Basal Dose of Fertilizer and Manure for Maize

Basal Dose of Fertilizer and Manure for Maize:-

  • Apply NPK fertilizers as per soil test recommendations.
  • Add a well composted FYM @ 10 tons per acre at the last ploughing.
  • Soil test recommendations are not available, Apply DAP 50 Kg and MOP 35 Kg per acre at sowing.
  • Basal application of fertilizer can be vary on soil, variety and other factors.

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Basal dose of fertilizers for Chilli

Basal dose of fertilizers for Chilli:-

  • Apply NPK fertilizers as per soil test recommendations.
  • If soil test recommendations are not availables, Apply DAP 100 Kg, Urea 50 Kg and MOP 50 Kg per Acre at before sowing.
  • Basal application of fertilizer can be vary on soil, variety and other factors.

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Manure and fertilizer dose for Soybean

Manure and fertilizer dose for Soybean:-

Soybean is a pulse and oilseed crop. There is less need of nitrogen. Giving more nitrogen can lead to unfruitfulness, therefore it has to pay special attention to nutrient management.

  • The quantity of Manure and fertilizers can be distinguished according to the soil test report, location and variety.
  • Add a well composted FYM to 10 tons per acre at the last ploughing.
  • By Soybean Research Centre recommended 20: 60: 20: 20 kg per hectare. Nitrogen: Phosphorus: Potash: Sulphur according to which approximately 50 kg DAP per acre, 10 kg single super phosphate and 30 kg potash as a basal dose and After 15 days of sowing, 8 kg per acre sulfur 90% WDG and 4 kg per acre (bio-fertilizer) should be broadcasting.
  • At the time of sowing it is very beneficial to treat Rhizobium culture with 5 grams per kg of seeds and PSB culture with 5 grams per kg seed.

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Management of Mosaic Virus Disease in Sponge Gourd

Management of Mosaic Virus Disease in Sponge Gourd:-


  • This viral disease is transmitted through sap and vector aphids, white fly and red pumpkin beetle.
  • In infected plants, the younger leaves unfold very late show complete chlorosis following by green vein banding.
  • The older leaves exhibit prominent dark green raised blisters. the malformed leaves assume a filiform shape.
  • Vegetable growth, flowering and productivity are also adversely affected. severely affected vines do not set fruit.


  • Adopt clean cultivation and remove alternate host particularly weeds.
  • Avoid relay cropping of susceptible crops.
  • Avoid cropping mosaic prone season and areas.
  • Spray Dimethoate 30% EC @ 30 Ml./pump at 10-15 days intervals. and add antibiotic chemical like streptomycin 2 gm/pump for better control.

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Management of Leaf reddening in Cotton

Management of Leaf Reddening in Cotton:-  

  • Adjustment of sowing time for enabling the crop to skip over the adverse environmental condition during boll development stage.
  • One or two sprays of urea (1 %) at appropriate times.  
  • Application of magnesium sulphate (0.5%).  
  • Adequate drainage to avoid waterlogging of the fields.
  • Leaf reddening incidence due to sucking pests may be overcome by spraying recommended insecticides.
  • Boll load management.
  • Supply of adequate nutrients during flowering and boll development particularly in hybrids.
  • Timely inter-culture and weeding operations and other agronomic practices.
  • Avoidance of susceptible cultivars.
  • Adequate irrigation if available.
  • Adoption of crop rotation and growing of intercrop to maintain the soil health and nutritional status.

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Basal dose of fertilizers for Cotton

Basal dose of fertilizers for Cotton:-

  • Apply NPK fertilizers as per soil test recommendations.
  • If soil test recommendations are not available, Apply DAP 65 Kg, Urea 50 Kg and MOP 50 Kg per Acre at before sowing.
  • if basal application could not be done. Apply on the 25th day after sowing.
  • Basal application of fertilizer can be vary on soil, variety and other factors.

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Bio-fungicide:- Trichoderma; Application and Benefits

Trichoderma is a very effective biological mean for plant disease management especially the soil born. It is a free-living fungus which is common in soil and root ecosystems.

Benefits of Trichoderma

Disease Control, Plant Growth Promoter, Biochemical Elicitors of Disease, Transgenic Plants and Bioremediation.

Method of application:

  1. Seed treatment: Mix 6 – 10 g of Trichoderma powder per Kg of seed before sowing.
  2. Nursery treatment: Apply 10 – 25 g of Trichoderma powder per 100 Sq.m. of nursery bed. Application of neem cake and FYM before treatment increases the efficacy.
  3. Cutting and seedling root dip: Mix 10g of Trichoderma powder per liter of water and dip the cuttings and seedlings for 10 minutes before planting.
  4. Soil treatment: Mix 1kg of Trichoderma formulation in 100 kg of farmyard manure and cover it for 7 days with polythene. Sprinkle the heap with water intermittently. Turn the mixture in every 3-4 days interval and then broadcast in the field.
  5. Plant Treatment: Drench the soil near stem region with 10 g Trichoderma powder mixed in a liter of water.

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Weed Management Of Maize

Weed Management Of Maize:-

  • Apply Atrazine @ 0.25 kg/ha as pre-emergence on 3-5 DAS using Backpack/ Knapsack/ Rocker sprayer fitted with a flat fan nozzle using 500 litres of water/ha followed by one hand weeding on 30-35 DAS. (or)
  • Apply Atrazine @ 0.25 kg/ha as pre-emergence on 3-5 DAS followed by 2,4-D @ 1 kg/ha on 20-25 DAS, using Backpack/Knapsack/Rocker sprayer fitted with a flat fan nozzle using 500 litres of water/ha.
  • Apply herbicide when there is sufficient moisture in the soil.
  • Do not disturb the soil after herbicide application.
  • If pulse crop is to be raised as intercrop, do not use Atrazine. Spray Pendimethalin @0.75 kg/ha as pre emergence on 3-5 DAS.

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Disease Free Nursery Raising For Marigold

Disease Free Nursery Raising For Marigold:-

  • Healthy seed should be selected for sowing.
  • The seed should be treated with recommended fungicide before sowing.
  • Continuous raising of nursery in the same plot should be avoided.
  • The top soil of nursery should be treated with carbendazim @ 5 gm/square m. are of the soil  and nursery should be drenched with carbendazim @ 2gm/litre of water at fortnightly interval.
  • Application of bio-control agent trichoderma viride in soil @ 1.2 kg/ha is also found effective to control damping-off to considerable extent.

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