Field preparation and soil treatment in water melon before sowing

  • The land should be properly prepared by ploughing according to the need and it is advisable to make small beds simultaneously. 
  • In heavy soils, seeds should be sown without a lump . The sandy soil does not require much tillage. 3-4 ploughing is sufficient . 
  • Watermelon requires fertilizer. For soil treatment, it should be done by using a soil samridhi kit before sowing. 
  • For this, first of all, mix 50 -100 kg FYM or cow dung with compost or field soil, and broadcast  it on an empty field before sowing.
  • DAP @ 50 kg / acre + SSP @ 75 kg / acre + Potash @ 75 kg / acre broadcast  at the time of sowing.

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