Benefits of cultivating by making machan in cucurbitaceous crops

  • What is Machan Method:  In this method, the vine of cucurbitaceous crops is kept above the ground by making a wire net. With this, vine vegetables can be grown easily. Along with this, the crop can be saved from many types of diseases. This results in higher production of the crop.

  • Cucumber, sponge gourd, bitter gourd, bottle Gourd and many other vegetables are cultivated in the summer season, but due to rain, these crops start rotting. Farmers can get good yield by planting early varieties of  vegetables by machan  method. First of all, the nursery is prepared and then planting is done in the main field without damaging the roots. To make machan, a net is made with the help of bamboo or wire and the vegetable vine is brought up with the help of wire or bamboo. During the rainy season, machan cultivation protects the fruit from damage. If there is any disease in the crop, then it is also easy to spray the pesticide in the machan.

  • Advantages of cultivation by  machan method: The growth of crops is very good. The crop gets plenty of sunlight and air. Weeds and grasses are also affected less. The  machan can be used for 3 years. Pests and the risk of disease is reduced because it prevents the crop from contact with the soil and the  attack of diseases is very less.

  • The care of the crop is easily done such as it is easy to do spraying etc., 2 to 3 vegetables can be cultivated at a time. The machan method can prove successful in doubling the income of the farmer. Through this method, the farmer can save 90 percent of the crop from spoilage. Along with this, the loss in farming will also be less for the farmers.

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