Measures to keep the newborn calf and heifer of animals healthy

Measures to keep the newborn calf heifer of animals healthy
  • Today’s heifers are tomorrow’s milch animals, so proper calf rearing and management are the basis of the success of any dairy development.

  • Immediately after the birth of a calf/heifer, their nose and mouth should be cleaned.

  • Gently massage the chest of the newborn so that he can breathe easily.

  • Put two fingers inside the mouth and keep them on the tongue, which will help the newborn to start drinking milk.

  • New born calf/heifer should be kept in a safe environment.

  • Within half an hour of birth, feed the newborn with their mother milk 

  • mothers first milk is an invaluable gift of nature for newborn animals, it contains 4-5 times more protein than whole milk, 10 times vitamin A and a sufficient amount of minerals which increases immunity in the newborn.

  • anthelmintic should be given during the third week, and then at the age of third and sixth months.

  • From the second week onwards, the newborn should be fed with good quality dry grass and baby food.

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Sample Collection Method for Soil Testing

Sample Collection Method for Soil Testing

The most important thing for soil testing is to collect the right soil sample. For sampling, note that before sampling, the growth of the crop taken in the field has been the same, and the same fertilizers have been used in them.

Sample Collection Method-

  • Make a mark at 10-15 places by moving in a zig-zag manner in the field where the sample is to be taken so that all parts of the field can be included in it.

  • Remove grass, straw, garbage etc. from the upper surface at the selected places.

  • In all these places dig the pit 15 cm (6-9 inch) deep “V” shape. After cleaning the pit, 2 cm from top to bottom on one side with the hoof, Take out the layer of thick soil and put it in a clean bucket or tray.

  • Mix the entire soil collected by hand and make a round heap by putting it on a clean cloth. Divide the pile made into four equal parts and remove two piles. Now mix the soil of the remaining two heaps well again and make round heaps. Repeat this process until 500 grams of soil are left.

  • Place the dry soil sample in a clean plastic bag and put it in a cloth bag. Tie a notice sheet with the sample on which all the information is written inside a plastic bag and outside a cloth bag.

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Weed Management in Moong Crop

Weed Management in Moong Crop

If weed control is not done at the right time in moong crops then the yield of the crop can decrease by 40-60%. It is necessary to keep the crops free from weeds between 15 to 45 days after sowing in the initial stage of the crop. Normally two weedings should be done, first within 15-20 days and second within 30-35 days so that weeds can be controlled.

For chemical management of weeds, spray Cleen Super (Pendimethalin 38.7%.CS) @ 700 ml per acre mixed with 150 – 200 litres of clean water within 72 hours of sowing.

In the standing crop of moong, when weeds like wild Amaranthus viridis, Euphorbia Spp. are at 2-3 leaf stage, then spray WeedBlock (Imazethapyr 10% SL+Surfactant) @ 300 ml per acre 10-15 days after sowing.

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Know how to protect garlic crop from black mold during storage

Know how to protect garlic crop from black mold during storage

Black mold is the most important post-harvest disease in the summer season. This disease is common wherever onion and garlic are stored.


Black mold is commonly seen in the maturity stage of garlic. The symptoms of this disease appear in the form of black powder between the garlic buds and on the nodes. Due to this, the price of garlic starts decreasing in the market. Also, the storage of affected bales cannot be kept for a long time.


  • Before storing garlic, clean and dry the cloves thoroughly.

  • Keep only well-matured, firm and healthy tubers for storage.

  • The place of storage should be moisture free and well-ventilated.

  • Tubers should not be piled in the storage area. Apart from this, tie the tubers in bunches with leaves and hang them on the ropes. Also, keep it filled in bamboo baskets.

  • Rotten tubers should be removed from time to time.

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How to manage crop residue after harvest

How to manage crop residue after harvest

Instead of burning the crop residues, after ploughing these crop residues with the help of a rotavator, apply water, due to which the crop residues mix with the soil. Mixing crop residues in the field gives many benefits along with increasing the fertility of the land.

Benefits of mixing crop residues in the field

  • Farmers can take advantage of organic farming by mixing crop residues in the field with the help of rotavator.

  • Biodiversity is maintained by mixing crop residues in the field itself. The beneficial insects present in the ground eat and destroy the harmful insects. The amount of organic matter in the soil increases, due to which crop production is more.

  • By mixing the residues of pulse crops in the soil, the amount of nitrogen increases, which also increases crop production.

  • Instead of burning the crop residue, the farmers will make fodder for their animals by keeping it as straw, on the one hand, they can also increase their income by selling the extra straw.

How to manage crop residue

  • Crop residues can be collected for animal feed or industrial management.

  • Paddy straw can be used for animal feed by treating it with urea/calcium hydroxide.

  • In the field with the help of straw belling machines, crop residues can be made into blocks and stored in less space, which can be used as animal feed.

  • By running a reaper machine on wheat straw we can make chaff.

  • The use of crop residues is also helpful in mushroom cultivation.

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Symptoms of major pests in citrus crop

Symptoms of major pests in citrus crop

Citrus Psylla: Both adults and nymphs of this insect suck the sap from buds, leaves, and soft parts of branches and inject poisonous substances into them. Nymphs excrete a white crystalline substance, on which black sooty mold may develop, which reduces the photosynthetic area of ​​plants. In heavy infestation, the leaves become deformed and curl upwards. Also, this insect becomes a vector for spreading citrus greening disease.

Management: To control pests as soon as an infestation is visible, spray Thianova 25 (Thiamethoxam 25 %WG) @ 40 gm per acre or Media (Imidacloprid 17.80 % SL) @ 20 ml per acre 

Citrus Leaf Miner: This pest causes damage to both the nursery and the orchid. insect attacks the tender leaves and eats the leaves by making spiral lines on the leaves. Affected leaves become discoloured light yellow and fall down. The infestation of this pest promotes the development of citrus canker disease.

Management: All the affected parts of the plants should be pruned to control this pest. In case of an increase in infestation spray Media (Imidacloprid 17.80 % SL) @ 20 ml or Profenova Super (Profenofos 40 % + Cypermethrin 4 % EC) @ 2 ml per litre of water.

Aphids: Nymphs and adults suck the sap from the tender leaves and branches. Affected leaves turn yellow, dry, deformed, and dry up. Plant growth stops. Sooty mold is produced on the honeydew excreted by the aphid. If the infection occurs at the time of flowering, it results in less fruit set. Also, it plays the role of a vector for citrus tristeza virus.

Management: To control it as soon as the infestation appears spray, Tafgor (Dimethoate 30% EC) @ 594 ml per acre or Media (Imidacloprid 17.80 % SL) @ 20 ml/ acre. 

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Know the method of making silage for animals

Know the method of making silage for animals

For making silage, the pit should be 6 feet deep and 5 feet wide. A silage pit which is 10 feet in length, 5 feet in width and 6 feet in depth can accommodate about 45 quintals of green fodder. The place where the pit should be made should be high and sloping so that rainwater does not enter inside. The walls of the pit should be absolutely straight, and flat and the corners should be round. The walls and floor of the raw pit should be well plastered with soil before filling the fodder so that there is no way for air to enter from it. Silage can get moldy if air enters it. Before filling green fodder, lay straw, chaff or straw in the pit. Put chaff or straw between the wall and the fodder so that the fodder and the wall do not remain in direct contact. Fill the fodder little by little in the pit by pressing it with the feet so that no air remains between the fodder. The pit should be 2-3 feet high from the ground. To close the mouth of the pit, cover it with a plastic sheet and press its edges well with soil so that air cannot enter inside the sheet. Silage is ready in about two months.

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Precautions to be taken while digging in garlic crop

Precautions to be taken while digging in garlic crop

Garlic crops get fully ripe in 130 to 180 days. When the crop is fully matured, the leaves of the crop start turning yellow and dry up and fall down. Along with this, due to the weakening of the hold of the plants around the tuber, the ripening of the crop can also be predicted.

Keep these things in mind while digging garlic

  • Irrigation should be stopped completely at the stage of maturity and digging should be started after a few days.

  • If the hold of the garlic crop on the soil is weak, it can be dug by hand or by using a spade.

  • While digging with a hoe, do not let the tip of the spade touch the root.

  • Allow the garlic to dry in the field along with the leaves.

  • Keep it in the sun according to the moisture present in the garlic. Too much moisture or too much sunlight can spoil the crop.

  • For longer storage, cut garlic with 2 to 3 cm of the stalk.

  • When adequate storage facilities are available, keep garlic in bundles with leaves.

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Method of seed treatment in green gram crop

Method of seed treatment in moong crop

Seed treatment in moong crops can easily control seed-borne and soil-borne diseases and also increase the germination of the crop. Seed treatment is usually done in 3 ways, which we call the ‘FIR’ method.

Fungicide: The first fungicide used in seed treatment. It is used for the prevention of fungal diseases in the ground or at the time of seed germination.

For seed treatment with fungicide, use Carmanova (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63 % WP) @ 2.5 gm per kg of seed.

Insecticide: It should be used after fungicide. Seed treatment with insecticide helps in the prevention of insects found inside the ground or sucking insects like aphids or white flies which are found in the initial stage of the crop.

For seed treatment with insecticide, use Thianova Super (Thiamethoxam 30% FS) @ 4-5 ml per kg of seed.

Rhizobium: It should be used after insecticide. Rhizobium It is a bacterium, which lives as a symbiotic in the roots of moong plants, and forms nodules in the roots of plants, due to which atmospheric nitrogen is easily available in the soil, which can be used by the plant at any stage.

For seed treatment with Rhizobium, use Jaiv Vatika (Rhizobium) @ 5 grams per kg of seed.

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Pinching in watermelon and muskmelon crop

Pinching in watermelon and muskmelon crop
  • Pinching is an important process to get a good quality yield in watermelon and muskmelon crops. 

  • To prevent the overgrowth of vines and for the good development of fruits, the process of pinching is done in the vines.

  • In this process, when the vine bears enough fruits, the tops of the vines are plucked, as a result, the vegetative growth of the vines stops.

  • By stopping the growth of the vines, the size and quality of the fruits are improved.

  • If there is more fruit on a vine, then remove the small and weak fruits so that the main fruit gets better.

  • By removing unnecessary branches, watermelon and muskmelon fruits get complete nutrition and they grow quickly.
