again during the next two days.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Field preparation and nutrient management for okra crop

Watermelon and Muskmelon field preparation
  • For okra crops, friable, well-drained sandy loam soil having a pH range of 6.0-6.8 is most suitable.

  • It has good seed germination and root development in soil rich in organic matter.

  • After harvesting the previous crop, do one ploughing with soil turning plough.

  • Thereafter, apply FYM 8 to 10 Tonne  + Speed Kompost 4 kg + Combat (Trichoderma viride 1.0 % WP) @ 2 kg, per acre evenly in the field.

  • And do 2-3 ploughing with the help of a harrow. If there is less moisture in the soil, first do the Irrigation, then prepare the field and in the end make the field level by the leveller.

  • After field preparation, sow the seeds at the recommended spacing.

  • Keep the distance of plant to plant and row to row 30 x 30 cm. For one acre area, 1.5-2.2 kg seed is sufficient.

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From today, there will be rain in many states including MP, Rajasthan, see weather forecast

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A new Western Disturbance is coming on the mountains. Snowfall will start on the mountains from tomorrow, 27 December. Today, rain is likely to start in East Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. From tomorrow, 27 December, rain is also expected to start in Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh. Rain will also reach Bihar, Jharkhand, and Chhattisgarh. Rain activities will continue in South India.

Source: Skymet Weather

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