Control of gummy stem blight in bottle gourd

  • In this disease, there is an infection in all the parts except the root of the plant.
  • Early symptoms: Yellowness/greenness is seen on the edges of the leaves of the plant, and the surface filled with spots appear.
  • The wound is formed on the stem of the plant that is infected with this disease, from which the red-brown, black-colored gummy substance is released.
  • On the string, brown spots become black spots which later go to the wound.
  • In bottle gourd seeds have medium-brown, dark spots.


  • Choose healthy seeds.
  • Inspect transplantation and uproot the infected plants and leave the farm out of the field.
  • On the appearance of illness, immediately spray chlorothalonil 75% WP @ 350gm / acre or tebuconazole 25.9% EC @ 200 ml / acre solution.

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