Management of Pea Pod Borer

Pea Pod Borer:- The larva of this insect cuts the pedicel of the flower and feeds on the stalk. Single larva damages many flower stalks. The larva feed on the leaves initially stage then bore in to the basal portion of stalks and inter the pod feeds on soft grains.

Management:- Plough deeply, Clean cultivation to expose the resting pupae. Trap cropping with crops likes Tomato and destroying them when the population is high and mechanically remove the adults and larvae from the trap crop. Use of inter crops like maize cow pea and brinjal significantly helps in reducing the pest population. Install the bird perches in the field. Application of HaNPV at the rate of 100 LE per acre along with 0.5 % jiggery and 0.1% boric acid at egg hatch stage and repeat at 15-20 days. Use of chemicals should comprise 2.00 ml profenophos 50 EC per litre of water as ovicides. Spraying neem seed kernel extract 5% in the early stage. If the infestation is sevre, spraying 0.5 ml Indoxacarb 14.5% SC or 0.1 ml Spinosad 45 SC or 2.5 ml Chlorpyriphos 20 EC can be applied.

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