Know why Sulphur is necessary in soybean crops?

For the past years, emphasis was being laid on the use of only Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash under balanced fertilizers. Due to lack of focus on the use of sulphur, deficiency of sulphur was found in the soil during soil testing. Sulphur deficiency is increasing continuously due to the use of sulphur free fertilizers like Urea, DAP, NPK and Muriate of Potash. Keeping this result in mind, it is very important to apply sulphur in the field.

  • Sulphur is an important element out of 18 essential elements required for proper growth and development of plants. It is very necessary to increase the oil content in oilseed crops. Sulphur is a secondary nutrient needed by plants in large quantities.

  • Proper nutritional management is very necessary for high yield of soybean, the demand of sulphur in soybean is maximum during seed filling. Because the amount of protein in soyabean  seeds is very high, the balance of sulphur and nitrogen nutrition is very important for proper protein formation in soybean during seed formation.

  • Mainly bentonite sulphur and conventional sulphur containing Fertilizers are used for sulphur supply in soybean crops. For quick and continuous supply of Sulphur in short duration crops like Soyabean, GROMOR SULPHUR 90% GR or GROMOR SULPHA MAX  90% GR @ 5 kg per acre can be applied.

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