Storage of potatoes

  • Proper storage of your crop begins with a few cultivation practices prior to harvesting.
  • A weeks before of harvesting reduce the irrigation in crop. This will toughen up the skins on the potatoes.
  • Make sure you let the vines die all the way back before you dig up the crop.
  • Clean the potatoes after you dig them up and place in a cardboard box or open paper bags in a room that is 18°c and humidity up to 95 percent.
  • Remove any that have soft spots, green ends or open cuts.
  • Choose a dry room with a temperature of 2-4°C. Ideally, a refrigerator works well, but the crop may be too large (six to eight months) to store in your fridge.
  • When storing garden potatoes in temperatures above 4° C, they will only last three or four months.

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