Get rid of diseases in the paddy crop in one spray

Neck Blast

It occurs in areas with frequent and prolonged rainfall and low temperatures during the day. It is a major disease of paddy. The neck area of the panicle becomes black due to this disease. And tilts towards the bottom partially or completely. In which the grains are not formed and the panicle hangs from the neck, and breaks. This disease of paddy is very destructive.

Sheath Blight disease

Due to this disease, the main symptoms of the disease appear on the sheath near the surface of the water or land.Due to its infestation, 2-3 cm long green to brown spots  are formed on the leaf sheath, which later become straw colored. A thin purple stripe is formed around the spots. Fungal mycelium are clearly visible in a favourable environment.

Control Measures:- 

For its control, take spray of Nativo (Tebuconazole 50% + Trifloxystrobin 25%WG) @ 80 gm + Novamaxx @ 300 ml + Silicomaxx Gold @ 50 ml per acre, in 150 to 200 liters of water.

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