How to avoid fruit borer in Bottle Gourd

How to avoid fruit borer in Bottle Gourd
  • Do not take the same crop continuously in the same field, follow crop rotation.
  • Adult flies lay eggs in flowers. Eggs go into maggots, which feed inside the fruit and cause rotting.
  • For effective prevention of the pest, remove fruits before spraying the insecticide.
  • Size of the infected fruits deteriorated and cut caused foul smell.
  • To control the number of pests, apply pheromone trap @ 4 nets per acre.
  • For pest prevention, spray emamectin benzoate at the rate of 5% SG @ 100 g + Bivaria bassiana 250 g per acre. or
  • Spray Chlorpyrifos with 200 liters of water at the rate of 20% EC 300 ml per acre. or
  • Spray Bifenthrin @ 10% EC @ 400 ml / acre.

How to identify Alternaria leaf blight in bottle gourd?

Alternaria leaf blight in bottle gourd can be identified by the following symptoms-

  • In the initial stages of this disease, Yellow spots appear on the leaves which then turn brown and finally turn black on ageing.
  • They usually start from margins and then produce concentric rings.  
  • Severely affected vines start looking like burnt charcoal.

Control of Aphid in Bottle gourd

  • The affected plants have to be uprooted and destroyed to prevent the spread of the disease.
  • For effective control of aphid fortnightly spray of acephate 75 % SP @ 300- 400 gm / acre or
  • Imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 100 ml /acre or 
  • acetamiprid 20% SP @ 150-200 gm/ acre.

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Aphid in Bottle gourd

  • The affected parts turn yellow, curled, wrinkled and deformed in shape and ultimately dry and die away.
  • Large colonies of nymphs and adults are found on tender twigs and shoots as also on ventral leaf surface sucking the vital sap from the tissues.
  • Fruit size and quality are also reduced.
  • The aphids also exude copious quantity of honeydew on which sooty mould develops, in turn, hinder the photosynthetic activity of the vines, resulting in stunted growth.
  • The fruits covered by sooty mold look unattractive and lose their market value.

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Management of fruit fly in bottle gourd

  • The maggot burrows into the fruit and feeds on fruit pulp.
  • Infested fruits decay and drop.
  • They fly mainly prefer tender fruits for egg-laying.
  • Ovipositional punctures caused by adults also cause injury on fruits and fruit juices oozes out.
  • Collect and destroy infested fruits.
  • To prevent egg-laying, fly traps(pheromone trap) can be set up in the field with 1% Methyl Eugenol or Citronella oil or Vinegar or Dextrose or Acetic acid or Lactic acid.
  • Cover developing fruits with paper or polythene cover immediately after anthesis pollination.
  • Maize plants grown in rows at a distance of 8-10 cm in cucurbit field is effective as flies rest on such tall plants.
  • Deep plowing to expose hibernating stages.
  • spray dichlorvos 76% EC 250 to 500ml/acre or
  • Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.9%CS @ 200 ml/acre. or 
  • Profenofos 40%EC + Cypermethrin 4 %EC @ 400 ml/acre

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Symptoms of Fusarium wilt

  • Causal organism: Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Vasinfevtum
  • Wilt is one of major disease of cotton. 
  • Discolorations of leaves start from the margins and spread towards midribs.
  • The veins become darker, narrower and spots.
  • Browning and blackening of vascular tissues.

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Sowing method and seed rate of Bottle gourd

  • Soak seeds in water for 24-48 hrs to facilitate germination.
  • About 1 to1.5 kg seed is enough for an acre.
  • Four to five seeds are sown per pit.
  • Remove unhealthy plants after two weeks and retain three plants per lit.
  • 300-500 gm/acre seed for hybrid and private sector varieties. seed rate varies on variety to variety and sowing spacing.

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How to increase flowering in Bottle gourd?

  • In the Bottle gourd plant, the female flower produces more fruits, which produces good production.
  • When 6-8 leaves on the plant, after making the batter in the ethylene or gibberellic acid 0.25-1ml per 10 liters of water, sprinkle on the vines and flowers on the Bottle gourd, which increases the number of female flowers and fruits and also it can be doubled.
  • The effect of this spraying remains on the plant for 80 days.

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