Gram harvesting

Gram harvesting

  • When most of the pod is yellow, then gram must be harvested.
  • Moisture should be around 15 percent in gram.
  • When the plant gets dry and the leaves become red brown and the leaves begin to fall, then the crop is ready for harvesting.

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Thrips control in tomato

  • Plants infected with thrips develop spotted appearance on leaves which turn pale-white blotches due to drainage of sap. Due to thrips attack reduces production.
  • For effective control, spray Profenofos 3 Ml/litre of Water or fipronil 5% SC 3 ml/litre of Water or Thiamethoxam 0.5 Gm/litre of Water after every 10 days interval.

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Disadvantages of burning Sawdust/Chaff/Straw

  • Open burning chaff as a method of disposal is worrisome as a result of the associated air pollutants and their effects on air quality and public health.
  • This also adversely affects the nutrient budget and beneficial microorganism in the soil.
  • Burning creates severe air pollution on and off farms. People are affected by smoke and polluted air in farming areas and hundreds of kilometers away from farms.
  • lose of essential moisture in field, Continuous burning of rice straw will lead to severe degradation of the soil in farmers’ fields.
  • Straw burning releases CO2 — a greenhouse gas — that will aggravate global warming and climate change.
  • Risk of fires spreading out of control.

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Picking of Tomato

Picking depends upon the purpose for which they are used. Four maturity stages are generally identified.

  • Green stage: The mature green fruits are generally picked to send them to the distant market.
  • Pink Stage: At this stage, colour turns to pink or red at the blossom end. They are picked for local market.
  • Ripe stage: At this stage surface of most of the fruits is red and the softening of fruits begins.
  • Fully Ripe: At this stage, fruits have approached maximum colour development and are soft. Starch is charged into sugars. They are generally consumed or used for canning and processing.

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Control of Powdery Mildew of muskmelon

  • White to dirty gray spots or patches appear on leaves which become white powdery as they enlarge.
  • Fortnightly spray hexaconazole 5% SC @ 300 ml per acre or thiophanate methyl 70% WP @ 400 gm per acre.

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Downy mildew control in muskmelon

  • Water soaked lesions appear on undersurface of leaf lamina.
  • Angular spots appear on upper surface similar to water-soaked lesions.
  • Lesions appear first on the older leaves and progressively on the younger leaves.
  • As the lesions expand, they may remain yellow or become dry and brown.
  • Affected vines do not set fruit properly.
  • Plucking and destroy of affected leaves.
  • Spray with Mancozeb 75% WP @ 350-400 gm/acre or Chlorothalonil 75% WP @ 200-250 gm/ acre.
  • Crop rotation and sanitation reduces the severity of the disease.

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Seed rate in green gram (Moong)

  • For Kharif season, use seed rate of 8-9 kg/acre whereas for summer season used seed rate of 12-15 kg/acre.

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Maturity index of wheat

  • The crop is harvested when the grains become hard and the straw becomes yellow dry and brittle.
  • Cereals are harvested at about 15 percent of the moisture in the grain.
  • Wheat should be yellow at the time of wheat harvest.
  • Wheat harvesting is done at 110-130 days after sowing.

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Maturity signs of watermelon

  • Fruits are ready for harvest in 90 to 120 days from sowing.
  • Ripe fruits, when thumped with fingers, give out heavy dull sound, whereas the immature fruits give metallic sound.
  • The change from white to cream or pale yellow of the skin area where the melon has been resting on the soil.
  • Shriveling of tendrils on nodes to which melons are attached.
  • Slight ribbing on surface of fruit can indicate maturity in some varieties.

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How to improve flowering in muskmelon

  • We can promote flowering and takes high yield through given below products.
  • Spray Homobrassinolide 0.04% W/w 100-120 ml/acre.
  • Apply seaweed extract 180-200 ml/acre.
  • Use multi-Micro nutrients 300 Gm/acre.

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