Symptoms and control of leafhopper pest in okra crop

It is the main pest of cotton, okra, brinjal, etc., which are greenish-yellow in color, black spots appear on the top, the outbreak of this insect is rapid for a long time due to excessive cloudiness and high humidity in the environment.  Newborn and adult insects suck the sap from the leaves. 

Symptoms – 

Yellowing of leaves, shriveling and curling of leaves.

reddening of leaves or scorching on edges

Hopper burn, stunted plant growth. 

Control – Spray with Imidacloprid 17.8%SL@ 100ml or Acephate 50%+Imidacloprid 1.8%SP@ 400g+silico max @ 50ml,150-200Ltr of water per acre.

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