Pests, diseases and control measures in the period of 15 to 20 days in soybean crop

In the soybean crop, usually during 15 to 20 days period, sucking pests – whitefly, jassid, and leaf- eating caterpillar, girdle beetle, white grub,The problem of fungal diseases like damping off, root rot, rust etc. is visible.

Control measures

  •  If the problem of leaf eating caterpillar and fungal diseases is observed. Spray Emanova (Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG) @ 100 gm + silico maxx  @ 50 ml, + Roko (Thiophionate methyl 70%W/W) @ 300 gm per acre, @ 150 to 200 liter of water.  

  • For the control of sucking insect, whitefly, aphid, jassid – Spray Thianova 25 (Thiamethoxam 25% WG) @ 100 gm + Vigor Maxx Gel Gold (Botanical Extracts, Seaweed Extracts and  trace elements) @ 400 gm + Silico maxx @ 50 ml, @ 150 to 200 liters of water per acre

  • For control of white grubs in standing crop, apply Danitol (FENPROPATHRIN 10 % EC) @ 500 ml/acre, Dantotsu (Clothianidin 50.00% WG) @ 100 gm / acre mixed with 15 -20 kg of sand and broadcast, or drench it.

  • For control of Girdle beetle Spray,  Lamnova (Lambda-cyhalothrin 4.9% EC) @ 200 ml or Novalaxm (Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC) @ 80 ml + Silico Maxx @ 50 ml, @ 150 to 200 liters of water per acre . 

  • For control of Rust spray, Milduvip (Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP) @ 300 gm or Novacone (Hexaconazole 5% SC) 400 ml + Silico maxx @ 50 ml, @ 150 to 200 liters of water per acre.

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