Buy irrigation equipment under this scheme, will get 80% to 90% subsidy

Buy irrigation equipment under this scheme, will get 80 to 90% subsidy

Crop irrigation has an important place in agricultural works and keeping this in mind, the government started the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojna. Under this scheme, farmers get subsidies on the purchase of irrigation equipment.

Under this scheme, up to 80% subsidy is provided to general farmers, up to 90% subsidy is given to small and micro farmers. Farmers can apply online for this scheme.

The farmers have to submit the application along with the bill to the office after purchasing the irrigation equipment from the registered firm. When the application is approved, farmers are given an 80 to 90% subsidy on the cost. For this scheme, 75% grant is given by the center, while 25% is spent by the state government.

Source: Krishi Jagran


Prevention of Fusarium basal rot disease in garlic crop

Prevention of Fusarium basal rot disease in garlic crop
  • Initially, yellowing of leaves and stunted growth of the plant is observed, which later on proceed to dry downwardly from the tip.

  • In the early stage of infection, the roots of the plant turn pink in colour and start rotting. In an advanced stage, the bulb starts decaying from the lower ends and ultimately the whole plant dies.

  • Favourable conditions:- Ideally moist soil and a temperature of 27 °C help in the development of the disease.

  • For the prevention of this disease use CARBENDAZIM 12% + MANCOZEB 63% WP @ 300 gram / acre orKASUGAMYCIN 5% + COPPER OXYCHLORIDE 45% WP @ or 300 gram / acre

  • As a biological treatment, use PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS  @ 250 gram / acre or TRICHODERMA VIRIDE @ 500 gram / acre use  near the plant.

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How to protect crops and soil from bacterial diseases

How to protect crops and soil from bacterial diseases
  • Due to excessive moisture and temperature changes in crops and soil, there is a high risk of an outbreak of bacterial diseases.
  • Some of the main bacterial diseases are black rot, stem rot, bacterial spot disease, leaf spot disease, bacterial wilt disease,
  • Some of these diseases are caused by soil, which damages the soil along with the crop.
  • There is a huge impact on the production of crops due to these diseases while also unbalancing the pH of the soil.
  • For the prevention of these diseases, it is very necessary to do soil treatment, seed treatment before sowing.
  • A spray should be done within 15-25 days of sowing for the prevention of bacterial diseases.

Management of Ascochyta foot rot and blight in crops

Management of Ascochyta foot rot and blight in crops
  • Ascochyta Blight also known as  Ascochyta  Foot Rot
  • This disease causes small, irregularly shaped brown spots to appear on the crops.
  • Purple / bluish-black lesions occur at the base of the plant.
  • Severe infection causes the pods to shrink and the fruits to dry, which may lead to a loss of seed quality due to seed shrinkage and dark brown discoloration.
  • The main reason for this disease is excessive moisture in the soil, the stem and twigs of the affected plant appear wet due to infection.
  • For prevention of these diseases, spray CHLOROTHALONIL 75% WP @ 300 gram / acre or CARBENDAZIM 12% + MANCOZEB 63% WP @ 500 gram / acre or METIRAM 55% + PYARACLOSTROBIN 5% WG @ 600 gram / acre.
  • Spray of TEBUCNAZOLE 50%+ TRIFLOXYSTROBIN 25% WG @ 100 gram / acre or AZOXYSTROBIN 11% + TEBUCNAZOLE 18.3% SC @ 250 ml / acr
  • Spray Of TRICHODERMA VIRIDE @ 500 gram / acre or PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS  @ 250 gram / acre as a biological treatment

Use pheromone trap to protect crops

Use pheromone trap to protect crops
  • Pheromone trap is a biological agent used to catch insects that damage the crop.
  • These pheromone traps contain capsules containing a chemical. The insect is attracted by the scent of this chemical and gets captured in these Pheromone traps.
  • These capsules have a special type of scent that attracts male moths.
  • Different insects have different smells, so different capsules are used for different insects.
  • By using this the male insect gets trapped and the female insect is deprived of laying eggs.

Mandi Bhaw: What are the prices of vegetables in different mandis of Madhya Pradesh?

Mandi Bhaw

The price of vegetables such as tomato, cabbage, cauliflower, brinjal, okra, gourd, etc. is Rs 700, 825, 1025, 850, and 900 per quintal in Sendhwa Mandi of Barwani district under Indore division.

Apart from this, the wheat market price of mill quality in Momanbododia mandi of Shajapur district under Ujjain division is Rs 1934 per quintal and in this mandi, the price of soybean is Rs 3765 per quintal.

Talk about the market price of a gram, lentil, and soybean in Piparai mandi of Ashok Nagar district under Gwalior division is Rs 4775, 5200, and Rs 3665 per quintal respectively. In Gwalior’s Bhind mandi, millet is Rs 1290 per quintal and in Khaniyadhana mandi the mill quality wheat price is Rs 1925 per quintal.

Source: Kisan Samadhan


Damage to soil and crop due to excess moisture

Damage to soil and crop due to excess moisture
  • As there is more rain nowadays due to climate change, which creates a lot of moisture in the soil.
  • This excessive moisture increases the probability of an outbreak of fungal diseases and bacterial diseases in the soil.
  • Excess moisture also causes a very high outbreak of insects in the soil.
  • Excessive rains lead to soil erosion due to which makes soil devoid of nutrients.
  • Yellowing of the crops, curling of leaves, the premature withering of the crop, falling of the fruits in an immature state, irregular spots on the pods, is caused by excess moisture.
  • Lack of nutrients greatly affects crop production.

Role of Calcium in Onion/Garlic

Role of Calcium in Onion and Garlic
  • Calcium is an important nutrient in onion/garlic and has a key role to play in crop yield and quality. 
  • Calcium promotes the enhancement of root establishment and elongation of cells resulting in increased plant height. It also improves the tolerance of disease and low temperatures.
  • Participates in metabolic processes of other nutrients uptake. Promotes proper plant cell elongation.
  • Participates in enzymatic and hormonal processes. Helps in protecting the plant against heat stress 
  • Helps in protecting the plant against diseases – numerous fungi and bacteria secrete enzymes which impair plant cell walls. Stronger Cell walls, induced by calcium, can avoid the invasion.
  • Increased bulb quality.
  • Thus the main function of calcium in onion/garlic is to keep the crop free from disease and increase the yield, quality, and storage of onion/garlic.
  • Use calcium 4 kg/acre as a soil treatment.  

Government will buy more cotton on MSP this year than last year

Government will buy more cotton on MSP this year than last year

The harvesting of Kharif crops is going on and the government has started preparations for its purchase at the support price. This year, the government has increased the target of cotton procurement compared to last year. This year, a target has been set to purchase 125 lakh bales of cotton at the minimum support price.

It is worth noting that one knot weighs 170 kg and last year the government procured 105.24 lakh bales of cotton. The government is preparing to buy about 20 lakh bales more this year.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the expenditure on the purchase of cotton is estimated to be Rs 35,000 crore. At the same time, this expenditure was Rs 28,500 crore in the last Kharif season. The Ministry estimates that this year the production of cotton may increase to 360 million bales, which is more than 357 lakh bales as compared to last year.

Source: Fasal Kranti


Importance of Microbes in Soil

Importance of Microbes in Soil
  • India’s agricultural land has a deficit of up to 50% of microorganisms. 
  • microorganisms are an essential micronutrient for plant growth. But it remains unavailable in the soil which plants cannot use easily.
  • This bacterium provides an available form of zinc, Phosphorus, potash as well as control of many diseases in crops, increased crop yield and quality of yield, improve soil health, and increases the activity of hormones, and also increases the activity of photosynthesis.
  • microorganisms produce organic acids in the soil and convert insoluble zinc, insoluble Phosphorus, insoluble potash into  Available form, and maintain soil pH.
  • Microorganisms protect crops from many types of fungal and bacterial diseases.