Stem borer attacks in paddy crop

  • The larval stage of this insect is harmful, after hatching from the egg, the larva penetrates inside the leaves of the middle buds and eats the stem inside and goes to the internode.

  • Panicles do not come out when there is an outbreak in the growing stage of plants, When an outbreak occurs in the panicle emergence stage, the earhead dry up and turn white and no grains are formed.

  • For its control, spray Chlorpyriphos 50% + Cypermethrin 5% EC [Super-D] @ 500 ml or Cypermethrin 4% EC + Profenofos 40% EC [ProfeNova] @ 400 ml per acre.

  • Apply Cartap Hydrochloride 4% GR [Caldan] @ 8 kg per acre in the soil.

  • For biological control, spray Beauveria bassiana (Bave Curb) @ 250 gm/acre.


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