Budget 2020 bought good news for the Agriculture sector…

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman, has presented her second union budget today. In this budget, the government had announced various changes for almost all sectors in the nation. While presenting the budget, the Finance Minister has announced 16 major points for farmers and the agricultural sector. The key highlight of these announcements are as follows-

  1. To boost agricultural exports in both international as well as domestic routes, the government had announced a Krishi Udaan scheme.
  2. The target for Agricultural credit has also been increased to Rs 15 lakh crore from Rs 12 lakh crore
  3. Rs 2.83 lakh crore has been allotted for FY21 for Agriculture and irrigation
  4. Rs 1.23 lakh crore is allotted for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj
  5. fodder farm and cold storage would be developed under NABARD Refinancing Scheme
  6. The government had announced to raise fish production to 200 lakh tonnes by 2022-23
  7. milk processing capacity is targeted to be doubled to 108 MT
  8. Government proposes measures to improve the situation in 100 water-stressed districts
  9. Government to set up 20 lakh to benefit farmers
  10. Separate Kisan Rails will be started in PPP mode for perishable goods
  11. The government will increase focus on One product for one district model for farmer’s welfare.
  12. Government to focus on Zero Budget farming
  13. e-NAM to be integrated with the financing of negotiable warehousing receipts
  14. Farm markets will be liberalized
  15. Farmers would be educated for Balanced use of fertilizers in the farmlands
  16. In a bid to liberalize agricultural markets, the govt plans handhold farmers

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