Pulse beetle management in gram

  • The population of Pulse beetle has been observed rapidly after 60 days of stored granular storage period.
  • Due to the initial loss due to transplantation of beetle in gram, 87.23% seed damage and 37.15% weight loss were observed within 120 days of storage.
  • In various oils and plant products tested, Neem and castor oil @ 6 ml/kg seed proved effective for four months of storage.
  • Coat the seed with small quantities of vegetable oil or mix neem leaves in the stored grain.
  • Dip jute bag in 10% Malathion solution.
  • use airtight storage structure.
  • Fumigation with aluminum phosphide protects the seed without affecting the viability.

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Storage of potatoes

  • Proper storage of your crop begins with a few cultivation practices prior to harvesting.
  • A weeks before of harvesting reduce the irrigation in crop. This will toughen up the skins on the potatoes.
  • Make sure you let the vines die all the way back before you dig up the crop.
  • Clean the potatoes after you dig them up and place in a cardboard box or open paper bags in a room that is 18°c and humidity up to 95 percent.
  • Remove any that have soft spots, green ends or open cuts.
  • Choose a dry room with a temperature of 2-4°C. Ideally, a refrigerator works well, but the crop may be too large (six to eight months) to store in your fridge.
  • When storing garden potatoes in temperatures above 4° C, they will only last three or four months.

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Storage technique in wheat

  • To maintain more power in the seed, the seed should be well dried before storage. In India, seed crops are subjected to drying in the sun for 3-4 days to safeguard the level of moisture.
  • Grains with less moisture content than 10% are well stocked.
  • After cleansing the grains, fill the grain in the bag and store it.
  • To avoid the mixture, always place seeds in the new bag.
  • Store quality grains.
  • Storage keep cool in summer.
  • Time to time check the grain.

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Storage technique for gram

  • With about 13 to 15 percent humidity, the harvesting of the crop decreases with fewer grains.
  • There is a big impact on the presence of chickpeas, e.g. colour.
  • Visual appearance is often important for its market value.
  • The harvest should be stored only by cleaning.
  • Regular monitoring of pulses in storage hygiene, wastewater cooling and storage is very important.
  • Take special care of moisture in the grain during storage.
  • The quantity of low moisture can be broken during the harvest and handling.
  • If the environment is not favorable, the breaking of grain is increasing so decrease the quality and life of the storage of seed and germination of seed.
  • Grain should be healthy so that the market will get good value in the crop market.

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Lesser grain borer control in wheat

  • Before storage, the grains should be properly dried.
  • The storehouses should be well ventilated and “pucca” cement concrete or brick made storehouses are recommended.
  • Maintenance of adequate free space (2-2 ft.) between stacks.
  • Stacks should be well separated from the wall and ceiling.
  • Time to time aeration of the storehouse reduces the moisture content and prevents the lesser grain borer growth.
  • Damp and wet bags should not be used for storing grains.
  • Grains should be frequently inspected at least once a month during dry season and once a fortnight during rainy season.
  • The damp and moist grains should be disposed off at earliest or should be removed from the store house to be dried in the sun.
  • Malathion spray @ 100 mg/square meter is a better choice.
  • Treating infested grain with dichlorvos @ 0.5 gm/square meter
  • Mix 10 gram of deltamethrin per liter of water spray in storage house.
  • Pesticides are poisons so it is essential to follow all safety precaution on labels.

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Storage of Wheat

Storage of Wheat: –

  • There should be no more than 10-12% moisture in the grain for safe storage.
  • Clean the storages and chambers before storage and spray Malathiyan 50% solution on the walls and floor at 3 liters per 100 square meters.
  • After placing the grain in the buffer, the closet or in the room, the aluminum phosphide should be kept at 3 grams 2 tables per tonne.

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Factors Affecting storage of Onion and Garlic

Factors Affecting Storage of Onion and Garlic :-

Selection of Varieties:- The storage capacity of all varieties is not uniform. The varieties of onion produced in kharif are not sustainable. In the Rabi season varieties of onion are usually stored for 4-5 months.It can be less or more according to the variety.Experiences of the last 10-15 years show that N-2-4-2, Agrifound Light Red, Arka Niketan etc. varieties can be stored well for 4-5 months. Garlic Variety G-1, G-2, G 50 and G-323 etc. can be stored for 6 to 8 months.

Fertilizer and Water Management:- The  quantity and type of fertilizer and water management effects on the storage of garlic and Onion. Apply FYM increase storage capacity. Therefore it is necessary to use more quantity of FYM or green manure. Recommended dose of Nitrogen @ 150 Kg, Phosphorus @ 50 Kg and Potash @ 50 Kg per hectare for Onion and Garlic Cultivation. If possible, all nitrogen dose should be given through organic fertilizers and should be given before 60 days after  transplantation. By giving late nitrogen, the stems (neck) of the plants become thick and the onion does not store and there is more outbreaks of fungal diseases, as well as sprouting. Potassium amount 50 Kg raised from 80 kg Per hectare should be given. For the use of ammonium sulphate, single super phosphate or potassium sulphate, the plants get adequate quantity of sulfur after transplantation.

Atmosphere of storage room:- Temperatures and relative humidity are important factors for the storage of onions and garlic for longer periods. More humidity (more than 70%) is the biggest enemy of onion storage.This increases the wrath of the fungus and the onion starts rotting. And when the humidity is low (more than 65%), the transpiration of onion is high and the weight decreases more.For good storage, the storage houses are 25-30 °C and humidity should be between 65-70 percent. In the months of May-June, due to high temperature and reduced humidity of the warehouses, weight loss is high. Moisture is more than 70 percent from July to September. This increases the rot. At the same time, in the October-November low temperature, the problem of sprouting increases.

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