Management of wilt in pea

Management of wilt in pea
  • Turning or curling of developed leaves edges are one of the main symptoms of this disease 
  • The upper parts of the plants turn yellow, the growth of the bud stops, the stems and the upper leaves get more rigid, the roots go brittle and the leaves below become yellow.
  • The entire plant withers and the stem shrink downward.
  • The crop dries in a circle
  • For Chemical treatment use KASUGAMYCIN 5% + COPPER OXYCHLORIDE 45% WP @ 300 gram/acre or KASUGAMYCIN  3% SL @ 400 ml / acre.
  • Biological treatment does Soil treatment with the rate of MYCORRHIZA @ 4 kg/acre or TRICHODERMA viride @ 1 kg/acre.
  • Use PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS @ 250 gram / acre.

MP Government will give compensation of 4000 crores to farmers distressed due to weather

MP Government will give compensation of 4000 crores to farmers distressed due to weather

This year, due to heavy rains, floods and pest-related diseases have caused significant damage to crops. The Central Government had sent a team to assess the damage done to the crop. In Madhya Pradesh, the work of estimation has been completed, now only the farmers are waiting to get assistance.

On this subject, CM Shivraj Chauhan has said that “the entire assistance amount will be provided to the farmers affected by floods and pest-sickness in the state”. It is important to note that due to floods and pest diseases in the state, crops in about 40 lakh hectare area have been affected, for which compensation of about Rs 4,000 crore is expected. Last year, crops of about 60 lakh hectare area were damaged in the state, and compensation of Rs 2000 crore was distributed to the farmers.

Source: Kisan Samadhan


Learn what is polyhouse, and what its benefits

  • Using a playhouse one can grow crops in a controlled environment, throughout the year four to five crops can be grown due to the availability of essential plant environmental conditions.
  • This helps in increased crop productivity and superior quality of products can be achieved.
  • Gadgets for efficient use of various inputs like water, fertilizer, seeds, and plant protection chemicals can be well maintained in a playhouse.
  • Pests and diseases can be effectively controlled in the enclosed growing area.
  • The percentage of germination of seeds is high in the playhouse.
  • When the playhouse is not in use, the entrapped heat can be used for drying and related operation of the harvested produce.
  • Polyhouses are suitable for automation of irrigation, application of other inputs, and environmental control by using a computer and artificial intelligence techniques.

Digital Advice of Gramophone App increased income of Khandwa farmer

Digital Advice of Gramophone App increased income of Khandwa farmer

The whole world is slowly being digitized, today anyone can get any information anywhere on one touch of mobile. There is also a lot of potential for the Indian farmer in this era of digitization. Gramophone is opening the doors of these possibilities to farmers. Now farmers are getting every information related to agriculture through the Gramophone Krishi Mitra app on one touch of a smartphone. Soybean farmer Sagar Singh Solanki of Khandwa is also doing smart farming with the help of the Gramophone Krishi Mitra App.

The use of the Gramophone app not only made Sagar Singh Solanki a smart farmer but also brought a good increase in income while reducing agricultural costs. The use of the app reduced their agricultural costs by 21% and increased income by 25%. Apart from this, their total profit also increased by 37% as compared to earlier.

Like Sagar Singh Solanki, lakhs of farmers are using the gramophone app and taking advantage of it. If you also want to become a smart farmer like them then you can also join Gramophone. To connect with Gramophone, login to the Gramophone Krishi Mitra app.


How to manage wilt disease with help of soil treatment

How to manage wilt disease with help of soil treatment
  • This disease is caused by bacteria and fungi, which deals a lot of damage to the crop.
  • Symptoms of bacterial wilt infection can be seen in all parts of infected plants.
  • The leaves turn yellow, then the whole plant dries up and dies.
  • Drying starts as a cropped circle i.e. the crop starts drying in a circle.
  • Soil treatment is the most effective way to prevent this disease.
  • As a biological treatment, for soil treatment  use  of Mycorrhiza @ 4 kg / acre or Trichoderma viride  @ 1 kg / acre.
  •  Do the seed treatment with Trichoderma viride  @ 5 gram /kg seeds  or Psuedomonas fluorescens  @ 5 gram/kg seeds .
  • PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS @ 250 gram/acre as spray. 

Farmers of MP will be able to sell paddy on MSP from this date, registration process is going on

Farmers of MP will be able to sell paddy on MSP from this date, registration process is going on

The Kharif season is in its last phase and harvesting of crops like paddy has started. In such a situation, the Madhya Pradesh government has fixed the date of purchase of paddy at the minimum support price (MSP). Paddy procurement will start from the 25th of November next month.

Explain that the registration process has already started for selling paddy produce at the minimum support price and its last date is October 15. Explain that the purchase of paddy will start from November 25 and will last for more than a month.

Source: Nai Dunia


How to control diamondback moth in cabbage crop

How to control diamondback moth in cabbage crop
  • Eggs of Diamondback Moth are white-yellow in color.
  • Its Caterpillars are 7–12 mm long, and have fine hair on its whole body while adults are 8–10 mm in length, they are brown and light brown in color and have bright spots on their backs.
  • The adult female lays eggs on the leaves either in singles or in groups.
  • Small slender green caterpillars after emerging from the eggs feed on the leaf’s epidemics, making holes in the leaves as a result.
  • Severely affected leaves are left completely skeletonized.
  • For its control, spray  LAMBDA CYHALOTHRIN 4.6% + CHOLRANTRANILIPROL 9.3%ZC @ 80 ml / acre or NOVALURAN 5.25 %+ EMAMECTIN BENZOATE 0.9 SC @ 600 ml / acre
  • As a biological control, use BEAUVERIA BASSIANA  @ 500 gram/acre with every spray

Benefits of soil treatment in potato crop

Benefits of soil treatment in potato crop
  • Soil treatment is very important before the sowing of the potato crop.
  • Soil fertility and nutrient management are very important factors for good crop yield and disease-free crops which have a direct impact on crop yield and quality.
  •  During the Rabi season, there is a lot of outbreak of fungal diseases and pests as there is excessive moisture in the soil before sowing the potatoes.
  • Soil treatment is done with fungicides and insecticides to prevent fungal diseases and pests.
  • Potato crops do not get infected with diseases like tuber rot due to soil treatment with fungicides and insecticides.
  • Potato wilt disease is also prevented by soil treatment.
  • Soil treatment is also very important to overcome the deficiency of nutrients in the soil as its main nutrients are used in the last crop.
  • By soil treatment, soil structure improves and production also increases.

Mandi Bhaw: What are the prices of potato, onion, tomato and wheat in different mandis of MP?

Mandi Bhaw

Onion prices are running at Rs 850 per quintal at Gautampura Mandi in Indore and tomato, onion, okra, and gourd are priced at Rs 1400, 500, 1200, and 700 per quintal respectively in the Agricultural Produce Market Committee of Khandwa.

Apart from this, the price of potato and onion in Deori mandi of Sagar district is 2700 and 1500 rupees per quintal respectively. Talking about Damoh Mandi, here tomato is Rs 3500 and the potato is Rs 2500 per quintal.

Talking about wheat, at present the price in Gautampura mandi is Rs 1900 per quintal. The price of wheat in Mhow is Rs 1810 per quintal. Wheat prices in Saver and Indore mandi are Rs 1656 and Rs 1519 per quintal respectively.

Source: Kisan Samadhan


Control of early blight disease in potato crop

Control of early blight disease in potato crop
  • This disease is caused by a fungus known as Alternaria solani.
  • This disease can occur even before tuber formation. The first infestation occurs on the leaves below from where the disease progresses upwards.
  • Brown colored spots with round oval or rings are formed on the leaves.
  • The spots gradually grow in size which later covers the entire leaf and finally, the plant dies.
  • MANCOZEB 75 % WP@ 600 Gram/acre or CARBENDAZIM 12% + MANCOZEB 63%@300 Gram/acre 
  • THIOPHANATE METHYL 70% W/W@ 300 gram/acre or CHLOROTHALONIL 75% WP@ 400 Gram/acre 
  • For biological treatment TRICHODERMA VIRIDE@ 500 Gram/acre or PSEUDOMONAS FLUORESCENS@ 250 gram/acre