Suitable Soil and Climate for Onion

  • Onion is a cool season vegetable and grows well under mild climate without extreme heat or cold or excessive rainfall.
  • It does not thrive when the average rainfall exceeds 75-100 cm during Mansoon period.
  • The ideal temperature for vegetative growth is 12.8-23°C.
  • For bulb formation, it requires long days and high temperature (20-25°C).
  • A dry atmosphere is favourable when it comes to maturity of the bulbs.


  • Onion can be grown in all types of soil.
  • Deep friable loam and alluvial soil are best for its successful production.
  • Good drainage, free from weeds and presence of organic matter favour production of good crop.
  • It is sensitive to high acidity and alkalinity and the ideal pH is 5.8 to 6.5.

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