Amphan Cyclone may cause rain and hailstorm, farmers should take these precautions

Amphan Cyclone may cause rain and hailstorm, farmers should take these precautions

Cyclone Amphan, which rose from the Bay of Bengal, has taken a very formidable form on Monday. At a rapid speed of 195 kilometers per hour, the Cyclone will knock off the coast of West Bengal on the evening of 20 May. Apart from West Bengal, its impact can be seen in the areas of Odisha, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh.

Although the speed of the Cyclone reaching Madhya Pradesh will reduce to 35 to 40 km per hour, there will be a possibility of rain and hailstorm with strong winds. The Meteorological Department believes that this storm will knock over Madhya Pradesh in the next 24 hours.

However, rains and hailstorms with gusts of 35 to 40 km per hour can harm agriculture. Nowadays a huge amount of agricultural produce is reaching the market and procurement centers. Thousands of quintals of wheat are kept in open these days at procurement centers, which may damage. Along with the rains with strong wind, other vegetables including onions can also be damaged.

Farmers should take these precautions given the impact of cyclone

  • At the ripening stage of summer mung bean crop either Start harvesting immediately or for proper management of drainage, dig a one-foot deep drain nearby so that the water does not stay in the field for long and the land dries quickly.
  • After rain or as the first decomposer, spread 4 kg speed compost and 45 kg urea per acre in the field so that crop residue can rot quickly and increase soil fertility.
  • To protect against diseases when the sky is clear after the storm, where the moong/urad crop is in a green state, 30 gm Thiophanate methyl 70% WP or 250 ml azoxystrobin 11% + tebuconazole 18.3 SC or 300 gm Chlorothalonil 75 WP Mix in 200 liters of water and spray at the rate of one acre.
  • If the caterpillar appears, spray 100 ml lambda Cyhalothrin 4.6% + Chlorthanilyprol 9.3% ZC insecticide in 200 liters of water and spray it per acre.
  • After harvesting, do not keep the product in an open field, keep it in a splash, room, warehouse or any place where rainwater does not come and when the sky is clear, dry it in a strong sun so that the moisture does not spoil the moong/urad grains.
  • Properly manage the drainage in cotton and chilli nursery so that the water does not stay in the field for long.
  • When the sky is clear, use fungicides in cotton and chilli nursery. In which 30 grams of Thiophanate methyl 70% WP or 30 grams of Metalaxyl 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP is sprayed with 15 liters of water. And to avoid pest attack, spray 100 gm Thiamethoxam 25% WG or 100 g acetamiprid 20% SP per acre with 200 liters of water.
  • To manage the drainage well in the field of vegetables and to prevent disease, 300 gm Thiophinate Methyl 70% WP or 250 ml Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3 SC or 300 g Chlorothalonil 75 WP mixed with 200 liters of water Spray at the rate of one acre.
  • When the pest is visible in the vegetable crop, spray 100 ml Lambda-cyhalothrin 4.6% + Chlorantraniliprole 9.3% ZC insecticide in 200 liters of water and spray it on the field per acre.

Locusts team knocked in Madhya Pradesh, Can cause heavy damage to crops

Locusts team knocked in Madhya Pradesh, Can cause heavy damage to crops

The largest enemy of your crops, Locusts team has now started coming from Rajasthan to Madhya Pradesh. This information was given by Ajit Rathore, Deputy Director, Agriculture Welfare Department, Mandsaur. Let us know that it’s an outbreak in Neemuch district of Madhya Pradesh has started to be seen on crops.

These locusts eat the green leaves of crops immediately. These locusts simultaneously attack in large quantities and cause great damage to the crop.

These locusts fly around during the day and sit at night. To avoid the locust outbreak, Ajit Rathore has requested all the farmers to run the cultivator in the night time if they see the locusts sitting in their fields together in the evening. Apart from this, he said that run the pillar, iron pipe, or any other such thing behind the cultivator. By doing this, the land behind will be leveled again and the locusts will die.

Explain that if these locusts are alive, then they will end the greenery of the fields. They eat all the green leaves and destroy them.


How to do harvesting and threshing of summer Green Gram

How to do harvesting and threshing of summer Green Gram
  • The moong crop ripens in 65 to 70 days, that is, the crop sown in the months of March-April is ready by May-June.
  • Its beans become light brown or black when ripened.
  • The mature beans become light brown or black when harvestable.
  • The beans of plants ripen unevenly. If all the legumes of the plant are waiting to ripen, the more ripe pods start to crack, so do the chopping of the beans in 2-3 times as soon as they turn green to black. And later cut the crop with plants.
  • Harvesting of legumes in premature age deteriorates both the yield and quality of the grains. Sickle Chopped and dried in the field after drying for a day, it is dried.
  • After harvesting crop by Sickle drying for one day in the field, and after that drying in the threshing floor. After drying, threshing can be done by beating the sticks or by using a thresher.
  • Mix the crop residue in the ground by running a rotavator so that the crop residue works as green manure. With this, about 10 to 12 kg per acre of nitrogen in the soil is supplied for the next crop.

How to do soil treatment in early cauliflower nursery

How to do soil treatment in Cotton crop?
  • While making nursery beds, add FYM to the land @ 8-10 kg per square meter. 25 grams of Trichoderma viride should be mixed at the rate of per square meter to protect against damping off diseases. Or
  • To protect the plant from the damage by damping off disease, drenching with 3 ml Metalaxyl 4% + Mancozeb 64% WP or 2 gm of Thiophanate methyl 75 WP in one liter water.
  • To protect the plants from the attack of sucking pests @ 0.5 gm Thiamethoxam 25% WG per square meter at the time of nursery preparation.

One lakh crores will be spent on the development of Indian agricultural infrastructure

One lakh crores will be spent on the development of Indian agricultural infrastructure

India has always been an agricultural country and even today India holds the number one position in the production of many crops all over the world. This is when the infrastructure of the Indian agriculture sector is not as modern as other developed countries. However, the government is now moving forward to make this agricultural infrastructure more modern and developed.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced last Friday a Rs 1 lakh crore package for the development of agricultural infrastructure as part of the Aatm Nirbhar Bharat campaign announced by PM Modi to tackle the economic crisis that has arisen from the Corona epidemic.

This large package of one lakh crore rupees will develop the agriculture sector across the country. It will help to develop a cold chain, value chain under it. Farmers’ Production Federation, agricultural entrepreneurs, startups, etc. will be able to get its benefits on the farmgate.

Finance Minister Sitharaman has made several big announcements in the last few days regarding agriculture, which is arousing new confidence in the minds of farmers. If these announcements are realized on the ground, then the Indian economy will also get good momentum.


Cultivation of Inter crops in Cotton

Cotton intercropping

Cotton crops are considered good for inter-cropping crops because cotton crops grow slowly in the beginning and remain in the field for a long time, which are considered good for other inter-cropping crops. The main objective of inter-cropping is to get maximum yield of cotton crop along with additional crop.

Inter-cropping for irrigated areas:

  • Cotton + Chilli (1: 1 in a row ratio)
  • Cotton + Onion (in the ratio of 1: 5 rows)
  • Cotton + Soybean (1: 2 in row ratio)
  • Cotton + linseed (as green manure) (in the ratio of 1: 2 row)

Inter-cropping for rainfed areas:

  • Cotton + Onion (in the ratio of 1: 5 rows)
  • Cotton + Chilli (1: 1 in a row ratio)
  • Cotton + Peanut (in 1: 3 row ratio)
  • Cotton + Moong (1: 3 in a row ratio)
  • Cotton + soybean (1: 3 in row ratio)
  • Cotton + Arhar (in 1: 1 row ratio)

Importance of Refugia in BT Cotton

Importance of Refugia in BT Cotton
  • As per the recommendation of the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (G.E.A.C.) of the Government of India, the total B.T. 20 percent of the area or 5 rows of non-BT of the same variety around the main crop. Planting Non-BT seed (Refugia) is very important. 
  • Every BT variety has non-BT seeds (120 gm seeds) or Pigeon Pea seed comes with the same packet. 
  • BT variety plants contain the genes of a Bacillus thuringiensis, which produces a toxic protein. Due to this, they develop the ability to protect against bollworm insects.
  • The infestation of bollworm insects is limited to them, and their control is easy here.
  • If the Refugia is not applied, the resistance of bollworm insects may develop, in which case the BT varieties will no longer make sense.

M.P. Mandi Act changed, new options open for farmers, Got rid of middlemen

Private mandis will now open in Madhya Pradesh, farmers will benefit from this

Farmers do not have many options to sell their products and are forced to sell their produce in government mandis. Due to this, many times they do not get good prices for their produce. Understanding these problems of farmers, the Madhya Pradesh government has now announced to start mandis and new procurement centers in the private sector. Along with this announcement, the Mandi Act has also changed in the state.

During the discussion on the amendment of mandi rules in the ministry, the Chief Minister of the state Shivraj Singh Chouhan said that the government must provide the right price to the farmers. By doing this, the competition will increase and farmers will get direct benefits. This will also provide relief to farmers from brokers and middlemen. Farmers will get many options to sell their crops. The farmer can sell the crop at his convenience wherever he wants.

Source: Madhya Pradesh Ministry of Agriculture


These precautions to be taken while using herbicide

These precautions to be taken while using herbicide
  • A proper nozzle flood jet or flat fan should be used.
  • Only appropriate amounts of herbicide should be used. If herbicide is used more than the recommended dose, the crop may also be damaged in addition to weeds.
  • Weedicides should be sprayed at the appropriate time. If spraying is done before or after time, there is a possibility of loss rather than profit.
  • The correct amount of weedicides and water should be used to prepare a solution of herbicide.
  • Do not spray the same herbicide chemical again and again on crops, but do it interchangeably, otherwise, weeds may produce immunity against herbicide.
  • There should be sufficient moisture in the soil at the time of spraying and spraying should be uniform throughout the field.
  • The weather should be clear at the time of spraying.
  • If the medicine has been bought more than used, keep it in a cool, dry, and dark place and take care that children and animals do not come in contact with it.
  • While using it, make sure that the chemical does not fall on the body. Use special dress gloves, goggles for this, or if not available, wrap polythene in the hand and tie a towel on the face.
  • After use, destroy empty containers and press them into the soil. Clean it and do not use it to keep food items.
  • A person who sprayed the medicine must wash hands and mouth thoroughly with soap after spraying.

Know about Early Cauliflower improved varieties, seed rate, sowing time

Know about Early Cauliflower improved varieties, seed rate, sowing time
  • Varieties of early cauliflower such as Pusa Karthik Haybrid, Pusa Deepali, Pusa Kartiki, Pusa Ashwani, Pusa Meghna etc. are prominent.
  • 150 grams of seed per acre is sufficient for hybrid cauliflower varieties.
  • Early sowing of cauliflower is between mid May to June, which is transplanting done after 5-6 weeks.
  • Pre-sowing seeds should be treated @ 2 gram Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% WP per kg seed or Trichoderma viride @ 5 grams per kg seed.  
  • Seeds are sown in beds. The beds should be 3 x 6 meters in size, which are 10 to 15 cm above the ground.
  • The distance between the two beds should be 70 cm. So that inter-operation can be done easily. 
  • The nursery beds should have a smooth and flat surface.
  • The problem of water logging can be overcome by constructing high beds in heavy land.
  • While making nursery beds, add FYM to the land @ 8-10 kg per square meter.