Gramophone app is increasing farmers’ income by 40%

Since its inception in 2016, so far more than five lakh farmers have joined Gramophone and there have been many positive improvements in their agriculture. Under the guidance of gramophone agricultural experts, there has been a good increase in the income of thousands of farmers. The average income of many farmers is increasing by up to 40%.

Farmer Poonam Chand Sisodia of Khandwa district connected his soybean crop to the Gramophone app at the time of sowing and he got all the necessary advice over the phone. This resulted in a 60% increase in yield. Apart from this, the cost of agriculture also decreased.

Sagar Singh Solanki, also from Khandwa district, reduced his agricultural costs by 21% and increased income by 25% using the gramophone app. Their total profit increased by 37% compared to the earlier.

One such farmer is Vinod Gujjar, resident of Dewas district, for whom Gramophone’s Moong Samriddhi Kit proved like a boon. The yield of the crop sown on 5 acres increased from the earlier 25 quintals to 30 quintals using the kit. With the increase in yield, there was an increase of 38% in income and 100% in profit.

Gramophone’s Soya Samriddhi Kit provided so much good nutrition to the soybean crop of Ramnivas Parmar, another farmer from Dewas, that the profit from the crop increased by 180% in advance and the quality of the yield from the crop was so good that its value in the market Found more than other farmers’ produce.

Like these farmers, lakhs of farmers are taking advantage of Gramophone’s high services and increasing their income as well as reducing their agricultural costs. In just four years, Gramophone has started to achieve the goal set by itself. In the days to come, Gramophone has joined the farmers of the entire country and has set the goal of modern agriculture for Indian agriculture and Indian farmers.


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