Problem and prevention of Cercospora leaf spot in soybean crop

Symptoms of damage

Infection of this disease first appears on older leaves. First appears as small brown and light purple irregular, angular spots on the upper surface of the leaves and gradually develops into circular spots. Later these spots mix together, turning into large spots. More affected leaves turn dark purple in color. Looks like a sunburn at the end.

Know the reddening of leaves in the cotton crop!

Leaf turning red in cotton, also known as red leaf disease. Initially the edge of the leaf turns yellow and later turns red. This disorder is caused by an environmental factor and nitrogen, magnesium supply and excessive water logging. This can happen at any developmental stage. There is no significant difference between the symptoms of sucking insects and the symptoms of red leaf. Symptoms are often seen in mature leaves. and gradually spreads to the entire leaves. Eventually the entire leaves dry up.

preventive measures

Timely sowing should be done to avoid natural factors. And there should be adequate drainage to avoid water logging in the fields. After 40 to 45 days of sowing, apply Urea @ 30 kg + Magnesium Sulphate @ 10 kg per acre.

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Pests, diseases and control measures in the period of 15 to 20 days in soybean crop

In the soybean crop, usually during 15 to 20 days period, sucking pests – whitefly, jassid, and leaf- eating caterpillar, girdle beetle, white grub,The problem of fungal diseases like damping off, root rot, rust etc. is visible.

Control measures

  •  If the problem of leaf eating caterpillar and fungal diseases is observed. Spray Emanova (Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG) @ 100 gm + silico maxx  @ 50 ml, + Roko (Thiophionate methyl 70%W/W) @ 300 gm per acre, @ 150 to 200 liter of water.  

  • For the control of sucking insect, whitefly, aphid, jassid – Spray Thianova 25 (Thiamethoxam 25% WG) @ 100 gm + Vigor Maxx Gel Gold (Botanical Extracts, Seaweed Extracts and  trace elements) @ 400 gm + Silico maxx @ 50 ml, @ 150 to 200 liters of water per acre

  • For control of white grubs in standing crop, apply Danitol (FENPROPATHRIN 10 % EC) @ 500 ml/acre, Dantotsu (Clothianidin 50.00% WG) @ 100 gm / acre mixed with 15 -20 kg of sand and broadcast, or drench it.

  • For control of Girdle beetle Spray,  Lamnova (Lambda-cyhalothrin 4.9% EC) @ 200 ml or Novalaxm (Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC) @ 80 ml + Silico Maxx @ 50 ml, @ 150 to 200 liters of water per acre . 

  • For control of Rust spray, Milduvip (Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP) @ 300 gm or Novacone (Hexaconazole 5% SC) 400 ml + Silico maxx @ 50 ml, @ 150 to 200 liters of water per acre.

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Weed control measures after sowing in the soybean crop

Mechanical method –   20-25 days After sowing in soybean crop, do one hand hoeing and 40 – 45 days after second hoeing.

For narrow and broad leaves –  In Soyabean 12 – 20 days after sowing and at 2-4 leaf stage with adequate soil moisture (Shaked) Propaquizafop 2.5% + Imazethapyr 3.75% WP @ 800 ml or (Weedblock, Aspire) Imazethapyr 10% SL @ 400 ml Spray at the rate of 150 to 200 liters of water per acre.

For narrow leaves-  

At 20-40  days after emergence, take spray of (Targa Super) Quizalofop Ethyl 5% EC 400 ml or (Gallant) Haloxyfop R Methyl 10.5% w/w  EC 400 ml per acre in 150 to 200 liters of water. Keep moisture in the field at the time of spraying. And use a flat fan nozzle.

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Control measures of Girdle Beetle in Soybean crop

The girdle beetle is one of the main pests of soybeans. The female beetle is soft bodied and dark in colour. The adult beetle has a hard shell-like appearance , with an antenna on its head. Its larva is white colored and soft-headed insect. Its attack on the crop is more between July and August. 

symptoms of damage

This insect causes maximum damage to the soybean crop. The female of this insect lays eggs inside the stem and when the young come out of the egg, they weaken it by eating the same stem, due to which the stem becomes hollow in the middle, minerals do not reach the leaves and the leaves dry up. Because of this, there is a significant reduction in the production of the crop.

Control Measures -:

  • Spray Novalaxam (Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC) @ 80 ml or Solomon (Beta-Cyfluthrin + Imidacloprid 300 OD, 8.49 + 19.81 % w/w) @ 150 ml + Silico Maxx @ 50 ml per acre.

For biological control, spray Bave Curb (Bavaria bassiana 5% WP) @ 250 -500 g/acre.

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Weed control measures after sowing in the soybean crop

Mechanical method –   20-25 days After sowing in soybean crop, do one hand hoeing and 40 – 45 days after second hoeing.

For narrow and broad leaves –  In Soyabean 12 – 20 days after sowing and at 2-4 leaf stage with adequate soil moisture (Shaked) Propaquizafop 2.5% + Imazethapyr 3.75% WP @ 800 ml or (Weedblock, Aspire) Imazethapyr 10% SL @ 400 ml Spray at the rate of 150 to 200 liters of water per acre.

For narrow leaves-  

At 20-40  days after emergence, take spray of (Targa Super) Quizalofop Ethyl 5% EC 400 ml or (Gallant) Haloxyfop R Methyl 10.5% w/w  EC 400 ml per acre in 150 to 200 liters of water. Keep moisture in the field at the time of spraying. And use a flat fan nozzle.

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White Grub Control in Soybean crop

Identification: White grubs are white coloured insects that live as grubs in a field their dormancy period is in the winter.

Damaging Symptoms :  Usually in the initial form, they feed on the root of the soybean plant. Symptoms of white grubs can be seen on the plant, such as wilting of the plant, plant growth stops and finally the death of the plant is its main symptom.


  • For control of this insect , in the months of June and July, use Metarhizium culture [kalichakra] along with FYM (2 kg + 50-75 kg)  per acre for control of white grub.

  • Chemical treatment can also be done. For this, use FENPROPATHRIN 10 % EC [Danitol] @ 500 ml / acre, Clothianidin 50.00% WG @ [Dantotsu] 100 gm / acre as soil mix.

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How to prepare the field for soybean crop

  • Prepare the field for soybean crops like this- summer plowing must be done at least once in 3 years.

  • After the onset of rain, the field should be prepared by using cultivator and laveler 2 or 3 times. This will destroy all the stages of the harmful insects. Fields with lump-free and friable soil are best for soybean.

  • At the time of field preparation, mix FYM @ 4-5 ton + single super phosphate @ 50 kg per acre in the field before sowing.

  • At the time of sowing DAP @40 kg + Muriate  of Potash @ 30 kg + 2 kg of consortia of Phosphorus Soluble Bacteria + Potash Motile Bacteria + 1 kg rhizobium Bacteria) level the field by mixing it evenly at the rate of per acre.

  • The amount of manure and fertilizers may vary according to the soil test report, location and variety.

  • To avoid white grub problem, mix Metarhizium species @ 2 kg with 50 kg dung manure/compost with the first dose of fertilizers and sprinkle the field at the rate of per acre.

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Importance of Rhizobium culture in soybean crop

  • Rhizobium bacteria are found in the root nodules of leguminous plants (soybean and other leguminous crops), which is helpful in increasing the yield of the crop by stabilizing atmospheric nitrogen. Rhizobium is a biofertilizer used in pulse crops.

 Benefits of using Rhizobium in soybean crop –

  • Rhizobium bacteria fix the nitrogen present in the environment and reach the roots of plants. Therefore, it reduces the need of chemical fertilizers in pulse crops.

  • The use of Rhizobium has increased the yield of soybean by several percent. The use of Rhizobium increases the amount of nitrogen in the soil and maintains fertility.

  • The nitrogen accumulated by the bacteria present in the roots of soybean is absorbed by the next crop. The nitrogen stored by Rhizobium is completely available to the plants due to it being in organic form.

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Sulfur utility in soybean crop

Sulfur utility in soybean crop
  • Sulfur is essential for soybean production, and some farmers are facing a shortage of sulfur due to its low consumption.
  • Sulfur contributes significantly to the manufacture of protein and oil in soybean crops.
  • Aids in the manufacture of foliage in sulfur leaves.
  • Sulfur increases the reactivity of enzymes in plants.
  • Symptoms of sulfur deficiency first appear on new leaves, which persist even after giving nitrogen.
  • The new leaves turn yellow.
  • The crops ripen relatively late and the seeds are not able to mature properly.
  • In the soybean crop, the bales located in the crops do not grow properly, due to which the natural nitrogen process is adversely affected.

Importance of Rhizobium culture in soybean crop

Importance of Rhizobium culture in soybean crop
  • Rhizobium is  a bacteria found in soybean roots which increases the crop yield by atmospheric nitrogen fixing. But currently the amount of undesirable elements in the soil has so much increased that the bacteria of Rhizobium in the soybean crop are unable to function to the best of their ability. 
  • Therefore, using Rhizobium culture produces fast legume in the roots of soybean crop and increases the yield of soybean by 50-60%.
  • The use of Rhizobium culture increases about 12-16 kg of nitrogen to the soil per acre.
  • Rhizobium culture is done by adding 5 grams per kg of seed for seed treatment and 1 kg of culture per 50 kg FYM before sowing for soil treatment.
  • Nitrogen deposited by Rhizobium bacteria present in the roots of the pulses is used in the next crop, which also requires less fertilization in the next crop.