How to protect crops from Locust attack

  • The locust party lumps the crops within a few hours, as well as eliminates all the greenery of the tree on which it sits. Therefore, upon seeing the locust party without delay, immediately inform the administration.
  • To remove or drive them out of the area, they should be blown away by blowing sound equipment.
  • Make a fire in your fields, bursting firecrackers, noising thali, drums, can also make a loud sound by removing the tractor’s silencer.
  • If you see a bunch of locusts sitting in your fields in the evening, then cultivate the field at night. Apart from this, run the pillar behind the cultivator, iron pipe, or any other similar item through the dam. By doing this, the land behind will be flat again and the locust will die by pressing into it.
  • The places where the locusts lay eggs can be destroyed by digging or by filling water or plowing. Or Malathion 5% powder should be burnt at @ 10 kg per acre.
  • Nymphs of locust coming out of the eggs are not able to move in the first and second stages, so they should be destroyed. In the third stage, they start walking in the herd, so dig a trench about 2.5 feet deep and 1 foot wide in the walking direction so that Nymphs of locust fall in it and then destroy it by pressing into the soil.
  • Locusts can be killed by spraying them with pesticides.
  • For locust control, Chlorpyrifos 20% EC @ 480 ml or Chlorpyrifos 50% EC @ 200 ml or Deltamethrin 2.8% EC @ 200 ml or Lambda-cyhalothrin 5% EC @ 160 ml or Lambda-cyhalothrin 10% WP @ 80 gm or Malathion 50% EC @ 740 ml pesticides can be used on these locusts @ 200 liters of water per acre. 

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