India will move towards Agricultural Revolution, FM announced many agricultural reforms

Aatm Nirbhar Bharat Package 2 lakh crore gift to farmers, Finance Minister announced

PM Modi had announced Rs 20 lakh crore under the Aatm Nirbhar Bharat Package to deal with the situation arising out of the Corona tragedy. For the last three days, every detail related to this package is being given by the Union Finance Minister. In this series, announcements made by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in the last two days, it seems that the country is going to move towards a new agricultural revolution.

In the last two days, the Finance Minister has made several positive announcements regarding the agriculture sector. In this series, on Friday, She has announced one lakh crore rupees to improve agricultural infrastructure in the country. On Thursday, She announced a concessional loan of Rs 2 lakh crore for the agriculture sector.

What is special in these announcements?

  • The government will provide benefits to the farmers under Operation Green for vegetable supply. In this, storage, packaging, branding of agricultural products will be done.
  • Emphasis will be on herbal farming, for this the government has announced a plan of 4 thousand crores.
  • To provide additional income to the farmers, the government has introduced a plan of Rs 500 crore for beekeeping. This will benefit 2 lakh beekeepers.
  • Government will spend about 15 thousand crores to improve animal husbandry infrastructure.
  • The government will give a discount of 2% on the loan interest taken under the dairy sector, which will benefit millions of farmers.
  • In the area of ​​fisheries, the government will provide huge financial assistance of 20 thousand crores.
  • The government has also announced 64 thousand crores for crop insurance.
  • In the field of food processing also, the government has announced to spend 10 thousand crore rupees.
  • However, the Finance Minister has also said that more announcements are yet to be made related to the agriculture sector.

Weed Management in Chili Nursery

How to choose a location for planting chili nursery
  • If weeds are not controlled at the right time, they affect the yield and quality of vegetables badly.
  • Weeds can cause losses of up to 50-70 percent.
  • Weeds affect chilli production in many ways such as infecting insect pests and fungi.
  • Chilli seeds should be mixed with 3 ml Pendimethalin 38.7% CS per liter water and sprayed in the soil within 72 hours of sowing.
  • When weeds grow from time to time, the nursery should be weed-free by hand weeding.

Soil Solarization Process and Importance

Soil Solarization Process and Importance
  • In summer, when the straight sunshine and the temperature is high (25 April to 15 May), then the time of soil solarization is the best.
  • First, wet the soil with water, or saturate it with water.
  • These beds are covered with a transparent 200 gauge (50 μm) polyethylene sheet and spread for 5-6 weeks in the summer, and the edges around it are pressed well with soil so that air cannot enter.
  • In this process, the temperature of the soil under the polythene sheet increases by 8–100C than normal. Due to which harmful insects present in the bed, spores of diseases and seeds of some weeds are destroyed.
  • The polyethylene sheet should be removed after 5-6 weeks.
  • This method is very beneficial and less expensive for the nursery and it destroys different types of weed seeds/ rhizomes (except some like Cyperus rotundus and Convolvulus arvensis etc.).
  • Parasitic weeds Orobanche, nematodes, and bacteria from soil diseases, etc. are also destroyed. This method is very practical and successful.
  • In this way, the soil can be treated without adding anything to the soil.

Kaluji, a cotton farmer from Barwani, got double the profit by associating with gramophone

Sometimes the joy of living life is doubled by getting along with someone in life. Farmer Mr. Kaluji Hammad, resident of village Havola, located in Tikri Tehsil of Barwani district got some such enjoyment from meeting with Gramophone. In fact, Kalu ji used to cultivate cotton and also earned a decent income. During this time he came in contact with Gramophone and cultivated cotton on the advice of Gramophone for one year.

During cotton cultivation, Kalu ji consulted agriculture experts of Gramophone many times and also brought seeds, fertilizers and medicines. He was surprised when he finally saw the production. Their production was doubled and yield quality was also better.

Where before they used to have a profit of 2 lakhs, after the support of Gramophone, this profit more than doubled to four and a half lakhs. Not only this, the cost of Kalu ji was also much lower than before. The cost of cotton cultivation used to be 40 thousand earlier, after coming in contact with gramophone, the cost reduced to just 25 thousand.

Today, Kalu ji thanking Gramophone, asks all the farmers to join Gramophone so that those farmers too can benefit like them.

Like Kalu ji, if other farmers are also troubled by any problems related to agriculture or are trying to increase their production, then in this regard, you can consult the agricultural experts by making a missed call on gramophone’s toll free number 18003157566.


Aatm Nirbhar Bharat Package: 2 lakh crore gift to farmers, Finance Minister announced

Aatm Nirbhar Bharat Package 2 lakh crore gift to farmers, Finance Minister announced

Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has announced how much money will be given to which area under the Aatm Nirbhar Bharat Package announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. During this, he also made several other announcements with a concessional loan of Rs 2 lakh crore for the agricultural sector.

The Finance Minister said that three crore small farmers have already been given a loan of four lakh crore rupees at a low-interest rate. A loan of Rs 25,000 crore has been sanctioned to 25 lakh new Kisan Credit Card holders. She said that loans worth Rs 86,000 crore were sanctioned for 63 lakh people in March and April.

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said that now Fishermans and animal husbandry farmers will also be able to take advantage of the credit card. Also, a concessional loan of Rs 2 lakh crore was announced through Kisan Credit Card.

Along with this, an additional facility of 30 thousand crores for farmers (Additional Emergency Working Capital) has also been announced, which will benefit 3 crore farmers and will be funded by NABARD Bank.

To give a boost to the rural economy, there has also been talking of giving Rs 4200 crore to the states under the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund. Apart from this, She said that “giving relief in repayment on crop loan, the repayment date on March 1 has been extended till May 31. 25 lakh new Kisan Credit Cards have been issued, with a loan limit of 25 thousand. Crore. ”

Source: Navbharat Times


Weed Management in Cotton Crop

Weed Management in Cotton Crop
  • For weed control by chemicals, before germination (within 72 hours of sowing) mix 700 ml Pendimethalin 38.7% CS or Pendimethalin 30% EC in 200-liter water and spray it in the soil @ one acre.
  • First-hand weeding should be done by running Kolpa or Dora within 25 to 30 days of crop germination.
  • When weeds are 2-3 leaves stage, Pyrithiobac Sodium 6% EC+ Quizalofop ethyl 4% EC 350 ml per 200 liters of water and sprayed on an acre field. There must be moisture in the field.
  • When narrow-leaf weeds appear in the crop, spray Quizalofop ethyl 5% EC @ 400 ml or Propaquizafop 10% EC @ 300 ml per 200 liters of water in an acre field.
  • For broadleaf weed control, spray the Paraquat dichloride on the soil surface at 24% SL @ 500 ml per acre in 200 liters of clean water while protecting the crop by planting a hood at 1.5 feet of the crop. It is a non-selective weedicide.

How to increase size of grains along with pod borer control in Green Gram crop

The moong crop may suffer damage due to pod borer (caterpillar), so control it. With this, adopt these measures to increase the size of the grains?

  • This pod borer appears green to brown in color, with dark brown stripes on its body.
  • The head of the pod borer penetrates into the pod which causes damage by piercing the pod.
  • Spraying of Chlorantraniliprole 18.5 SC 60 ml / acre in 200 liters of water for pod borer control. Or
  • For this caterpillar prevention, spray Emamectin benzoate 5% SG @ 100 gm + Beauveria bassiana @ 250 gm / acre is mixed with 200 liters of water.
  • To increase the size of grains, use 1 kg of Sulfur of Potash-0: 0: 50 fertilizer mixed with this spray.

Sowing of same type of cotton seeds is not in the interest of farmers – Department of Agriculture

Sowing of same type of cotton seeds is not in the interest of farmers - Department of Agriculture

Sowing of cotton has started in many areas of Madhya Pradesh. In such a situation, the demand for 659 of the same variety of BT Cotton is very high amongst the cotton farmers. On this demand for seeds of the same variety, the Deputy Director of Agriculture Department, Shri R.S. Gupta said that it is not in the interest of farmers.

Mr. R.S. Gupta appealed to the farmers and said, “Sometimes due to uncertainty of the weather, applying the same variety causes crop damage due to excess rainfall, no rainfall, growth of insect wounds, etc. and farmers have to suffer financial loss. So in addition to the 659 varieties of BT cotton available in the market, seeds of other varieties were also sown. ”

He further explained that in addition to cotton, crops like jowar, maize, moong, urad, pigeon pea, paddy, soybean, etc. should adopt a multi-cropping system to maintain biodiversity and benefit from the other crop if one crop is spoiled due to weather conditions and it help improve the environment. ”



Method of sowing Chilli seeds in nursery

It is very important to keep some things in mind while sowing chilli seeds in the nursery. This produces good seedlings in the nursery.

  • To prepare chilli plantation, firstly sowing the seeds in 3 x 1.25 m size beds.
  • These beds should be raised 8-10 cm high from the ground so that seeds and plants do not rot due to water accumulation.
  • Add 750 gm DAP, 100 gm Incryl (seaweed, amino acids, humic acid and Mycorrhiza) and 250 gm Trichoderma viride per square meter to the soil in 150 kg FYM to increase plant growth with soil structure. and it also protects against harmful soil borne fungal diseases.
  • The nursery requires 60-80 grams of chilli seeds for one acre field.
  • Sowing seeds by making 0.5-1 cm deep drains at a distance of 5 cm in the beds.
  • After sowing, continue irrigating as needed.

How to choose a location for planting chili nursery?

How to choose a location for planting chili nursery

While choosing the place for planting chilli nursery, we can get good production from its crop by keeping some things in mind.

  • The land should be fertile, loamy soil, weed free and have a good drainage system.
  • Do not choose acidic or alkaline soil.
  • Near the nursery should not have very large trees.
  • The nursery has long sunlight.
  • Near the nursery should have irrigation facilities.
  • The chosen area should be high so that water does not stay.
  • Do not build a nursery repeatedly in one place.