In paddy crops nutrient management is necessary for proper growth of plants and more tillering

Tri Dissolve Paddy Maxx

In paddy, nutrient management is an important aspect, in which, proper use of chemical fertilizers, micronutrients, organic fertilizers, green-blue algae, FYM and green manure etc. 

At the time of sowing or transplanting in paddy , give the remaining 1/4 of the given nitrogen at the  tillering stage . If zinc sulphate is not used at the time of transplanting, then apply zinc sulphate at the rate of 10 kg per acre. Use sulphur containing fertilizers (like single super phosphate or sulphur etc.) in sulphur deficient areas. Also use Tri Dissolve Paddy Maxx for best quality of crop.

Tri Dissolve Paddy Maxx – It is a bio stimulating nutrient which contains organic carbon, potassium, calcium, other natural stabilizers, etc. It promotes healthy and vegetative growth, and promotes root development at an early stage. It also increases the amount of various nutrients. And increases the immunity of plants. Which leads to an increase in production. This product is mainly made for paddy crops.

Method of use:- Use it at the rate of 400 grams per acre and broadcast it with the nutrients given at that time. and spray 200 grams of Tri Dissolve Paddy Maxx per acre, 150 to 200 liters of water.

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Get rid of diseases in the paddy crop in one spray

Neck Blast

It occurs in areas with frequent and prolonged rainfall and low temperatures during the day. It is a major disease of paddy. The neck area of the panicle becomes black due to this disease. And tilts towards the bottom partially or completely. In which the grains are not formed and the panicle hangs from the neck, and breaks. This disease of paddy is very destructive.

Sheath Blight disease

Due to this disease, the main symptoms of the disease appear on the sheath near the surface of the water or land.Due to its infestation, 2-3 cm long green to brown spots  are formed on the leaf sheath, which later become straw colored. A thin purple stripe is formed around the spots. Fungal mycelium are clearly visible in a favourable environment.

Control Measures:- 

For its control, take spray of Nativo (Tebuconazole 50% + Trifloxystrobin 25%WG) @ 80 gm + Novamaxx @ 300 ml + Silicomaxx Gold @ 50 ml per acre, in 150 to 200 liters of water.

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What to do, to make the paddy crop good

Tri Dissolve Paddy Maxx – It is a bio stimulating nutrient which contains organic carbon, potassium, calcium, other natural stabilizers, etc. It promotes healthy and vegetative growth, and promotes root development at an early stage. It also increases the amount of various nutrients. And increases the immunity of plants. Which leads to an increase in production. This product is mainly made for paddy crops.

Method of use

Use it at the rate of 400 grams per acre and broadcast it with the nutrients given at that time. and spray 200 grams of Tri Dissolve Paddy Maxx per acre, 150 to 200 liters of water.

Tri Coat Maxx – It is a plant growth stimulator. Contains Organic Carbon 3% (Combination of Humic, Fluvik, Organic Nutrients). Helps in good development of root and stem of plants and also increases the reproductive growth of plants.

Method of use – At the rate of 4kg Tri Coat Maxx per acre, broadcast with the nutrients given at that time.

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Weed and nutrient management 10 to 15 days after transplanting in a paddy crop

NOMINEE GOLD (Post Emergent) 

  • paddy is the main crop of Kharif season, but where there are irrigation facilities, paddy can be cultivated in both Rabi and Kharif seasons. There is more weed in the Kharif crop than in Rabi. For weed control –

  • Spray Bispyribac Sodium 10% SC (Nominee Gold) @ 80 -100 ml, 150 to 200 Ltr of water per acre at 2 to 5 leaf stage, 10 to 15 days after transplanting of paddy. Use flat fan nozzles. Drain the water from the field at the time of application, Re-flood the field within 48 – 72 hours of application. And retain water for 5-7 days to prevent weed emergence.


  • Nominee Gold controls major paddy grasses and broadleaf weeds.

  • Nominee Gold is safe for paddy .

  • Nominee Gold gets absorbed quickly in weeds and results are unaffected even if it rains after 6 hours of application.

  • Nominee Gold is a Post Emergent, Broad Spectrum systemic herbicide for all types of paddy cultivation. direct sown paddy , paddy nursery and transplanted paddy.

2,4 D (Post emergence)

To control broadleaf weeds, 20-25 days after transplanting, spray 2,4-D Ethyl Ester 38% EC (Sackweed 38) @ 400 to 1000 ml, @ 150 – 200 liters of water per acre .

Nutrient Management!

One week after weedicide use, apply Urea @ 40 kg,  Zinc Sulphate (Zinkfer) @ 5 kg, Sulphur 90% WG (Cosawet) @ 3 kg, Cartap Hydrochloride 4%GR (Caldan) cartavip 7.5 kg , or Fipronil 0.3% GR (Fax, Regent), FipNova 7.5 kg CHLORANTRANILIPROLE 00.4% GR (Ferterra for CG) 4 kg, per acre Mix together and broadcast in the soil.


Benefits of direct sowing of paddy

Direct sowing of paddy is done by two methods. In one method, seeds are sown by seed drill after preparing the field. In the second method, the germinated seeds are sown by drum seeder in the field. In this method, the paddy is sown in the dry field by preparing the field before the arrival of rain.For higher production, after ploughing in this method, sowing should be done in the first week of June in rows by bullock driven sowing plough or tractor driven seed drill.

  • About 20 percent of the total irrigation requirement of paddy is used in the puddling for transplanting. By adopting direct sowing technique, 20 to 25 percent water is saved because there is no need to maintain water continuously in the field when paddy is sown by this method.

  • Direct sowing saves labor per hectare as compared to transplanting. Time is also saved in this method because in this method there is no need to prepare and transplant paddy seedlings.

  • The cost of raising paddy nursery, puddle the field and planting saplings in the field is saved. Thus, the cost of production is less in direct sowing.

  • This technique saves energy and fuel in comparison to the transplanting method.

  • The sowing of paddy is completed on time, due to which there is a possibility of getting more yield.

  • If paddy is cultivated by transplanting method, there is a need to puddle the field, which adversely affects the physical condition of the land, whereas direct sowing technique does not have any adverse effect on the physical condition of the soil.

  • With this method, you can sow easily by adding manure and seeds to the zero tillage machine. This saves seeds and increases efficiency of fertilizer usage. 

  • Direct sown paddy matures 7-10 days earlier than planted paddy, so that timely sowing of rabi crops can be done.

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Nutrient management at the time of transplanting in the paddy crop

In paddy, nutrient management is an important aspect, in which proper use of chemical fertilizers, micronutrients, organic fertilizers, green-blue algae,FYM and green manure etc.

7 days before transplanting in the main field (at the time of puddling),Mix FYM at the rate of 4 tones and Combat (Trichoderma viride) 2 kg per acre in the field.

After that at the time of transplanting, Urea 20 kg + SSP 50 kg + MOP (Muriate of Potash) 20 kg + DAP 25 kg + TB 3 (NPK consortia) – 3 kg + TABA G (Zinc soluble bacteria) 4 kg + Maxxmyco ( Mycorrhiza) 2 kg or Tri Coat Max (seaweed + Humic and Trace Elements) 4 kg, per acre mixed well in the soil.

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Importance of zinc in paddy crop

Zinc is one of the essential micronutrients that plants need for normal growth and reproduction. Zinc is needed for the plant’s metabolic functions and for building structures. Plants require zinc for many key functions, including photosynthesis, protein synthesis, phytohormone synthesis (eg. auxin), seed germination, sugar formation, disease and abiotic stress. 

Diseases caused by its deficiency in paddy crop –

  • Zinc deficiency in paddy crops causes Khaira disease.

  • Less length and less growth of the plant’s joint, the leaves of the plant remain small. 

  • Due to its deficiency, the leaves start turning yellow and the color of the central veins of the leaves appears green. 


Before transplanting of paddy, apply zinkfer zinc sulphate @ 5-7 kg (as per soil test) per acre from the soil. Spraying of Novozin Chelated Zinc @ 250-300 gm/acre in the nursery if symptoms of zinc deficiency are observed.

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This year farmers can produce record rice

This year farmers can produce record rice

This year farmers can produce record rice

This year farmers of the country can produce a record in rice production. The reason behind this is being told by the government to increase the price of paddy and the possible good monsoon rains, due to which farmers are sowing paddy on a large scale. Due to this, there is likely to be a record increase in rice production in the country.

On this issue, the President of Rice Exporters Association of India BV Krishna Rao said that “farmers are interested in growing paddy. They are likely to expand due to government support. In the new marketing year we can produce 120 million tonnes. The government has increased the price at which it will buy new season rice from farmers.”

Nitin Gupta, vice-president of Olam India, said on the subject that “rising global prices, good monsoon rains and increasing exports are encouraging Indian farmers to plant more rice”. Gupta said that unlike its rivals, India has a large surplus for exports and it will grow further in the new season.

Source: Fasal Kranti


Importance of direct sowing of paddy or zero til

Importance of direct sowing of paddy or zero til
  • Direct sowing of paddy is done with zero till machine using non-selective weeding as per requirement in the fields with or without plowing with as per the required moisture.
  • Sowing of paddy must be done before the onset of monsoon (15-20 June), so that the plant is not affected by more moisture or waterlogging later. For this, firstly by giving light water to the field, if proper moisture comes, sowing should be done with light tillage or without a tillage machine
  • In this method, 10-15 kg. Seeds per acre Sufficient for sowing with this method The cost of growing paddy nursery is saved..
  • In this way, weeding should be done before sowing the paddy.

Selection of nursery area and preparation of nursery for paddy crop

Selection of nursery area and preparation of nursery for paddy crop
  • For preparing healthy and disease-free plants, proper drainage and high nutrient loamy soil is suitable and select the nursery near the source of irrigation.
  • By plowing the nursery area 3-4 times in summer and leaving the field empty so soil-related diseases are greatly reduced.
  • Nursery preparations are done one month before sowing. Weeds should be allowed to grow in the nursery area by giving water at an interval of 15 days and by plowing or
  • Destroy the weeds by spraying nonselective weeds such as Paraquat dichloride 24% SL or Glyphosate 41% SL @ 1000 ml per acre. By doing this weeds will also be reduced in the main crop of paddy.
  • Add 1 kg of composting bacteria to 50 kg FYM. Then irrigate the field and keep water in the field for two days.
  • 1.5-2.0 meter width and 8-10 meter length should be kept for proper care of the nursery beds. The nursery requires an area of ​​400 square meters for 1 acre. 
  • In the nursery, the crop requires proper vegetative growth as well as root development. Spray urea 20 kg + humic acid in 3 kg per acre nursery.
  • Sowing of paddy should be started as soon as the rain starts. Sowing time is best from mid-June to the first week of July.