Management of anthracnose disease on pea

  • Use disease free certified seed.
  • Do not grow pea for at least two years in the same land that has carried on infected crop.
  • Remove and destroy the disease infected pea plants to check the spread of disease.
  • Treat the seeds with carboxin 37.5 +thiram 37.5% @ 2.5 gm / kg seed.
  • Weekly Spray Kasugamycin 5% + Copper Oxychloride 45% WP 320 gm/acre or
  • Spray kitazin 48.0 w/w 400 ml/acre.

Identification of anthracnose disease on pea

  • Leaves, stems and pods of pea are susceptible to infection.
  • Small reddish-brown, slightly sunken spots form on the pods .
  • These spots are rapidly developing into large, dark-sunken lesions on plants .
  • In moist weather, masses of pink spores develop on these lessons.
  • Infection of the leaves causes blacking along the veins particularly on the under surface.

Control of Blight and Foot Rot in Pea Crop

  • Use healthy seeds and treat them with Carbendazim+Mancozeb @ 250 Gm/ quintals seed before sowing.  
  • Spray infected crop with Mancozeb 75% @ 400 gm/Acre at flowering and afterwards at 10-15 days intervals .  or
  • Spray infected crop  with Thiophanate methyl 70% Wp @ 250 gram/acre.or
  • Spray infected crop with Chlorothrlonil 75% WP @ 250 gram/acre.
  • Remove diseased plants and destroy them.  
  • Maintain proper drainage.

Identification of Blight and Foot Rot in Pea Crop

  • Small, purple spots appear on leaves which may enlarge, turn brown and become zonate with a definite margin.
  • Similar lesions also appear on the stem which elongate and coalesce causing browning or blackening of stem.
  • On the pods, lesions are tan or brown in colour and irregular having a dark margin.

Control of Aphids in Pea

  • Small green insects, adults are large pear-shaped green, yellow or pink in color.


  • Suck the plant sap from leaves, flowers, and pods.
  • The affected leaves often get cupped or become irregularly distorted, shoots become stunted and malformed.  
  • Honeydew secreted by the aphids encourages the growth of Sooty mold.

Requirement of Irrigation in Pea

  • For proper germination, pre-sowing irrigation is a must if the soils are dry.
  • Normally 2-3 irrigation is needed for midseason peas or late sown peas.
  • Moisture stress at flowering and subsequent pod filling stage are most undesirable affecting the yield and quality of pods.


Grading of green peas

    • When garden peas are intended for fresh market,  it is necessary to remove over matured yellow pods, flat pods, the diseased and insect injured pods.  
    • Peas for processing are graded into four grades based on the size of shelled peas.  


  • Smaller sizes are considered to have the best quality.



Harvesting of green pea

  • Harvesting of green pods must be done at the proper stage.  
  • For the vegetable purpose, the pods are harvested when their color changes from dark green to light green and are well filled.  
  • The plant should be handled gently and if the vines are damaged during picking, the remaining pods will not develop properly.


Management of Wilt in Pea

  • Treat seeds with Carboxin 37.%+ Thiram 37.5% @ 2 gm /kg or Trichoderma viride @ 5 gm/kg before sowing and avoid early sowing in badly infected areas.
  • Follow 3 years crops rotation.
  • Destroy the weed hosts.
  • Apply Mycorrhiza @ 4 kg/acre at 15 days after sowing.
  • Spraying Thiaphanate methyl 75% WP @ 300 gm/acre at before flowering.
  • Spraying Propiconazole 25% EC @ 125 ml/acre at pod formation stage.

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Symptoms of Wilt in Pea

  • The roots turn black and the later rot away.

  • Plant growth is checked, foliage turn yellow and downward curling of stipules and leaflets takes place.

  • The entire plant wilts and the stem shrivels.
