Criteria of Selection of Cotton Variety

Criteria of Selection of Cotton Variety:-

  • Resistance:- Most Cotton produced in India has been genetically engineered to have an insect control package.
  • Yield Stability:- Yield stability is the ability of a variety to perform well across various environments.
  • Maturity:- Maturity is an indication of how long it will take from planting until harvest for a variety. cotton variety maturity is often classified as early, medium, late or full season.
  • Fiber Quality:-The price a grower receives can be positively or negatively affected by fiber quality. fiber quality is fiber length, strength and uniformity are heavily influenced by genetics and to a much lesser extent by environment.
  • Available Water:- When selecting a variety, it should be kept in mind that we have the water system and how we should like the kind of irrigated, semi-cultured and rain-based Variety.

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Nursery Bed Preparation of Cabbage

Nursery Bed Preparation of Cabbage:-

  • The cabbage seeds are sown in a seed bed and 4-6 week old seedlings are transplanting to the field.
  • Raised beds of size 3*0.6 m and 10-15 cm in height are prepared.
  • About 70 cm distances is kept between two beds to carry out intercultural operations such as watering, weeding, etc.
  • The surface of beds should be smooth and well leveled.
  • Well-decomposed FYM @2-3 kg/m is added at the time of bed preparation.
  • Raised beds are necessary to avoid problem of water logging in heavy soils.
  • To avoid mortality of seedlings due to damping off, drenching of the beds with Carbendazim 50% WP (15-20g/10 liters of water ) is effective.

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डीएपी के दाम कम होने की संभावना

डीएपी के दाम कम होने की संभावना:-

पिछले दिनों में डीएपी उर्वरक के दाम उछाल सब्सिडी नीति न्यूट्रीएंट बेस्ड योजना में फास्फेट पर अनुदान में लगभग 27% की वृद्धि करना पड़ी थी | हालांकि केंद्र ने पोटाश पर अनुदान में लगभग 10% की कमी कर दी | केंद्र शासन के उर्वरक विभाग नई उर्वरक अनुदान नीति के क्रियान्वयन के लिए गाईड लाईन्स जारी करते हुए यह भी स्पष्ट किया है कि बोरोन तथा जिंक कोटेड फास्फोटिक अथवा पोटेशिक उर्वरकों पर क्रमशः 300 रु. व 500 रु. प्रति टन की दर से अतिरिक्त सब्सिडी दी जाएगी| जिससे किसानों में इन सूक्ष्म तत्वों के उपयोग को भी बढ़ावा मिले| उर्वरक विभाग ने यह भी निर्देश दिए है कि इन उर्वरकों के निर्माता उर्वरक के बैग पर अनुदान राशि दर्शाते हुए एम आर पी आवश्यक रूप से प्रिंट करें| प्रिंटेड एम आर पी से अधिक दर पर उर्वरक बेचना दंडनीय अपराध होगा|

नीचे दिए गए बटन पर क्लिक करके अन्य किसानों के साथ साझा करें।


Field preparation for Soybean

Field preparation for Soybean:-

  • The field is ploughed to fine tilth by giving 3-4 ploughing with a sufficient interval between two ploughing.
  • Well decomposed FYM (15-20 tonnes/ha.) is thoroughly incorporated at the time of land preparation.
  • Application of organic Manure like neem cake and pouling manures improves the plant growth, quality and yield in Soybean and reduces requirement of fertilizer.

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Nutrient Management of Bitter Gourd

Nutrient Management of Bitter Gourd:-

  • Add FYM @ 30 tones/ha at the time of field preparation.
  • Application of 75 kg urea, 200 kg single super phosphate and  75 kg muriate of potash/ha at the time of final field preparation.
  • Apply another 75kg urea /ha in 2-3 split doses at the time of veining.
  • Total P & K and one third of nitrogen can be applied basally about 8-10 cm away from the seeds.
  • Nitrogen deficiency causes yellowing of vine and tillage and checks the vegetative growth.
  • Whereas the excess dose promote excess biomes accumulation which reduces fruiting and produce more number of male flower which is undesirable.
  • Deficiency of reduces plant height and area of foliage causing flower drop and checks the fruiting.

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Irrigation in Cauliflower

Irrigation in Cauliflower:-

  • Maintenance of proper soil moisture is necessary for harvesting good curds.
  • First irrigation is given just after transplanting of seedlings.
  • Subsequent irrigation is given at 8 to 10 days interval depending upon the season and soil condition.
  • For early and mid season cultivars irrigation depends upon intensity of the monsoon.
  • Furrow irrigation is more common method of irrigation under double row planting system.

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Germination before sowing in bitter gourd

Germination before sowing in bitter gourd:-

  • Bitter gourd seed have a hard seed coat; soak 2-3 Months old seeds overnight in cold water.
  • Seeds are then stored in moist cloth and kept for one or two days for germination.
  • Seeds immediately after germination are sown.
  • On raised furrow beds, seeds sown at a depth of 2 cm.

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Season of planting of Cauliflower

Season of planting of Cauliflower:-

  • The optimum time of seed sowing in the nursery varies greatly depending upon climatic condition, varieties and their temperature requirement for curd formation.
  • Early season varieties seeds are sown during May to June.
  • Mid season varieties seeds are sown during last week of June to July.
  • Mid late season varieties seeds are sown during August.
  • Late season varieties  seeds are sown during September to October.

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Field preparation of Cabbage:-

Field preparation of Cabbage:-

  • The field is ploughed to fine tilth by giving 3-4 ploughing with a sufficient interval between two ploughing.
  • Well decomposed FYM (15-20 tonnes/ha.) is thoroughly incorporated at the time of land preparation.


Nutrient Management in Coriander

Nutrient Management in Coriander:-

  • Apply 25 t/ha of FYM and 2 kg each of Azospirillum and PSB as basal.
  • 100 kg N, 50 kg P and 50 kg K/ha in two splits; half as basal and the balance for top dressing on 30 days after sowing.
  • Apply Magnesium sulphate at 50 kg/ha as basal dose.

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