Online payment of Rs 2990 crore to 1493171 farmers under crop insurance

The Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Shri Shivraj Singh Chauhan will make online payment of Rs 2990 crore under crop insurance to 14 lakh 93 thousand 171 farmers of the state at 3 pm today.

On this issue, the Minister of Farmers Welfare and Agriculture Development, Mr. Kamal Patel said that “One lakh 930 crore rupees are being provided to 8 lakh 33 thousand 171 farmers as insurance for Kharif crop. Similarly, 6 lakh 60 Thousand farmers will be paid one thousand 60 crores as insurance amount for the Rabi crop. ”

Minister Shri Patel further informed that as soon as the new government was formed in the state, an amount of Rs 2200 crore was paid to the insurance companies for the premium under crop insurance. Now the result of this is that the amount of crop insurance is being paid online to the farmers.



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