Causes and Control Measures of Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus in Soybean

In soybean crops, damages ranging from 8 to 35% have been observed due to mosaic virus. The main vector insect that spreads this virus is the white fly. Symptoms of mosaic virus vary according to the variety of soybean crop. Due to its infestation, the leaves turn yellow and yellow-green spots are formed on the leaves. Due to incomplete development, leaves become distorted and appear curled up.

At the same time, the development of the plant is not done properly and the pods are not formed properly, due to which affects the production. For its control, first of all, it is necessary to control the sucking insect white fly.

for white fly control

  • For biological control, spray Brigade B (Beauveria bassiana 1.15% WP) @ 1 kg + silico maxx @ 50 ml, @ 150 to 200 liters of water per acre.

  • Apart from this, farmers should install yellow sticky traps @ 8-10 per acre, in the field to report pest infestation. This will indicate the pest outbreak, on the basis of which the farmers can save the crop from pest infestation by adopting the above-mentioned measures.

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