How to prepare the field for soybean crop

  • Prepare the field for soybean crops like this- summer plowing must be done at least once in 3 years.

  • After the onset of rain, the field should be prepared by using cultivator and laveler 2 or 3 times. This will destroy all the stages of the harmful insects. Fields with lump-free and friable soil are best for soybean.

  • At the time of field preparation, mix FYM @ 4-5 ton + single super phosphate @ 50 kg per acre in the field before sowing.

  • At the time of sowing DAP @40 kg + Muriate  of Potash @ 30 kg + 2 kg of consortia of Phosphorus Soluble Bacteria + Potash Motile Bacteria + 1 kg rhizobium Bacteria) level the field by mixing it evenly at the rate of per acre.

  • The amount of manure and fertilizers may vary according to the soil test report, location and variety.

  • To avoid white grub problem, mix Metarhizium species @ 2 kg with 50 kg dung manure/compost with the first dose of fertilizers and sprinkle the field at the rate of per acre.

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