Damping off disease in Onion

  • High soil moisture and moderate temperature along with high humidity, especially in the rainy season led to the development of the disease.  
  • Pre-emergence damping off results in seed and seedling rot before these emerge out of the soil.  
  • Post-emergence damping-off results in pathogen attack the collar region of seedlings on the surface of the soil.  
  • The collar portion rots and ultimately the seedling collapse and die. 
  • Healthy seeds should be selected for sowing.
  • Spray of Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% or Thiaphanate methyl 70% WP @ 50 gm/Pump. 

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Seed rate of onion crop

  • 3-4 kg seed is sufficient for raising seedlings for one acre, accommodating 40-44 beds of 3m X 0.6m size each.
  • For broadcasting directly in the field or sowing in the rows, 6-8 kg seeds are enough for an acre.
  • For multiplier onions, 4-5 quintal bulblets are required for planting one acre.

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Suitable Soil and Climate for Onion

  • Onion is a cool season vegetable and grows well under mild climate without extreme heat or cold or excessive rainfall.
  • It does not thrive when the average rainfall exceeds 75-100 cm during Mansoon period.
  • The ideal temperature for vegetative growth is 12.8-23°C.
  • For bulb formation, it requires long days and high temperature (20-25°C).
  • A dry atmosphere is favourable when it comes to maturity of the bulbs.


  • Onion can be grown in all types of soil.
  • Deep friable loam and alluvial soil are best for its successful production.
  • Good drainage, free from weeds and presence of organic matter favour production of good crop.
  • It is sensitive to high acidity and alkalinity and the ideal pH is 5.8 to 6.5.

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Seed and Nursery Bed Treatment in Onion

  • Before sowing, Onion seed should be treated withThairm 37.5%+Carboxin 37.5% @ 2 g/kg of seed to avoid damage from the damping-off disease. The soil of nursery should also be treated with Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 63% @ 40 g/Pump. The nursery beds should be irrigated 15-20 days before sowing and covered with 250 gauge transparent polythene for soil solarization. recommended to manage damping-off and raise healthy seedlings.

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Management of Purple Blotch in Onion

  • For managing the disease effectively, healthy seed should be used. 
  • Crop rotation of 2-3 years with non-related crops should be followed. 
  • Spray fungicides, Mancozeb 75% WP @ 800 gm/acre  or 
  • Hexaconazole 5% SC @ 400 ml/acre or 
  • Propiconazole 25% EC @ 200 ml/ acre at 10-15 days intervals from 30 days after transplanting or as soon as disease appears.

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Purple Blotch in Onion

  • Initially small, elliptical lesions or spots that often turn purplish-brown which are surrounded by chlorotic margin. If the spots enlarge, chlorotic margin extend above and below the actual lesion. Lesions usually girdle leaves, causing them to fall over. Lesions may also start at the tips of older leaves.
  • Hot and humid climate temperature ranging from  21-30 oC and relative humidity (80-90%) favour the development of  the disease.  
  • The Infected plants fail to develop bulbs.

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Fertilizer management in Onion

  • Onion needs a heavy dose of fertilizers for a good yield.
  • Farmyard manure @ 8-10 tonnes/Acre may be incorporated into the soil one month before transplanting.
  • Nitrogen 50 kg/Acre, Phosphorus 25 kg/Acre and Potash 30 kg/Acre.
  • Full amount of P, K and half of N are to be added just before transplanting.
  • Rest of the N is to be given as a second dose at 20-25 days after transplanting, and third dose is given at 45-60 days after transplanting.
  • Zinc sulphate application (Znso4@10 kg/Acre) and Boron 4 Kg/Acre increases yield as well as improves the quality of bulb.

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Harvest and Post Harvest Management of Onion

Harvest and Post Harvest Management of Onion


  • Onion is ready for harvest in 3-5 month after transplanting depending on variety.
  • During hot days when soil is hard, bulbs are pulled out with a hand hoe.
  • Plants are uprooted by hand and their roots are cut.
  • They are washed and bundled as per market requirement.
  • Yield of Kharif crop in comparatively low than rabi.


  • After curing, onions are graded and classified by grading machine and hand.
  • Before storage, double, broken, rotten bulbs and bulbs having in desirable features are removed.
  • Outer dry scales are removed during grading.
  • Cured bulbs are graded based on size and depending on local market and export.


  • Jute bags are used onion packaging for sending to distance markets by trucks trains or even by air.
  • Generally, 40 kg capacity jute bags are used for transport with in country whereas, for export jute bags of 8-25 kg capacity is used.  
  • Onion should be packed in 14-15 kg capacity cane baskets for export purpose.

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Gramophone organised its ‘Field Day’

On December 08, 2018, Gramophone organized its ‘Field Day’ where current farming practices were compared to the well-researched practices given by the expert agronomists at Gramophone. The objective was to showcase the potential that newer technologies have for farmers. The field experts guided the farmers and kept a track of the crop across the cropping cycle and the results are quite encouraging. Manish Agrawal, a farmer from Bankpura village (Dhamnod) mentions, “I have been taking help from the experts at Gramophone this season and as compared to the other fields, my crop is healthier and I expect an improvement of 30-40% in the yield”.

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Seed rate and sowing time for Onion

Proper seed rate and sowing time are two things which are very important for sowing, growth, and cultivation of onion. If not done so, there can be a lot of impact on the production.

Sowing time:-

  • To cultivate onion, the onion nursery has to be prepared first, the onion nursery is prepared for Rabi season in December and transplanting are done in the month of January.
  • In Kharif, nursery is prepared from 15 June to 15 July, and transplant is done in the last week of August.

Seed rate:-

  • 8-10 kg seed is sufficient for raising seedlings for one hectare, accommodating 100-110 beds of 3m X 0.6m size each.
  • For broadcasting directly in the field or sowing in the rows, 15-20 kg seeds are enough for a hectare.
  • For multiplier onions 10-12 quintal bulblets are required for planting one hectare.

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