Control of Aphids in Pea

Control of Aphids in Pea:-

  • Small green insects, adults are large pear-shaped green, yellow or pink in color.


  • Suck the plant sap from leaves, flowers and pods.
  • The affected leaves often get cupped or become irregularly distorted, shoots become stunted and malformed.  
  • Honeydew secreted by the aphids encourages growth of Sooty mould.


  • Spray the crop with Following insecticides at 15-20 days interval till the end of aphid population checked.
  1. Profenofos 50% EC @ 50 ml/ Pump.
  2. Acetamiprid 20 SP @ 10 gm/Pump.
  3. Imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 7 ml/pump.

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