Root knot nematode of coriander

  • Infected roots are formed by nodules and indeterminate shape.
  • For its control-Select healthy and disease-free seeds.
  • Clean the machines and tools being used in the field.
  • Properly manage the weed in the coriander crop.
  • Before sowing the coriander, plough the farm deeper and leave the farm open in summer.
  • When the infection occurs on the plant, then apply biological control of Paecilomyces lilacinus @ 2-4 kg per acre from drip irrigation.

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Harvesting of muskmelon

  • Depending on the variety and agro-climate, melon will be ready to peak fruit in about 110 days.
  • The phase of maturity is usually identified with the outer colour change of the fruit, and if the peel becomes soft, Ripe fruit is easily removed from the vine.
  • The melon is harvested by hand.

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Importance of mulching in tomato

  • Plastic Mulching protects against insects, diseases and weeds in tomato crop.
  • Weed control is controlled by black polyethene and also prevents soil erosion from air,  rain and irrigation.
  • Transparent polyethene is used to control soil borne diseases and maintain the moisture conservation.

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Cutting in makkhan grass

  • First cutting will be depending upon the growth 50-60 cm height Or 50 to 60 days after sowing.
  • Further cutting will be at 25 to 30 days interval depending on growth.

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Harvesting in moong

  • The crop should be harvested when 80-85% of pods have matured.
  • Paraquat @ 800 ml/acre can be sprayed using 150-200 litres of water for drying of crop foliage for combine harvesting of the crop.
  • Harvesting process complete with the help of the sickle.
  • During moong harvesting process do not uproot the plants.

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Use of Makkhan grass

  • Makkhan grass is highly nutritional crop and they can be harvested many times.
  • By feeding makkhan grass to milch animals, milk production improves, and milk is also improved in solid forming of milk such as butter.
  • Makkhan grass is highly juicy and more delicious grass.

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Importance of PSB in Cowpea

  • PSB also increase the number of leaves and branching of cowpea plant.
  • PSB always promote green pod yield on cowpea plant.
  • Encourage faster root growth for water and nutrient uptake.
  • Increase resistance towards diseases and drought tolerance due to rapid cell development in the plants.
  • Reduce 25 – 30% phosphatic fertilizer requirement.

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Soil selection for sorghum

  • Soil should be water-bearing capacity, which is best suited for the cultivation of Sorghum.
  • Sorghum can be successfully grown on loam or sandy loam soil.

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Management of melon worm in watermelon

  • Caterpillars feed on leaves and flowers.
  • Sometimes they bore into the developing fruit.
  • Before planting watermelon for effective control, cultivate deep in the field and destroy the cocoon of insect.
  • Determine the time of sowing, according to the number of this pest which is less heat during the summer season.
  • Properly manage the weeds.
  • Spray cypermethrin 10% EC @ 350-500 ml/acre.
  • Or spray Fipronil 5% SC @ 250-300 ml/acre

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Control of anthracnose in cowpea

  • Leaves, stems and pods of cowpea are susceptible to infection.
  • Small reddish-brown, slightly sunken spots form on the pods and rapidly develop into large, dark-sunken lesion.
  • In moist weather, masses of pink spores develop on these lessons.
  • Infection of the leaves causes blacking along the veins particularly on the under surface.
  • Use disease free certified seed.
  • Do not grow cowpea for at least two years in the same land that has carried on infected crop.
  • Remove and destroy the disease infected cowpea plants to check the spread of disease.
  • Treat the seeds with carboxin 37.5 +thiram 37.5% @ 2.5 gm / kg seed.
  • Weekly spray with mancozeb 75% WP@ 400-600/acre.

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