Damping off disease in Onion

Damping off disease in Onion:- In the kharif season, especially in high moisture in soil and moderate temperature is the main factor in the development of this disease. In this disease onion plants dies in early stage.

Control:- Spray of Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% or Thiaphanate methyl 70% WP @ 50 gm/Pump


Doses of Fertilizer and Manure in Onion Crop

  • Onion needs a heavy dose of fertilizers for a good yield.
  • Farmyard manure @ 8-10 tonnes/Acre may be incorporated into the soil one month before transplanting.
  • Nitrogen 50 kg/Acre, Phosphorus 25 kg/Acre and Potash 30 kg/Acre.
  • Full amount of P, K and half of N are to be added just before transplanting.
  • Rest of the N is to be given as a second dose at 20-25 days after transplanting, and third dose is given at 45-60 days after transplanting.
  • Zinc sulphate application (Znso4@10 kg/Acre) and Boron 4 Kg/Acre increases yield as well as improves the quality of bulb.

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Bulb splitting In Onion (physiological Disorder)

Bulb splitting In Onion (physiological Disorder)


  • Uneven irrigation of onion fields increases the incidence of this disorder.
  • Fields that are over irrigated, allowed to dry completely and then over irrigated again often have many split bulbs.
  • Bulb mites are frequenty associated with bulb splitting.


  • The first symptom observed is the basal portion of bulb.
  • Secondary growth of the affected bulb often occurs when several small bulbs protruded from the spilt basal portion.


  • Use uniform irrigation and fertilization practices to prevent phase of bulb spiltting.
  • Use of slow growth of the onion bulb varieties can reduces the incidence of this disorder.


Bolting in Onion (Physiological disorder)

Bolting on onion (Physiological disorder)

Causal :-

  • Due to heredity differences in variety.
  • Extreme fluctuations in temperature.
  • Stunted growth of plants in seed beds.
  • Very low temperature in the beginning of the growth favours


  • When the plant reaches the five leaf stage critical stage of bolting takes place.
  • Under this condition bulbs become light and fibrous.
  • When the plant on put up a central stalk which develops a seed head, bolting take place.


  • Sow the seed at proper time.
  • Use of over fertilizer should be avoided.

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Achieved Maximum Yield in Onion

Name of Farmer :- Mukesh Patidar

Village:- Kanardi

Tehsil and District:- Tarana and Ujjain

Farmer Shree Mukesh Patidar is a modern farmer of Gramophone, he is cultivating onion under the guidance of the gramophone team, which has average 70 quintals / acre production in Madhya Pradesh but Mukesh ji has produced 113 quintals per acre.


Stem and bulb nematode in Onion and Garlic

Stem and bulb nematode in Onion and Garlic:- Nematode enters through stoma or plant wounds and create galls or malformations in plant growth. This allows for the entrance of secondary pathogens like fungi and bacteria.  Symptoms are stunted growth, discoloration of bulbs, and swollen stems.


  • Bulbs that show signs of disease should not be planted.
  • Proper sanitation of fields and tools is essential because this nematode can survive and reproduce in infected plants and residues.
  • Apply Carbofuron 3% Granular @ 10 kg/ acre in soil for better control of Nematodes.
  • Apply Neem Cake @ 200 Kg/ Acre in soil for organic control of Nematodes.

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Excellent Growth of Root in Onion

Name of Farmer:- Devnarayan Patidar

Village:- Kanardi

Tehsil:- Tarana District:- Ujjain

Farmer shree Devnarayan Patidar ji used the use of Mycorrhiza (bio fertilizer) in onion field at the rate of 4 kg per acre by the recommendation of the gramophone team, which has given them excellent results. The plant’s health is good due to the complete development of the roots and the size of tubers is also uniform.


Factors Affecting storage of Onion and Garlic

Factors Affecting Storage of Onion and Garlic :-

Selection of Varieties:- The storage capacity of all varieties is not uniform. The varieties of onion produced in kharif are not sustainable. In the Rabi season varieties of onion are usually stored for 4-5 months.It can be less or more according to the variety.Experiences of the last 10-15 years show that N-2-4-2, Agrifound Light Red, Arka Niketan etc. varieties can be stored well for 4-5 months. Garlic Variety G-1, G-2, G 50 and G-323 etc. can be stored for 6 to 8 months.

Fertilizer and Water Management:- The  quantity and type of fertilizer and water management effects on the storage of garlic and Onion. Apply FYM increase storage capacity. Therefore it is necessary to use more quantity of FYM or green manure. Recommended dose of Nitrogen @ 150 Kg, Phosphorus @ 50 Kg and Potash @ 50 Kg per hectare for Onion and Garlic Cultivation. If possible, all nitrogen dose should be given through organic fertilizers and should be given before 60 days after  transplantation. By giving late nitrogen, the stems (neck) of the plants become thick and the onion does not store and there is more outbreaks of fungal diseases, as well as sprouting. Potassium amount 50 Kg raised from 80 kg Per hectare should be given. For the use of ammonium sulphate, single super phosphate or potassium sulphate, the plants get adequate quantity of sulfur after transplantation.

Atmosphere of storage room:- Temperatures and relative humidity are important factors for the storage of onions and garlic for longer periods. More humidity (more than 70%) is the biggest enemy of onion storage.This increases the wrath of the fungus and the onion starts rotting. And when the humidity is low (more than 65%), the transpiration of onion is high and the weight decreases more.For good storage, the storage houses are 25-30 °C and humidity should be between 65-70 percent. In the months of May-June, due to high temperature and reduced humidity of the warehouses, weight loss is high. Moisture is more than 70 percent from July to September. This increases the rot. At the same time, in the October-November low temperature, the problem of sprouting increases.

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Cultivation of healthy Onion Crop

Farmer Name:- Jagdish Lodhi

Village:- Chawani

Tehsil:- Tarana, District:- Ujjain

State:- Madhya Pradesh

Farmer Jagdish ji has transplanted onions in 1 acre and it is cultivated purely under the guidance of the gramophone team. Jagdish Bhai says that now I would get access to farming related items, that too with expert advice, which saved both my money and time and the crop is already healthy. This facility is very useful for the farmer.


Symptoms and Control of Stemphylium Blight in Onion

Stemphylium blight:- Small yellow to orange flecks or streaks develop in the middle of the leaf which soon develop into elongated, spindle shaped to ovate elongate diffused spots surrounded by characteristic pinkish margin. The spots progress from the tip to the base of the leaves. The spots coalesce into extended patches, blighting the leaves and gradually the entire foliage. Spay fungicides, Mancozeb @ 0.25% / Tricyclazole @ 0.1% / Hexaconazole  @ 0.1% /Propiconazole @ 0.1% at 10-15 days interval from 30 days after transplanting or as soon as disease appears.

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