Identification and control measures of aphids in cotton crops

Identification and control measures of aphids in cotton crops

Aphid :- Aphid is a small insect that sucks the sap of leaves. The young and adults of this insect are greenish-yellow in color, which are found in innumerable numbers on the lower surface of the leaves, which suck the sap of the leaves. As a result, the leaves shrink and the color of the leaves becomes yellow. Later the leaves become stiff and dry and fall off after some time. Plants on which there is an outbreak of aphid, that plant does not develop properly and the plant appears to be diseased.

Control Measures:-

  • For the control of this pest, spray  Marshal (Carbosulfan 25% EC) @ 500 ml or Novaceta (Acetamiprid 20% SC) @ 20 gm  or KRI-March (Buprofezine 25% SC) @ 400 ml + Silico Maxx @ 50 ml, per acre 150 -200 liters of water.

  • For biological control, spray Briged B (BEAUVERIA BASSIANA 1.15% WP) @1 kg/acre @ 150-200 liters of water.

  • Apart from this, farmers should install yellow sticky traps @ 8-10 per acre, in the field to report pest infestation. This will indicate the pest outbreak, on the basis of which the farmers can save the crop from pest infestation by adopting the above mentioned measures.

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Jassid problem and control measures in cotton crop

Jassid problem and control measures in cotton crop

Symptoms of damage

Both nymphs and adults of this Insect damage the crop. This insect stops the growth of plants, by sucking the sap from the stems, leaves and flowers of the plants. Due to which the plants remain weak, small and dwarf and the yield is reduced. and sucking of sap by this insect, the leaves shrink and in case of severe infestation, the plant dies.

control measures

  • For the control of this pest, Spray media (Imidacloprid 17.8% SL) @ 50 ml or Thiamethoxam 25% wg @ 40 gm, or Lancer Gold (Acephate 50% + Imidacloprid 1.8% SP) @ 400 gm + (silico max) @ 50ml per acre,  @ 150 to 200 liters of water.

  • For biological control, spray briged B (BEAUVERIA BASSIANA 1.15% WP) @1 kg/acre @ 150-200 liters of water.

  • Apart from this, farmers should install yellow sticky traps @ 8-10 per acre, in the field to report pest infestation. This will indicate the pest outbreak, on the basis of which the farmers can save the crop from pest infestation by adopting the above mentioned measures.

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Nutrient management and necessary spraying during ball formation in cotton crop

  • Nutrient management is an important measure to get a higher yield of cotton. Ball formation in the cotton crop starts in 60-65 days after sowing. At this stage, do nutrition and pest management in a proper way like this –

Nutrition management

  • To get a higher yield of cotton, it is very necessary to use Urea 30 kg + MOP 30 kg + Magnesium Sulphate 10 kg per acre.

Spraying required for ball formation

  • When 5 to 10% flower begins to form in cotton crop, then at this stage, Nutriful Maxx (Fulvic acid extract 20% + Calcium, Magnesium and potassium in trace amounts, 5% + amino acids) @ 250 ml or Double (Homobrassinolide 0.04% w/w) @ 100 ml per acre, @150 to 200 liter of water.

Advantages of use

  • Nutriful Maxx – Nutriful Maxx is a plant growth promoter. Fulvic acid extract – 20% + Calcium, Magnesium and potassium in trace amounts, 5% + amino acids are found in it. It enhances the color of flowers, the quality of the ball, and also increases the availability of nutrients. Boosts immunity against drought, frost etc.

  • And the process of pollination is completed, due to which the flowers and buds do not fall. And keeps the plants stress free. It increases the quality as well as production of crops.

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Causes and prevention measures to fall flowers and fruits in the cotton crop

Falling of flower buds in cotton leads to a sharp drop in yield. The reason for this is as follows –

  • Lack of pollination

Pollination may fail due to various mechanisms, and pollination may fail due to lack of pollinator, or adverse environment.

  • Nutritional deficiencies

Many times the plant does not get nutrients in the right amount, due to which flowers and fruits are not able to develop fully and fall.It is very important for the plant to get sulphur , boron, calcium, magnesium etc.

  • Lack of water / moisture :

Due to lack of sufficient water, plants are unable to absorb nutrients from the soil through their roots, Due to which there is a lack of many types of elements necessary for the growth of flowers, and it starts falling.

  • pests and diseases

Flowers start falling due to the attack of various types of insects and microorganisms in plants.

Measures to prevent fruit and flower drop

    • Nutrient Spraying: Nutrients should be sprayed from time to time in the plants. Major and minor eg – boron, calcium, magnesium etc.

    • Irrigation: According to the need, irrigation should be done in the crops at a fixed interval so that sufficient amount of moisture is maintained, keep in mind that excessive irrigation can also be harmful.

    • Weeding: Weeding and other intercultural work should be done from time to time in the cotton crop ,  so that the field remains free from weeds. It is necessary to use well-decomposed manure or vermicompost from time to time.

    • Pest control: Insects and disease cause damage in large quantities in crops, they should be treated from time to time in consultation with agricultural experts.

    • Maintaining the balance of hormones: In a normal crop, more damage is also caused due to hormonal imbalance. So maintain the balance of hormones. ex . Spraying of  Nova maxx (GIBBERELLIC ACID 0.001%) @ 300 ml per acre, @ 150 to 200 liter of water . 

  • Use of pollinator

For the pollination of these crops, it is necessary to have bees or other insects, not to do any kind of spraying or other agricultural work in the field during the presence of these insects. Due to this, the work of pollination is done easily and on time.

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White fly control measures in the cotton crop

White fly:   Both the young and adult of this insect suck the sap by sticking to the lower surface of the leaves. After the completion of the brown baby stage, it turns into a pupa there. Affected plants appear yellow and oily. On which black mold grows. These insects not only damage the crop by sucking the sap, white flies leave sticky substances on plants, which increases the chances of fungal diseases. In its infestation, the leaves of the plants shrink and twist.

Control measures –

  • Spray Novafen (Pyriproxyfen 05% + Diafenthiuron 25% SE) @ 400 ml + Sticker (SilicoMaxx) @ 50 ml per acre with 150 -200 liters of water.

  • For biological control, spray Bave-curb (Bavaria bassiana) @ 500 gm/acre with 150 -200 liters of water.

  • Apart from this, farmers should use  yellow sticky traps @ 8 -10, per acre to report pest infestation. This will indicate the pest outbreak, on the basis of which the farmers can save the crop from pest infestation by adopting the above mentioned measures.

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Management of pink bollworm in cotton crop

A pink bollworm  does a lot of damage to your cotton balls and in the early stages it is found on the cotton flower. Along with eating the cotton pollen from the flower, as soon as the cotton ball is ready, it goes inside it and starts eating the cotton seeds inside the dendu. Due to this, the balls of cotton are not prepared well and the cotton gets stained.

Use pheromone traps to identify this pest, indicating which pests are infested in crops and in quantity.

What is Pheromone Trap:- In pheromone trap, artificial rubber lure (septa) is applied to attract male adult insects of different species. It contains chemicals to attract males of the same species. The attracted male insects die after getting trapped in a plastic bag attached to the trap. The use of pheromone traps is the only method of non-chemical elimination of caterpillars.

For the prevention of pink ball worms, you have to do at least 3 spraying of chemical products. Let us know when and in how much quantity you have to do this spray. In 40 to 45 days after the sowing of cotton, the cotton crop reaches the full stage. As soon as 20 to 30% flowering starts in your cotton, during that time you should –

control measures

  • Do first spray of Danitol (Fenpropathrin 10% EC) @ 400 ml + Bave Curb (Bavaria bassiana 5% WP) @ 250 gm  + NutriFul Maxx (Fulvic + Amino + Trace Elements) @ 250 ml + Silico Maxx @ 50 ml/acre..

  • After this, the second spray is to be done after 13 to 15 days of the first spray. For this , spray Profenova Super (Profenophos 40% EC + Cypermethrin 4% EC) @ 400 ml + Bave Curb (Bavaria bassiana 5% WP) @ 250 g + Silico Maxx @ 50 ml/acre.

  • You have to do the third spray 15 days after the second spray. By spraying Barazide (Novaluron 5.25% + Emamectin 0.9% SC) @ 600 ml + Bave Curb (Bavaria bassiana 5% w.p) @ 250 gm + Silico Maxx @ 50 ml / acre.By spraying, farmers can save their cotton crop from pink bollworm infestation.

Precaution for PBW

  • Deep ploughing should be done during summer to protect the cotton crop from pink bollworms.

  • Old crop residues and weeds should be destroyed.

  • For the biological control of this insect, the amount of Bave Curb (Beauveria bassiana 5 % wp) @ 250-500 gm/acre should be sprayed on during Amavasya day.

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Nutrient management in cotton crop at 40-45 days stage?

  • To get a good yield of cotton crop, it is necessary to have sufficient nutrients in the soil. If these nutrients in the soil are not as per the requirement of the crop, before sowing the crop or whenever their deficiency is seen in the crop, it is necessary to give the proper amount of nutrients to get a good crop.

  • When the cotton is 40 to 45 days old, then mix Urea 30 kg + MOP 30 kg + Magnesium Sulphate 10 kg  per acre, braodcast together in the soil.

  • After 2 days of nutrient application.Spray Godrej Double (Homobrassinolide 0.04% w/w) @ 100 ml + Nutriful Maxx  (Fulvic Acid Extract – 20% + Calcium, Magnesium and Potash in trace amounts – 5% + Amino Acids) @ 250 ml @ 150 to 200 Ltr of water per acre to help in flowering.

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Nutrient management in cotton crop at 20-25 days stage

Cotton is an important fiber and cash crop. To get good yield in cotton, it is necessary to have the amount of nutrients in the soil. If these nutrients in the soil are not as per the requirement of the crop and before planting the crop or whenever the crop is lacking, then giving the proper amount of nutrients is absolutely essential to get a good crop.

  • Mix Urea 40 kg + DAP 50 kg + Sulphur 90% WG 5 kg + Zinc Sulphate 5 kg together in the soil. 

  • After 2 days spray at the rate of 19:19:19 @ 1 kg + Novamaxx (Gibberellic acid 0.001 %) @ 300 ml per acre.

  • If a cotton samriddhi kit has not been used at the time of sowing, then definitely use this kit  in the field with these fertilizers.

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Whitefly outbreak in cotton crop

White flies have become one of the most serious problems of crop protection. White flies usually lay eggs on the underside of leaves.

White flies cause damage to plants in cotton crop in two ways, first by sucking sap and transmitting viral disease, secondly by secreting honeydew on leaves, due to which the chances of fungal disease outbreak increase.

The following conditions of white fly cause damage in cotton crop –

  • Nymph – greenish yellow, oval

  • Pupa – oval in shape, present on the lower surface of the leaves

  • Adults – small mosquitoes with yellow bodies with a white waxy surface

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Management of sucking pests is necessary in the early stage of cotton crop

  • Cotton is a major cash crop. It is a crop grown in the Kharif season. 

  • In the early stages of the crop, the problem of sucking insects such as whitefly, jassid, aphid is mainly seen, which suck the sap from the leaves of the plant, due to which the leaves shrink in the beginning,

  • Safety Measures – For chemical control after 15 days of crop stage,Spray Asataf  (Acephate 75% SP) @ 300 gm + phoskill(Monocrotophos 36%SL) @ 400 ml + ( Vigermax Gel Gold) @ 400 g +  silicomax 50 ml, in 150 – 200 liters of water per acre. 

  • For biological control – Spray with 150-200 liters of water @  bave-curb (Bavaria vesiana)@ 500 gm/acre.

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