Storage of potatoes

  • Proper storage of your crop begins with a few cultivation practices prior to harvesting.
  • A weeks before of harvesting reduce the irrigation in crop. This will toughen up the skins on the potatoes.
  • Make sure you let the vines die all the way back before you dig up the crop.
  • Clean the potatoes after you dig them up and place in a cardboard box or open paper bags in a room that is 18°c and humidity up to 95 percent.
  • Remove any that have soft spots, green ends or open cuts.
  • Choose a dry room with a temperature of 2-4°C. Ideally, a refrigerator works well, but the crop may be too large (six to eight months) to store in your fridge.
  • When storing garden potatoes in temperatures above 4° C, they will only last three or four months.

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Management of Early Blight in Potato

Management of early blight in Potato:-

  • Diseased plant parts should be destroyed properly, Avoid irrigation in cool cloudy weather and time irrigation to allow plants time to dry before nightfall.
  • Maintain good soil fertility and crop vigor, Harvest when skin is mature to avoid bruising and in turn infection of tubers.
  • Spray 2 gm Mancozeb 75 WP + 10 gm urea per litre of water at 15 days interval when symptoms start or Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 63% WP @ 50 Gm/15 litre water or Copper oxychloride 50% WP@ 50 Gm/ 15 litre water.

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Management of Leaf Roll Virus in Potato

  • The new leaves are also greatly reduced in size and wrinkled, are yellow between the veins
  • The disease is managed by using virus-free seed potatoes.
  • Multiplying virus-free seed in aphid free areas.
  • The population of aphid vectors is controlled by the application of suitable contact/systemic insecticides.
  • For effictive control of aphid, Spray Acetamiprid 20% SP @ 10 Gm/ 15 Litre water or Imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 10 Ml/15 Litre water.

How to control early blight of potato

  • Brown-black necrotic spot-angular, oval shape characterized by concentric rings on the upper leaf surface.
  • Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 63%@ 300 gm/acre. 
  • Thiophanate methyl 70% Wp @ 250 gm/acre. 
  • Chlorothrlonil 75% WP @ 250 gm/acre. 
  • Kasugamycin 5% + Copper Oxychloride 46% WP@ 300 gm/acre. 

Management of Leaf Roll Virus in Potato

Management of Leaf Roll Virus in Potato:-

  • The disease is managed by using virus-free seed potatoes.
  • Multiplying virus-free seed in aphid free areas.
  • Population of aphid vectors is controlled by application of suitable contact/systemic insecticides.
  • For effictive control of aphid, Spray Acetamiprid 20% SP @ 10 Gm/ 15 Litre water or Imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 10 Ml/15 Litre water.

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The critical stage of irrigation in Potato

  • Keeping a potato crop at optimum moisture levels for the duration of the season requires a high degree of management.
  • There are certain stages of growth where water management is more critical:
  • 1) Emergence Stage
  • 2) Tuber set Stage
  • 3) Bulking up Stage
  • 4) Final crop Stage
  • 5) Pre-harvest irrigation Stage.


Soil Preparation for Potato Cultivation

Soil Preparation for Potato Cultivation:-

  • A well pulverized seed bed is required for good tuberisation of potato crop.
  • Potato is taken as a Rabi Crop. Soon after the harvest of Kharif Crop, the field should be Ploughed once 20-25 cm. deep with soil turning plough.
  • Thereafter, two to three cross harrowing or four to five ploughings with local plough should be done.
  • One or two plankings are also needed to make the surface smooth and leveled.
  • Enough moisture is essential at the time of sowing.

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Critical stage of irrigation in Potato

  • Keeping a potato crop at optimum moisture levels for the duration of the season requires a high degree of management.
  • There are certain stages of growth where water management is more critical:
  • 1) Emergence Stage
  • 2) Tuber set Stage
  • 3) Bulking up Stage
  • 4) Final crop Stage
  • 5) Pre-harvest irrigation Stage.

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Field preparation of Potato crop

Fertilizer at the time of field preparation

  • SSP @ 80 kg/acre.
  • DAP @ 40 kg/acre.
  • Urea @ 20 Kg/acre.
  • Potash @ 50 kg/acre.

At the time of sowing

  • Sea weed @ 8 kg/ acre.
  • Sulphur 90 %WDG (Cosawet) 5 kg/acre.
  • Fipronil GR  (Fax Gr/Harina gr) @ 8 kg/acre.
  • Consertia of NPK Bacteria @ 3-4 kg/ acre.
  • ZnSB @ 4 kg/acre.


Seed treatment of Potato

Seed treatment of Potato:- Potato a tuberous crop that infects various fungal disease which spread through seed and soil, therefore seed treatment is very important in potato. Potato seed treatment should be done by Carboxin 37. 5% + Thiram 37. 5% @ 200 gm/ 6 litre water for 1 acre seed or Thiophanate Methyl 45% + Pyraclostrobin 5% FS @ 800 ml /16 litre water for 40 quintal seed

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