This spraying management is necessary for onion nursery

This spraying management is necessary for onion nursery
  • It is very important to carry out spray management within seven days of sowing in an onion nursery.

  • This spraying is done for the control of fungal diseases and pests and for nutritional management.

  • Spraying at this time gives a good start to the onion nursery.

  • For fungal diseases, spray Carmanova (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP) @ 30 gm/pump.

  • For pest management spray ThiaNova (Thiamethoxam 25% WG) @10 gm/pump.

  • For nutrition management (MaxRoot) spray Humic Acid @ 10 gm/pump.

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Prepare beds for onion nursery like this

Prepare beds for onion nursery like this
  • To prepare the field for nursery beds, deep plowing should be done with moldboard plow and soil clods should be broken 2-3 times with cultivator.

  • Before preparing the nursery bed, previous crop residues, weeds and stones should be removed.

  • The nursery area should be prepared near a water source for easy irrigation.

  • Approximately 0.05 hectare nursery area is required for planting in one-hectare field.

  • At the time of last ploughing, mix 500 kg of well-decomposed cowdung manure (FYM) and 1.25 kg of Trichoderma viride and mix it well in the soil.

  • The bed should be prepared in the east and west direction and the line on the bed should be made from north to south.

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Prepare the field for garlic crop like this

Prepare the field for garlic crop like this

For the cultivation of garlic, loose soil with good drainage, which has a high amount of organic carbon and whose pH level is 6-7 is considered ideal. Highly acidic and heavy soil is not suitable for this crop. The optimum time for sowing garlic is from September to October.

To prepare the field, after harvesting the previous crop, do one ploughing in the field with the help of a soil-turning plough and 2-3 ploughing with the help of a harrow. If there is less moisture in the soil then first do plowing, then prepare the field and finally make the field level by leveling it. Keep the distance between plant-to-plant and row-to-row 10 to 15 centimetres. Keep the seed rate at the rate of 5-6 quintals/hectare.

For fertilizer and other nutrient management Urea- 20 kg + SSP- 50 kg + DAP- 30 kg + MOP- 40 kg + Seaweed, Amino, Humic (Tri-Coat Max) 4 kg + NPK Consortia (TB3) 3 kg + Zinc Solubilizing Bacteria (Taba G) 4 Kg +(Fipnova Gr) FIPRONIL 0.6% GR @ 4 Kg + Micro Nutrient Mixture (Agromin) 5 Kg + Magnesium Sulphate 5 Kg per acre.

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Symptoms and Prevention of Wilt Disease in Guava

Symptoms and Prevention of Wilt Disease in Guava
  • In wilt disease, the leaves turn light yellow while the leaves of the top branches become curved and twisted. In the later stage, the yellowed leaves discolour and fall prematurely. The plant fails to produce new leaves or flowers causing some of the twigs to bare and eventually dry up. Proper sanitation in the garden can keep the disease at bay. The infected trees should be uprooted.

  • For the prevention of this disease, Trichoderma viride 5 -10 gm or Pseudomonas fluorescence 2.5 -5 gram per 5 kg of treated cow dung should be added per pitcher, while planting and 10 kg per pitcher on old plants.

  • Trichoderma viride 5 -10 grams or Pseudomonas fluorescence 2.5 -5 grams per litre of water and drench on the plant.

  • Make a basin around the guava plant and mix Carbendazim 45% WP @ 2 gram/litre of water or Copper oxychloride 50% WP @ 2.5 gram/litre of water and drench it in the basin.

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Spider Mites attack will increase in maize crop, know the preventive measures

Spider Mites attack will increase in maize crop
  • Spider mites infestations can occur at all stages of the maize crop. Spiders damage the crop by sucking the juice from the leaves.

  • This causes premature drying of maize leaves and results in the destruction of leaf tissue, breakage of stalks and shrivelling of grains.

  • Damaged leaves become somewhat yellow and sticky on the upper surface and brown due to webbing on the lower surface.

  • Use Omite (Propargite 57% EC) 400 ml/acre to control Spider Mites in maize crops.

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Prepare the field like this before sowing in pea farming

Prepare the field like this before sowing in pea farming

Pea farmers should start preparing the field for the sowing of pea seeds 10 days before sowing.

For preparation, mix the following manure and fertilizers and mix them in the soil.

  • Manure – Apply 4 tons of cow dung manure + 4 kg composting bacteria (speed compost) per acre of soil.

  • Fertilizer and Other Nutrients – SSP Granular with Boron – 150 kg + Urea 35 kg + MOP 10 kg + Consortia of PK Bacteria (Pro Combi Max) @1 kg + Rhizobium (Bio Vatika R) @1 kg + Trichoderma viridi (Rhizocare) @ 500 gm + Sea Algae, Amino, Humic (Tri-Coat Maxx) @ 4 kg + Magnesium Sulphate 5 kg per acre.

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There are many benefits of treating seeds before sowing

There are many benefits of treating seeds before sowing
  • Seed treatment is important to protect seeds and seedlings from diseases and pest pressure during planting. There are hundreds of pathogens and insects that can damage or even kill seeds or seedlings before they develop.

  • It can negatively impact crop progress throughout the growing season and have a significant impact on yield results at harvest time. It is effective in preventing the spread of both systemic and non-systemic plant diseases.

  • Effective in preventing the spread of both systemic and non-systemic plant diseases. Protects seeds from seed rot and plant blight. Once the seed is planted, the protective coating around the seed acts as a barrier against seed-borne and soil-borne organisms.

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FIR method of seed treatment is very beneficial for crops

FIR method of seed treatment is very beneficial for crops

Seed treatment with fungicides, insecticides and Rhizobium is recommended to boost productivity. The recommended fungicides- Insecticides-Rhizobium (FIR) sequence for seed treatment should be followed. Seed treatment with fungicide is important for limiting the incidence of seed-borne and soil-borne diseases, like management of wilt and root rot diseases, For management of insects in soils, treat the seed with insecticide.

Seed treatment with Rhizobium strains is recommended for better root nodulation. After seed treatment, allow the seeds to dry in the shade before sowing. Avoid drying of treated seeds in direct sunlight. Preferably, seed treatment should be performed during the evening and sowing should be done during morning hours.

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Three methods of sowing onion, know which method is best?

Three methods of sowing onion know which method is best?

At present many farmers are planning to cultivate onion. Do you know that sowing work in onion cultivation can be done in three ways? Let us know the main information about these three methods one by one.

  • Direct sowing of seeds: This method of onion sowing is used in sandy soil. In this method, the soil is prepared properly and the seeds are left in the field. In this method, the quantity of seeds is kept at 4-5 kg per acre.

  • Planting onions from nodes: In this method of sowing, onions are prepared by sprouting them in advance. Small onion bulbs are planted. Onions are planted at the rate of 4-5 quintals per acre.

  • Preparing seedlings from seeds and planting them in the field: This is the most commonly adopted method of onion cultivation. Through this, onion seeds are first sown in the nursery and then its seedlings are planted in the main field.

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Root rot and damping off of cowpea crop

Root rot and damping off of cowpea crop
  • Due to the outbreak of diseases, the seedlings remain small and some of these seedlings rot in the hypocotyl region and spread downwards.

  • Due to this, the roots also start rotting and the plants start drying up.

  • Brown-black sunken lesions appear on the lower stems of mature plants, and small black sclerotia accumulate in the roots.

  • Due to this, sometimes the girdle of the stem may break longitudinally.

  • To avoid its outbreak, adopt crop rotation with non-host crops for 2-3 years.

  • Seed treatment with Treating seeds with Carmanova (Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 64%) @ 3 gm/ kg seeds before sowing.

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