Next activity for your Garlic crop

16 to 20 days after sowing- Top dressing of fertilizers

For better growth and development and to provide micro nutrients mix Urea 25 kg + Zinc sulphate 5 kg + Sulphur 10 kg and broadcast on soil per acre


Next activity for your Garlic crop

11 to 15 days after sowing- Management of sucking pests and fungal diseases

To promote proper vegetative growth and for the management of sucking pests and fungal diseases spray Seaweed extract (Vigormaxx gel) 400 ml + Acephate 75% SP (Acemain) 300 gm + Carbendezim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP (CarmaNova) 300 gm per acre


Next activity for your Garlic crop

3 to 5 days after sowing- Pre-emergence herbicide spray

For the management of weeds before emergence spray Pendamethalin 38.7% CS (Dhanutop super) 700 ml per acre. For the management of weeds after emergence spray Propaquizafop 5% + Oxyflurofef 12% EC (Dekel) @ 350 ml or Quizalofop Ethyl 5% EC (Targa super) 350 ml per acre


Next activity for your Garlic crop

1 to 2 days after sowing- Basal dose and first irrigation

Just after sowing give first irrigation and apply basal dose of fertilizer as below. Mix all these & spread over soil- Urea- 20 kg, DAP- 30 kg, SSP- 50 kg, MoP- 40 kg, NPK bacteria (SKB Fosterplus BC-15)- 100 gm, Zn solubilizing bacteria (SKB ZnSB)- 100 gm, Trichoderma viride (Rhizocare) 500 gm, Seaweed, Amino, Humic & Mycorrhiza (Maxxmyco) 2 kg per acre


Next activity for your Garlic crop

1 day before sowing- Seed treatment

To protect the planting material from soil borne fungus, treat the seeds with Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP (CarmaNova) 2.5 gm per kg seeds. Give light irrigation to the field three days before sowing.


Next activity for your Garlic crop

8 to 10 days before sowing- Field preparation

In 5 Tonns of FYM, add 7.5 kg Carbofuran granules (Fury). Mix properly and spread over soil for one acre area. Carbofuran granules help to control soil insects present in soil


How to storage onion and garlic

How to storage onion and garlic
  • Removing the tuber completely without ripening leaves space inside the tuber, which subsequently causes rot under the influence of heat and moisture.
  • To avoid this condition, remove the upper part of the tuber only after drying it up to 80%. Therefore the stem of the plants turns to the ground and then removes it.
  • If you have enough space and you want to keep the garlic safe for a long time, do not cut the stem from the bulb when you need it. Tie them in a bunch and keep them spread.
  • If you need to cut, first of all, dry it in bright sunlight for 8-10 days. Allow the root of the garlic tuber to dry until the roots are shattered. Then cut it with a distance of 2 inches between bulb & stem so that their layers are removed, the buds do not get scattered and the tubers are safe for a long time.
  • Many times a tuber gets hurt by a spade or shovel. While shorting the onion and garlic tuber, remove the damaged tuber because spread rotting in other tubers.
  • During the monsoon humidity increases and spoils, the tuber so stored onion and garlic should be kept watch from time to time. If there is rottenness or smell from bulbs, then separate the rotten bulb from that place, otherwise it also spoils the other produce.
  • For good storage, the temperature of the storage warehouses is 25-30 degrees Celsius and the humidity should be between 65-70 %.

Keep the following things in mind to prevent onion and garlic bulbs from rotting.

  • Temperatures and relative humidity are important factors for the storage of onions and garlic for longer periods. 
  • The Moisture is more than 70 percent from July to September, which increases the chances of rotting onion bulbs.
  • While in October-November, the temperature gets lower, which increase the problem of sprouting increases in onions 
  • For better storage, the temperature of storage houses should be between 25-30 °C while the humidity should be between 65-70 percent.

Control of Eriophyid mite in Garlic and Onion

Control of Eriophyid mite in Garlic and Onion:-

  • Both adults and immatures feed on the young leaves and between the layers in cloves of Garlic and Onion. Leaves do not open completely.
  • Whole plant shows stunting, twisting, curling, and yellow mottling. Mottling is seen mostly on the edges of the leaves.
  • Acaricides like Sulphur 80% WP@ 3 Gm per liter of water gives effective control of mites.
  • Twice spraying of Propargite 57% EC @ 400 ml/Acre in 7 days interval helps in controlling the pest in initial stage.

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Role of Calcium in Garlic

  • Calcium is an important nutrient in garlic and has a key role to play in crop yield and quality.
  • Calcium promotes enhance of root establishment and elongation of cells resulting in increasing plant height.
  • It also has a improve tolerance of disease and chilling injury. 
  • Although the recommended dose of calcium in the Garlic is good for yield, quality, and storage capacity.
  • The recommended dose of calcium is 4 Kg/Acre or according to soil testing report.
