Monsoon has reached Goa, heavy rain in many states, dust storm in the north

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Monsoon has knocked in Goa and has also covered some other parts of Telangana. Now soon it will reach some parts of Odisha including Maharashtra. Heavy rain will continue in South India including North East India. There is a possibility of thunderstorms and rain in Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh. New Western Disturbance will once again bring rain in the mountains.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Monsoon is fast in South India, East India will have to wait

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Monsoon is running ahead of schedule in South India, although in East India too, monsoon had progressed very fast in the initial phase. Now the monsoon will progress further in South India and the eastern and western coast of the country. Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal will have to wait now. There will be no good rain here for at least the next one week. During the next two days, there may be thunderstorms and rain in Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Now the clouds will rain heavily, see how will the weather be in your area?

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Neutral conditions will come from El Nino in the month of June. La Nina will start getting affected in the second fortnight of July and will increase the monsoon rains. Indian Ocean Dipole will also start becoming positive in July and due to the effect of both of these, the whole of India can get heavy rains from the second fortnight of July to September. This will be very good news for the whole country and farmer brothers.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Monsoon gained momentum, chances of thunderstorms in many states

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Monsoon advanced further on 31st, reached entire north eastern states including sub Himalayan West Bengal and Sikkim. Rainfall activity has reduced a bit in Kerala but heavy rains continue in northeastern states. Now rains will gain momentum in Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and southern Karnataka and will push the monsoon forward. Today light thunderstorms and rain were seen in north eastern Rajasthan and western Haryana. From tomorrow rain activities will also be seen in Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh and the temperature will decrease.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Monsoon will knock soon in the north eastern states, now the temperature will start falling

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Monsoon is moving fast, now within 24 hours it can reach Kerala and North Eastern states simultaneously. There is a possibility of heavy rain in Karnataka and North Eastern states including Kerala. After record breaking heat in Delhi, now the temperature can start falling. The moist winds blowing from the Arabian Sea will now reach Rajasthan, Gujarat, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, West Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. There is a possibility of rain with dust storm in the North and North West. Rain will continue in South India. There is a possibility of light rain in Mumbai as well.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Rain in many states including Rajasthan from 31st May, relief from record breaking heat

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Record breaking heat is prevailing in Delhi, Punjab, Haryana and Sindh province of Pakistan including Rajasthan. Temperature is above 50 degrees in many places. Instead of hot and dry winds blowing from the west, now relatively less hot and moisture filled winds coming from the Arabian Sea will reach North West India. A western disturbance will also start affecting North India. Due to the effect of all this, dust storms and rain with thunder and lightning are likely in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan between 31st May and 2nd June. This rain can provide relief from heat. On 1st June, monsoon can knock simultaneously on Kerala and North East India.

Source: Skymet Weather

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This time the monsoon is expected to be good, know when will the rain start?

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La Nina is now becoming effective in place of El Nino. La Nina will become effective during the monsoon. This time the monsoon is expected to be good. There is a possibility of good rain in South India, Central India and North India as well as North West India. Monsoon rain may decrease a bit in the northeastern states. On June 1, the monsoon will knock in Kerala and will move towards the northeastern states.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Temperatures drop in Gujarat & Rajasthan, heat rises in Delhi, Punjab, Haryana

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The easterly winds have been replaced by hot and dry westerly winds. Therefore, heat wave has arrived in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and western Uttar Pradesh, and temperatures have risen a lot. However, these areas have got relief from the sultry heat. On the other hand, the south-western winds coming from the Arabian Sea have dropped the temperature in Rajasthan and Gujarat by 2 to 4 degrees. The heat wave is now on the verge of ending there. The cyclone made landfall on the coast of Bangladesh and West Bengal last night. Heavy rains were observed here along with strong winds. The monsoon will reach Kerala on time and there is a good possibility of rain in South India. There will be torrential rains in North East India during the next two days.

Source: Skymet Weather

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Sea storm will cause torrential rain, see weather forecast

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Sea storm Rimal has hit the coast of Bangladesh and adjoining West Bengal as a powerful storm. During this time the speed of the winds will be 120 to 130 kilometers. Strong waves will rise in the sea and there will be torrential rain. Now the direction of the winds has changed over Rajasthan and Gujarat. Due to the effect of south-western winds coming from the Arabian Sea, the temperature of both the states has dropped, the temperature may fall further. Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh will not get relief from the heat yet. Monsoon will knock on Kerala on time. Now there is a possibility of rain in Mumbai including the coast of Maharashtra.

Source: Skymet Weather

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The effect of severe cyclonic storm will be seen on India and Bangladesh, see update

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A deep depression has formed in the Bay of Bengal which will turn into a sea storm today. It can take the form of a severe cyclonic storm. It will cross the coast of Bangladesh on the night of 26th, it seems that it will landfall near Khepupara. While crossing the Taco, the wind speed can be up to 120 to 130 kilometers per hour. High waves will rise along with strong winds on the northern coast of Odisha and light to moderate rain will occur. Its maximum effect will be seen on southern Bangladesh, heavy damage is expected here. Strong winds will also blow along with heavy rain in Manipur including Mizoram and Tripura of India. The heat wave will continue in North West and North India. There will be heavy rains in Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar Islands including Kerala and Karnataka.

Source: Skymet Weather

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