Leaf spot disease in soybean

Leaf spot disease in soybean
  • Symptoms of this disease are the first sow in the lower parts of the plant are, the diseased plants exhibit symptoms such as foliage, leaf scorching or leaf fall, etc.
  • Appears on the leaves in the form of unusual brown spots, which later turn into brown or black color and the entire leaf scorches.
  • Brown spots appear on the petiole, stem pods, and the tissue of the pods and stems shrink to brown or black color after infection.
  • White and brown structures appear in the presence of moisture on diseased parts of plants.
  • To prevent this disease, chlorothalonil @ 400 g / acre or carbendazim 12% + mancozeb 63% WP @ 300 gram / acre or Ketazine @ 300 gram / acre
  • Spraying Trichoderma viridi @ 500 gram / acre + Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 250 gram / acre as a biological product.

July 15 is the last date to get crop insurance, apply this way

Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana

Due to natural disasters like unseasonal rains, hail, drought, crops of farmers are often affected. The Prime Minister Crop Insurance Scheme protects farmers from these losses. The Agriculture Department has released the notification of the Prime Minister Crop Insurance Scheme and the reconstituted Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme. This notification has been issued on Tuesday for the Kharif-2020 and Rabi 2020-21 seasons. Accordingly, the last date to get crop insurance for Kharif -2020 has been kept on July 15.

How to apply?

You can apply for this through the bank and also online. To apply online, go to the link https://pmfby.gov.in/ and fill the form. For this application, a photo and identification card such as PAN card, driving license, voter ID card, or Aadhaar card is required. Apart from this, a document is also required for address proof, for which the farmer has to show the documents related to farming and the Khasra number. For the truth of the crop that has been sown, a letter of pradhan, patwari or sarpanch has to be given. A cancellation check has to be given so that the claim amount comes directly into the account.

Source: News 18


Spray management in Soybean Crop in 20-25 days

Spray management in Soybean Crop in 20-25 days
  • Fertilizer management is very important at the time of sowing the soybean crop.
  • Similarly, spraying management is very important even after 20-25 days of sowing.
  • This spray is very helpful for protecting the crop from pests and fungi of the soybean crops.
  • For this, Lambda-Cyhalothrin 4.9% CS @ 200 ml / acre or Profenophos 50% SC @ 500 ml / acre
  • Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP @ 300 gram / acre and seaweed @ 400 ml / acre and amino acids @ 300 ml / acre Or G A 0.001% @ 300 ml / acre

Nutrition Management in Maize

Use of zinc in maize crop
  • In India  Maize is cultivated in three seasons, Kharif (June to July), Rabi (October to November), and Zaid (February to March).
  • For maximum benefit, it is necessary to check the soil before sowing. While preparing the land, 5 to 8 tons of well-decomposed cow dung manure should be added in the field.
  • The amount of fertilizer and fertilizer applied in the fields also depends on the selected species. Adopting the right method and right fertilizer during maize cultivation benefits both the growth and production of maize.
  • Adequate quantity of fertilizers should be given at the appropriate time to get maximum yield by hybrid and group varieties of maize after 10-15 days of sowing of maize.
  • Urea 35 kg / acre + magnesium sulfate 5 kg / acre + zinc sulfate 5 kg / acre is very important after 10-15 days of maize sowing.

Helicopter services are now being sought to control locusts

Locusts team knocked in Madhya Pradesh, Can cause heavy damage to crops

Locust attacks have been taking place in states like Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh for the last several weeks. In such a situation, several efforts have been made for locust control campaigns in India, due to which locust control is also getting success. In this episode, helicopters are also being used to control the locust team.

The Union Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister Shri Narendra Singh Tomar flagged off a Bell helicopter with spray equipment. The helicopter will leave for the Air Force Station at Uttarlai, Barmer, where it will initially be stationed and will control the locust attack in different areas from there.

The helicopter will be operated by a single pilot and has the capacity to carry 250 liters of pesticides at one go. This helicopter will spray pesticides in an area of ​​25 to 50 hectares at a time.

Earlier, India has also done something to control locusts, which is being praised all over the world. Actually, India has resorted to drones for locust control and has also become the first country in the world to do so.

Source: Krishak Jagat


Farmers of Madhya Pradesh will get huge discount in electricity bill

The farmers have suffered financially due to the nationwide lock-down that began in the last week of March. In view of this, the central government along with different state governments is providing financial assistance to the farmers. In this sequence, the Government of Madhya Pradesh has decided to provide relief to farmers in agriculture as well as domestic electricity bills.

Under this exemption, all such domestic consumers of the state who are beneficiaries of Sambal Yojana and whose monthly bill was up to Rs 100 in April 2020, their next three months i.e. May, June, and July 2020, the amount will come to Rs 100. But in these three months, only 50 rupees per month are being charged from them.
Apart from this, all household users whose bills were up to Rs 100 in the month of April 2020, when the amount of the bills in the next three months i.e. May, June, and July 2020 comes from Rs 100 to Rs 400, then from them only 100 in these three months. An amount of Rs. Per month is being taken.

Source: Kisan Samadhan


Weed Management in Soybean Crop

Weed Management in Soybean Crop
    • Soybean crop is the main crop of the Kharif season.
    • Due to sowing in kharif, there are a lot of outbreaks of weeds in soybean crop.
  • For the first use of germination (1-3 days after sowing):
    • Imazethapyr 2% + Pendimethalin 30%EC @ 700 ml / acre  Or Diclosulam 84% WDG @ 12.4 g / acre
  • 12 -18 days after sowing:
  • Fomesafen11.1% + Fluazifop-P-Butyl11.1%SL @ 400 ml / acre fusiflex)  Or Chlorimuron Ethyl25% @ 15 gram / acre or Or Sodium acifluorfen16.5% + Clodinafop propargyl 8%EC @ 400 gram/ acre or Or Imazethapyr 10%SL @ 400 ml / acre or Propaquizafop  2.5%+ Imazethapyr 3.75% WP 800 ml/acre

Nursery treatment in Tomato

Nursery Preparation and Seed Treatment in Tomato
  • 1 x 3 m  bed required for nursery.  use well-decomposed cow dung and DAP per sqm.
  • Seeds are  treatment  done  with   Carbendazim + Mancozeb @ 3 gram/kg or Trichoderma @ 5 gram/kg seed   Treated  seed Sow  in rows keeping a distance of 5 cm Cover with cow dung manure or soil after sowing the seeds
  • Drenching in nursery 7 days after nursery sowing with chlorothalonil 75% WP @ 30 gm in 15 ltr water and thiamethoxam 25% WG @ 10 gm in 15 ltr water.
  • After 20 days of nursery sowing, before transplant the seedlings in the main field  are treated  with metalaxyl 8% + mancozeb 64% @ 60 gram in  15 liter and fipronil 40% + imidacloprid 40% WG @ 5 gram  15 liter water.
  • Transplant marigold around the farm. In the blooming stage, fruit penetrating insects give less egg in tomato crops and more eggs in marigold/flowers.

Spray Management in Paddy Nursery

Spray Management in Paddy Nursery
  • Paddy cultivation starts from the nursery, so it is important to have good seeds. Many times the farmer applies expensive seed and manure, but the right yield is not available, so the seed and field should be treated before sowing. Seeds do not have to be expensive but should be reliable and according to the climate and soil of your area.
  • Spray management is very important for the prevention of insect bites and good growth of nursery 15-20 days after nursery sowing.
  • Sometimes in the nursery, there are an attack  of hopper, stem borer pests, in such a situation it is very important to control it
  • For this,  use Fipronil 5% SC @ 30 ml / pump and Kasugamycin 5% + Copper Oxychloride 45% WP @ 20 gram / pump and Humic Acid @ 20 gram / pump.

Fertilizer management in cotton at the time ball formation

Management of sucking pests in early stage of Cotton crop
  • In the cotton crop, ball formation starts in 40-45 days.
  • In this stage nutrition management in cotton is very important
  • Urea – 30 kg / acre, MoP – 30 kg / acre, magnesium sulfate – 10 kg / acre is very important
  • Irrigated crops take about 2 to 3 times more nutrients than the above quantity.
  • With the help of this fertilizer management, cotton production is very high.

