Co-operative Farming boost the income Of Farmers

Co-operative Farming boost the income Of Farmers:-

Cooperative farming refers to an organisation in which: each member-farmer remains the owner of his land individually. But farming is done jointly. Profit is distributed among the member-farmers in the ratio of land owned by them.Wages distributed among the member-farmers according to number of days they worked.

“Today, farmers buy at retail rate and sell (their produce) at wholesale rates. Can it be reversed?. If they buy (inputs) at wholesale rates and sell at retail price, then nobody can loot them, not even middlemen

Advantage :-

  • As the size of farm increases, the per hectare cost of using tube-well, tractor comes down.
  • Cooperatives also provide farmers with training on production and post-harvest handling, as well as education in literacy, business or marketing that can build their human capital
  •   Since cooperatives are based on values of democracy, equality and equity, they can play a particularly strong role in empowering women, especially in developing countries
  • Farmers in cooperatives have more bargaining power, lower transaction costs in getting loans, and better access to information.
  • By pooling all the small and marginal farms, members of cooperative farming can reap all the benefits of large-scale farming. While purchasing agricultural inputs like seeds, fertilizers etc. the society can purchase in bulk quantity and thus it costs less.
  • Big machineries like tractors, harvesting machines can now be purchased by the society and the agricultural operations can now be managed in a more scientific basis.

We are stronger as a group than an individual. Think in a cooperative and communal way, set up local food hubs and create growing communities.

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Today’s Gramophone Farmer

Name:- Manish Choudary

Village:- Selotiya

Distrct:- Indore

State:- Madhya Pradesh

Farmer Manish Ji is cultivating cauliflower under the guidance of Gramophone.



Control of Fruit Rot and Dieback in Chillies

Fruit Rot and Dieback in Chillies:-This disease is observed at the flowering stage of chilli growth. Flowers dry up resulting in profuse shedding. The flower stalk shrivels. This drying up spreads from the flower stalks to the stem, resulting in dieback of the branches and stem.

Control :- Better control of the disease sprayings with Thiophanate methyl 70 % WP @ 30 Gm/Pump or Hexaconazole 5% + Captan 70% WP @ 25 Gm/pump.The first spraying should be given just before flowering and the second at the time of fruit formation. Third spraying may be given a fortnight after second spraying.

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Yellow Mosaic Virus in Legumes crops

Yellow Moisac Virus:- Yellow mosaic virus mainly occurs in soybean, urad, mung and some other crops in kharif season. In the crops such as soybean and urad, there is considerable loss of disease outbreaks. It has a bad effect on the yield, this disease spreads throughout the farm in 4-5 days and the crop starts falling yellow, the main role in spreading disease is white fly.

The main reasons for the disease Sperading : –

  • This viral disease spreads through the sucking pest and white fly.
  • Seeds not treated properly. Lack of information and drought for a long time also help in spreading the virus.
  • Using over dose of pesticides, mixing the chemicals without proper information and spraying them.
  • Not adopting proper crop cycle by the farmers is the main reason.
  • Not proper sanitation in surrounging field.
  • The white fly sits the cell sap on the leaves of the plants and leaving the saliva the same, the disease outbreak increases.

Plant viruses can be difficult to detect as symptoms look similar to many nutrient deficiencies and vary depending on the age of the plant when infection occurs. Look for:

  • Yellow, white or green stripes/ streaks/ spots on foliage.
  • Wrinkled, curled or small leaves.
  • Pronounced yellowing only of veins.
  • Stunted growth and reduced yields.
  • Infected fruit appears mottled and develops raised “warty” areas

Prevention measures

Mechanical method: –

  • In early stages, remove the infected plants from the field and burn them.
  • To attract the white fly in the field, apply 5-6 yellow sticker trap per hectare.
    Apply the crop of lentils in the form of trap and trap.
  • Sown Marigold as a trap crop a round the field.

Biological Methods:-

  • In the initial stage spray neem oil @ 1-1.5 liters per acre with 200-250 liters of water.

Chemical Method:-

  • 4-5 foliar spray of Dimethoat 30 ml/pump or thaimathoxam 5 gm/pump or Acetamiprid 20% SP 15 gm/pump at 10 days interval.

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Today’s Farmer

Name:- Sachin Thakur

Village:- Dilawara

Distric:- Dhar

State:- Madhya Pradesh

Problem:- Caterpiller in Cabbage.

Solution:- Spray Emamectin Benzoate @ 15 Gm + Profenofas @ 30 Ml per pump.

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Suitable Climate for Pumpkin Production

Suitable Climate for Pumpkin Production:-

  • Bottle gourd is a subtropical vegetable and requires hot and humid climatic conditions for its fast growth and higher yield.
  • Sightly wet to semi dry ecological condition is suitable for this crop.
  • Night and Day temperature of 18-22 C and 30-35 C respectively is optimum for its proper growth and high fruit set.
  • The seed germination is fast at the temperature range of 25-30 C.
  • The crop grown at optimum temperature has higher proportion of female flowers and fruit per plant.

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Time of Transplanting of Chilli

Time of Transplanting of Chilli:-

  • Transplanting of chilli is done from July to September.
  • The month of August is best for transplanting of Chilli, then the month of September is good.
  • In August, plant growth and yield is high.

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Weed Management in Soybean

Weed Management in Soybean

  1. Mechanical Methods (Hand weeding and Hoeing):- Two hand weeding is necessary in soybean at a time of 20-25 Days and 40-45 days after sowing. According to the convenience, should be done by the Dora before 30 days of crop should be careful that the roots of plants do not suffer.
  2. Use of Chemical herbicides :-   Spray the recommended amount of herbicide in 700-800 liters of water.Use the Flat Fan or Flood Jet Nozzle in the Sprayer. Spray on moisture land.Use only one of the recommended weed chemicals for soybean cultivation. Use every year a diffrent herbicide.

Recommended Dose of Herbicide for Soybean:-


Time of Uses Chemical Name Quantity/Hactare
Before sowing 1 Fluchloralin 2.2 Litre
2 Trifluralin 2.0 Litre
After sowing 1 Metolachlor 2 Litre
2 Clomazone 2 Litre
3 Pendimethalin 3.25 Litre
4 Diclosulam 26 Gm
10-15 Days after sowing 1 Chlorimuron ethyl 36 Gm
15-20 Days after sowing 1 Imazathpyr 1 Litre
2 Quizalofop ethyl 1 Litre
3 Fenoxaprop ethyl 0.75 Litre
4 Propaquizafop 0.75 Litre


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Soybean Seed Treatment

Soybean Seed Treatment :-Treat the soybean seeds with carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5 WP  @ 250 gms per quintal of seed before sowing. or treat the seeds with Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 63% @ 250 gm per quintal of seed or Thiophanate methyl 45%+ Pyraclostrobin 5% FS @ 200 Ml/quintal of Seed. After that treatment treat the seed with Imidacloprid 30.5% SC @ 100 ml/ quintal of seed or Thiamethoxam 30% FS @ 250 Ml/ Quintal of seed  gets protection 30 Days from Sucking pest.

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Seed rate, sowing time and sowing method of Soybean

Seed rate, sowing time and sowing method of Soybean:-  

Seed Rate:- According to the size of the seeds of different varieties, the seed rate of normal germination capacity should be used as follows:- (1) Small grain size varieties 28 Kg/ Acre. (2) Medium grain size varieties 30-32 Kg/ Acre (3) Big grain size varieties 36 kg/ Acre.

Sowing time:- The best time of sowing is from the first week of June 20 to July, when the rainfall is approximately 3-4 inches, the sowing should start. Short duration varieties should be used in late sowing conditions.

Sowing Method:- Soybean sown should be done in line. Sown the seeds at a depth of 3 – 5 cm adopting a spacing of 45 x 5 cm.


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