Now ‘Kisan Rail’ will give 50% subsidy in the transportation of fruits and vegetables

Kisan Rail

Now farmers will be given subsidies of up to 50% in freight on sending fruits and vegetables by rail. This includes fruits such as mango, banana, guava, kiwi, litchi, papaya, orange, tangerine, lemon, pineapple, pomegranate, jackfruit, apple, almond, amla and rhubarb, and peas, bitter gourd, brinjal, carrot, capsicum, flowers The transportation of vegetables like cabbage, green chilies, cucumbers, legumes, garlic, onions, tomatoes, potatoes will be included.

This system of subsidy on freight movement of fruits and vegetables has been implemented from Wednesday. Not only the farmer but any person can take advantage of this subsidy and the farmer can send fruits and vegetables for only 50% of the fare through rail. It is worth mentioning that in the budget of this financial year, the government announced to run special parcel train ‘Kisan Rail’.

Source: Zee News


Anthracnose disease in Cucumber

Anthracnose disease in Cucumber
  • Different symptoms are observed on leaves, petioles, stem, and fruits.
  • On young fruits, numerous water-soaked depressed oval spots appear, which coalesce into bigger spots covering large areas.
  • The spots are formed under humid conditions. Pink gummy secretion may also be seen on lesions . 
  • In this disease, similar symptoms are developed on the affected parts as in blight . 
  • Keeping the fields clean and adopting a proper crop cycle should prevent the spread of disease.
  • Treat seeds with CARBENDAZIM 12% + MANCOZEB 63%  WP  @ 2.5 grams per kg of seeds.
  • To prevent this disease, MANCOZEB 75 % WP @ 500 gram / acre or CHLOROTHALONIL 75% WP @ 300 gram / acre or HEXACONAZOLE 5% SC @ 300 gram / acre.
  • as biological treatment. PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS @ 250 gram / acre or TRICHODERMA VIRIDE @ 500 gram / acre

Madhya Pradesh leads in procurement of Rabi crops on MSP

Madhya Pradesh leads in procurement of Rabi crops on MSP

According to data released by the Food Corporation of India, 43 lakh 35 thousand 477 farmers have availed the minimum support price for the purchase of rabi crops in the year 2020-21. 389.77 lakh metric tonnes of food grains have been procured including all farmers. Maximum 15 lakh 93 thousand 793 farmers of Madhya Pradesh have availed the minimum support price.

Punjab fell behind Madhya Pradesh this time in the production of wheat, the most prominent of the rabi crops. This is the reason why Punjab’s farmers have reached the second position this year in taking advantage of the minimum support price. According to FCI data, 10 lakh 49 thousand 982 farmers of Punjab have availed MSP for Rabi crop. Apart from this, 7 lakh 82 thousand 240 farmers of Haryana, 6 lakh 63 thousand 810 of Uttar Pradesh and 2 lakh 18 thousand 638 farmers of Rajasthan have availed minimum support price by selling their crops through फसी.

Source: Amar Ujala


Weed control in garlic

Weed control in garlic
  • Timely weed management is very important for good crop production of garlic, for this it is very important to manage weeds in the following manner.
  • pendimethalin  38.7% CS @ 700 ml/acre, is recommended for effective weed control in garlic after 3 days of sowing
  • OXADIARGYL 80% WP @ 50 gram/acre  is used for effective weed control  after sowing 10-15 days of garlic 
  • PROPAQUIZAFOP  5% + OXYFLUORFIN 12% EC @ 250-350 ml/acre is used 25–25 days after sowing of garlic and also used in 40–45 days of sowing

How to control mite in garlic crop

How to control mite in garlic crop
  • Symptoms of mite:- These pests are small and red in color, which is found in large quantities on the tender crop parts such as leaves.
  • Webs are visible on the mite-infested plant. This pest attacks on the soft parts of the plant by sucking the sap and eventually killing the plant.
  • The following products are used to control mites in garlic crops.
  •  PROPARGITE 57% EC 57% EC @ 400 ml / acre or SPIROMESIFEN 22.9% SC @ 200 ml / acre or ABAMECTIN 1.9 % EC @ 150 ml / acre.
  •  as a biological treatment Use METARHIZIUM ANISOPLIAE @ 1 kg / acre as a biological treatment

Villagers will be able to get bank loan easily through this scheme

Villagers will be able to get bank loan easily through this scheme

PM Modi has distributed property cards of 1 lakh people to their homes in 763 villages of 6 states under the ownership scheme. All the beneficiaries covered under this were sent a link through the message from which the beneficiaries downloaded their ownership card online.

On this occasion, the Prime Minister said, “The ownership scheme is going to help a lot in making our brothers and sisters living in the village self-reliant.” PM Modi further said, “The experts all over the world have been insisting that ownership of land and house has a big role in the development of the country.”

Significantly, for the first time, such a big step is being taken through new technology. The biggest benefit of this scheme will be in taking bank loans to villagers. It is being said that this move of the government will pave the way for the villagers to take the loan and use the property as a financial asset for other financial benefits.

Source: Krishi Jagran


How to protect the carrot crop from carrot fly outbreaks?

How to protect the carrot crop from carrot fly outbreaks
  • The flies lay their eggs around the developing carrots.
  • Maggots of about 10 mm in length cause damage to the outer part of the carrot roots, mainly during October-November, gradually entering and damaging the internal parts of the roots.
  • Carrot leaves start drying up. They first turn yellow and then turn red. Brown tunnels begin to appear under the outer skin of mature roots.
  • use CARBOFURAN 3 % GR@10 kg/acre o or FIPRONIL 0.3% GR@10 kg/acre 
  • As a biological treatment, BEAUVERIA BASSIANA @ 250 gram/ acre as soil treatment
  • All these products used as soil treatment.

Symptoms of Stemphylium Blight in Onion

Symptoms of Stemphylium Blight in Onion
  • Small yellowish to orange spots or streaks are seen in the middle of the leaves.
  • In later stages, elongated spindle-shaped spots surrounded by pinkish margin develop in the middle of leaves.
  • The disease appearing on the inflorescence stalk causes severe damage to the seed crop.
  • At the interval of 10-15 days after transplanting or if symptoms of the disease appear, use fungicides such as
  • Spray THIOPHANATE METHYL 70% W/W  @ 250 gram / acre or CARBENDAZIM 12% + MANCOZEB 63%WP @ 300 gram / acre.
  • HEXACONAZOLE 5% SC@ 400 ml/ acre or TEBUCONAZOLE 10% + SULPHUR(S) 65% WG  @ 500 gram / acre.
  • Spray CHLOROTHALONIL 75% WP  @ 250 gram / acre or KASUGAMYCIN 5% + COPPER OXYCHLORIDE 45% WP @ 300 gram / acre.
  • As a biological treatment use PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS  @ 250 gram / acre or TRICHODERMA VIRIDE @ 500 gram/acre.




Yellow Mosaic Disease in Okra/Bhindi

Yellow Mosaic Disease in Okra/Bhindi
  • This disease is transmitted by whitefly and infects all the stages of Okra and severely reduces growth and yield.
  • In this disease, the veins of the leaves start appearing yellow. After which the leaves begin to curl.
  • The fruits of the infected plants exhibit pale yellow color, deformed and small in shape and stiff in texture.
  • Remove and destroy disease-affected leaves/plants from fields to avoid secondary spread.
  • Don’t leave the affected plant, burn them, or put it in the manure pit.
  • Spray ACETAMIPRID 20 % SP @ 100 gram / acre or DIAFENTHIURON 50 % WP @ 250 gram / acre or PYRIPROXYFEN 10 % + BIFENTHRIN 10% EC  @ 250 ml / acre
  • Spray   BEAUVERIA BASSIANA @ 250 gram/acre as biological treatment.

How to protect the cucumber crop from the outbreak of Aphid?

How to protect the cucumber crop from the outbreak of Aphid
  • Nymphs and adults both insects are soft-bodied, pear-shaped, and blackish in color.
  • Large colonies of nymphs and adults are found on tender twigs and shoots as well as on the ventral leaf surface sucking the vital sap from the tissues.
  • The affected parts turn yellow, get curled, wrinkled, and deformed in shape and ultimately dry and die away.
  • Fruit size and quality is also reduced.
  • The aphids also exude copious quantities of honeydew on which sooty mold develops which in turn hinders the photosynthetic activity of the vines, resulting in stunted growth.
  • IMIDACLOPRID 17.8% SL @ 100ml/acre OR ACEPHATE 75 %SP@ 300 gm/acre OR ACETAMIPRID  20 % SP @ 200 gm/acre OR
  • As a biological treatment  use BEAUVERIA BASSIANA @ 250 gm/acre