White fly control measures in the cotton crop

White fly:   Both the young and adult of this insect suck the sap by sticking to the lower surface of the leaves. After the completion of the brown baby stage, it turns into a pupa there. Affected plants appear yellow and oily. On which black mold grows. These insects not only damage the crop by sucking the sap, white flies leave sticky substances on plants, which increases the chances of fungal diseases. In its infestation, the leaves of the plants shrink and twist.

Control measures –

  • Spray Novafen (Pyriproxyfen 05% + Diafenthiuron 25% SE) @ 400 ml + Sticker (SilicoMaxx) @ 50 ml per acre with 150 -200 liters of water.

  • For biological control, spray Bave-curb (Bavaria bassiana) @ 500 gm/acre with 150 -200 liters of water.

  • Apart from this, farmers should use  yellow sticky traps @ 8 -10, per acre to report pest infestation. This will indicate the pest outbreak, on the basis of which the farmers can save the crop from pest infestation by adopting the above mentioned measures.

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