How to increase the shine of potatoes!

How to increase the brightness of potatoes

It is most important to have shiny, clean, attractive skin of the potato, due to which the market price and demand are also high, potato skin infections like black scurf, powdery and common scab make the potato less attractive and storage capacity is also affected. Therefore, the right amount of nutrients can reduce the skin disorder of potatoes. And can increase the glow of the skin.

  • Calcium: Calcium plays an important role in improving the colour of potato skin. Calcium strengthens the outer layer of the tuber, making it resistant to many diseases including black scurf, silver scurf, powdery scab or common scab.

  • Sulphur: Sulphur helps in reducing the levels of common and powdery scabs. This problem can also be caused by the decrease in the pH of the soil. To prevent this, sulfur is used.

  • Boron: Boron improves the effectiveness of calcium. Boron helps to stabilize calcium in the cell wall and also increases the absorption of calcium.

  • Zinc: Zinc helps in reducing the infection of disease. Zinc is commonly used to protect against powdery scabs. The use of zinc is only effective for powdery scabs in soil applications.

  • Magnesium and manganese: Magnesium and manganese can reduce levels of common scabs.

  • Dose: To increase the shiny skin and tuber size of the potato, apply Calbor 5 kg + Zinc Sulphate 5 kg + Magnesium Sulphate 5 kg + Potash 20 kg, mix all these together evenly on a one-acre area and do light irrigation.

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Heavy rain will start again after 2 days, see the weather forecast of your area

know the weather forecast,

From the evening of January 10, the weather of Rajasthan will start changing and rain may start in many districts. On January 11 and 12, rain activities will reach Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. There is a possibility of rain in all these states and hailstorm may also occur at one or two places. During the next two days, cold winds blowing from north and northwest will bring down the temperature in half of India. Rainfall activity will also start in Tamil Nadu and Kerala from January 12. Dense fog will prevail in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Necessary spraying for pod borer caterpillar and more flowers in gram crop!

Necessary spraying for pod borer caterpillar and more flowers in gram crop

Pod borer: The young larvae of this pest eat all the parts except the veins of the leaves and also eat the flowers and pods in the stage of flowers and pods. In green pods, it empties the pods by making circular holes and eats the seeds. Due to this, there is a huge reduction in production.

Control measures: For higher flowering and pod borer control in chickpea crops, Spray Cosko (Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC) @ 50 ml or Celquin (Quinalphos 25% EC) @ 400 ml + Bave Curb (Bavaria bassiana 5% WP) @ 250 gm + Nutriful Maxx (Fulvic Acid Extract – 20% + Calcium, Magnesium & Potassium micronutrient content 5% + Amino Acids) @ 250 ml + SilicoMaxx Gold @ 50 ml @ 150 to 200 litres of water per acre.

Nutriful Maxx:

  • It increases flowering and enhances the colour and quality of fruits.

  • Increases resistance of plants against drought, frost etc.

  • Also enhances the transport of nutrients from the root.

For such important information related to the agriculture sector and farmers, do read Gramophone’s articles daily. If you liked today’s information then don’t forget to share it with friends.


Heavy rain likely on 11th and 12th January, know the weather forecast of your area

know the weather forecast,

Today, there is a possibility of light rain in some districts of Haryana and Punjab including Delhi. The weather will become clear from tomorrow, January 7, which will remain almost clear for the next 3 days. A sharp drop will be recorded in the minimum temperature and there is also a possibility of frost along with cold wave in some states of North India. The weather will change on 11th and 12th January. The weather of South India including eastern and north-eastern India is expected to remain clear.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Know how to save the crop from frost!

Know how to save the crop from frost!
  • The problem of frost usually occurs from December to mid-February.

  • Frost occurs when the temperature of the atmosphere reaches zero degrees centigrade while being less than 8 degrees centigrade.

  • Due to frost, the water present in the cell of the crop gets converted into ice, due to which the plant cells burst.

  • Due to this, the leaves get scorched and the process of photosynthesis gets affected, due to which the crop does not grow.

  • Due to the outbreak of frost in the stage of flower pod and ear, the flowers and fruits fall and the colour of the grain becomes black. Due to this, the yield is badly affected.

  • If this condition of frost persists for a long time, the plants may even die.

Measures to protect crops from frost

  • Irrigation of the fields is necessary – Irrigate the crop lightly in the morning. Irrigation increases the temperature by 0.5 – 2 degrees Celsius.

  • Wind barriers: – These barriers reduce the intensity of cold waves and protect the crops from damage. For this, such crops should be sown around the field, by which the wind can be stopped to some extent like maize should be sown in the gram field.

  • Smoke near the farm – In the evening, smoke by burning dry grass, straw and cow dung cakes. Although this process is not suitable from an environmental point of view, it also helps in preventing frost.

  • If possible, sprinkle water on the leaves of the crop.

  • Cover the plant:- Maximum loss of temperature occurs in the nursery. It is advisable to cover the plants in the nursery with a plastic sheet at night. By doing this, the temperature inside the plastic increases by 2-3 degrees Celsius.

Biological protection measures

  • When the frost is expected, take a spray of MonasCurb (Pseudomonas fluorescens 1.0 % WP) @ 500 gm @ 200 litres of water per acre.

Chemical protection measures

  • Spray Wokovit (Sulphur 80% WDG) @ 35 gm per 15 litres of water over the crops. Due to this, the temperature can increase by two to two and a half degree centigrade.

For such important information related to the agriculture sector and farmers, do read Gramophone’s articles daily. If you liked today’s information then don’t forget to share it with your friends.


Heavy snowfall in the mountains due to Western disturbance, chances of rain in many states

know the weather forecast,

Heavy snowfall is expected in the mountains during the next two days. Roads may get blocked at many places due to snowfall and there may be traffic jams. Due to the effect of Western Disturbance, there is a possibility of rain in many districts of Punjab, Haryana. Very light rain may occur in Delhi and Western Uttar Pradesh. Dense fog will prevail in the plains of Ganga. Many districts of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh will be affected by fog. After the Western Disturbance moves forward, the havoc of winter will increase in half of India from January 8.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Measures to prevent fungal diseases in wheat crops

Measures to prevent fungal diseases in wheat crops

At this stage in the wheat crop, there is a problem of fungal diseases like rust, which are of 3 types –

Brown Rust / Leaf Rust: Its one of the three major types of rust infections in wheat. Leaf rust attacks only the foliage. The fruiting bodies of the fungus are reddish-orange to reddish-brown on the surface of the leaves, covering almost the entire upper leaf surface. These rusts are smaller, circular or slightly elliptical as compared to stem rust and the fruiting bodies are not joined together.

Stripe rust / yellow rust: It appears early in the season because it prefers cool, moist weather. Yellow rust usually causes streaks on the leaves with yellow to orange-yellow fungal fruiting bodies, which also affect the leaf sheaths, necks, and ear sheaths.

Stem rust / black rust: The spots of stem rust are more elongated than those of yellow and brown rust. On both sides of the leaves, on the stems and spikes, there are spreading bodies of dark reddish brown mould. Which are usually separate and scattered rough. It is also called black rust. Because its spores turn black later.

Control measures: To control all these types of rust, apply Zerox (Propiconazole 25% EC) @ 200 gm or Godiwa Super (Azoxystrobin 18.2% + Difenoconazole 11.4% SC) @ 200 ml @ 150 to 200 litres of water per acre.

For such important information related to the agriculture sector and farmers, do read Gramophone’s articles daily. If you liked today’s information then don’t forget to share it with friends.


Know what is the reason for the yellowing of the wheat crop

Know what is the reason for the yellowing of the wheat crop
  • The yellowing of wheat crops occurs due to 3-4 reasons.

  • In the initial stage, there is yellowness in the lower leaves of wheat, it is due to the deficiency of Nitrogen.

  • One is a fungal disease, which is a soil and seed-borne disease, which sometimes rots the roots of plants due to excessive water logging or due to stagnation of water for a long time, which causes the plant to turn yellow.

  • At present, root aphids, termites and stem borer insects are being seen in most of the crops, this is also the main reason for yellowness in wheat crops.

Root aphid: Root Aphid pests are found more from the month of November to February. These are transparent insects which are yellowish brown in colour with very small and soft bodies. They are present near the base of the plants or on the roots of the plants and suck the sap of the plants. Due to the sucking of sap, the leaves turn yellow or mature prematurely and the plant dies.

Termite: A termite is a white-coloured insect, which lives by forming a colony. Termite infestation occurs immediately after sowing till maturity. These insects feed on the roots, stems and even the cellulose of dead plant tissues. Due to this the damaged plant turns yellow and dries up completely. White spikes emerge from damaged plants during flowering.

Stem borer: The pink larva of the stem borer penetrates the stem and causes dead heart symptoms.

Control measures

Urea: It is the biggest source of nitrogen supply in the crop. By its use, there is no problem with the yellowing and drying of leaves. Urea accelerates the process of photosynthesis. Must use @ 40 kg urea per acre.

Fungal diseases: To control, apply Combat @ 2 kg + Monas Curb @ 500 gm per acre, evenly broadcast with light irrigation.

Termite: To control this Insect, you can give Dhanvan 20 (Chlorpyriphos 20% EC) @ 1400 ml per acre with irrigation water.

Pink stem borer: To control this pest, Spray Celquin (Quinalphos 25% EC) @ 320 ml per acre @ 200 litres of water.

Root aphid: To control this pest, apply Thianova 25 (Thiamethoxam 25 % WG) @ 100 gm (finely) + Bave Curb @ 500 gm mixed with Urea per acre and apply light irrigation.


If you have done irrigation, then spray Media (Imidacloprid 17.80% SL) @ 60 to 70 ml + Silicomaxx Gold @ 50 ml + Novamaxx @ 300 ml per acre, 150 to 200 litres of water.

For such important information related to the agriculture sector and farmers, do read Gramophone’s articles daily. If you liked today’s information then don’t forget to share it with friends.


Heavy snowfall in the mountains and rain expected in many states

know the weather forecast,

Western Disturbance has created havoc in the mountains. Continuous snowfall is happening which will continue for the next several days. The cyclonic wind area formed due to its effect will affect the plains. There is a possibility of rain in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and Western Uttar Pradesh. Night temperatures will increase in North and Central India during the next two-three days. Cold winds will start blowing from January 8, which will cause a sharp drop in temperature. Cold wave will come in many places and there is also a possibility of frost.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Symptoms and control measures of early blight in potato crops!

Symptoms and control measures of early blight in potato crops

Symptoms of damage:

  • Symptoms of early blight appear on the stem, leaves and potato tubers.

  • Initial symptoms appear as small 1-2 mm black or brown lesions on leaves.

  • The lesions become larger under favourable environmental conditions. Lesions more significant than 10 mm in diameter often have deep rings. As the lesions progress, entire leaves become chlorotic.

  • Lesions on stems are often sunken. This may result in the death of the plant.

  • Severely infected leaves turn yellow and drop. Infected tubers show brown, corky dry rot.

Control measures:

  • For the control of this disease, Spray NovaCrust (Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% SC) @ 300 ml or Carmanova (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP) @ 700 gm + Novamaxx (Gibberellic Acid 0.001 % L) 300 ml + Silicomaxx gold 50ml per acre @ 150 to 200 litres of water.
