Nutrient management in sponge gourd and ridge gourd

Nutrient management in sponge gourd and ridge gourd:-

  • About 20-25 t/ha of FYM should be applied at the time of field preparation.
  • 75 kg Urea, 200 kg single super phosphate and 80 kg murate of potash per hectare is applied at the time of last ploughing.
  • Another 75 kg urea should be top dressed in two split doses one at 8-10 leaf stage and second at flowering stage.

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Objectives of Soil testing

Objectives of Soil testing:-

  • To determine the exact amount of chemical fertilizers used in crops.
  • To know the correct way of improving the alkalic and acidic land and making it fertile.
  • To determine the compatibility of the land for cultivation.

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Role of Copper in Plant

Role of Copper in Plant:- Copper is a highly essential component to healthy plant growth. Among other things, it plays a part in several enzyme processes and is key to the formation of chlorophyll.

Function of Copper: Copper activates some enzymes in plants which are involved in lignin synthesis and it is essential in several enzyme systems. It is also required in the process of photosynthesis, is essential in plant respiration and assists in plant metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. Copper also serves to intensify flavor and color in vegetables and color in flowers.

Deficiency: Copper is immobile, meaning its deficiency symptoms occur in the newer leaves. Symptoms vary depending on the crop. Typically, the symptoms start as cupping and a slight chlorosis of either the whole leaf or between the veins of the new leaves. Within the chlorotic areas of the leaf, small necrotic spots may form, especially on the leaf margins. As the symptoms progress, the newest leaves are smaller in size, lose their sheen and in some cases the leaves may wilt. The apical meristems may become necrotic and die, inhibiting the growth of lateral branches. Plants typically have a compact appearance as the stem length between the leaves shortens. Flower color is often lighter than normal.

Excess potassium, phosphorus or other micronutrients can indirectly cause copper deficiency. Also if the pH of the growing medium is high, this can induce a copper deficiency as it is less available for plant uptake.

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Fertilizer and Manure in Guava trees

Fertilizer and Manure in Guava trees:-FYM 50 Kg and one Kg in each of N, P and K per tree in two split doses during March and October should be applied. To increase the yield, spray Urea 1 % + Zinc sulphate 0.5% twice a year during March and October. To correct the boron deficiency (reduction in size of leaves and fruit cracking and hardening) spray 0.3% borax during flowering and fruit set stage.

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Nutrient Management in Pea

Nutrient Management in Pea:

A basal dose of 30 kg N per hectare at planting is sufficient for stimulating early growth.

  • Higher dose of nitrogen has adverse effect on nodulation fixation.
  • The crop gives good response to phosphorus application as it favours nitrogen fixation by increasing nodule formation. It also increases yield and quality of pea.
  • Potassic fertilizers also have effect in increasing the yield and nitrogen fixation ability of the plant.

General Recommendations:

General recommended fertilizer doses depend upon the:

  • Fertility of soil and amount of organic manure applied to the crop.
  • Sowing conditions:  Whether field is irrigated or rainfed?
  • If the crop is rainfed, doses become just half.

How much to apply?

  • 15-20 t/ha of well-decomposed FYM is incorporated into the soil.
  • For the better yield in pea use 10 kg  Urea, 50 kg DAP, 15 kg MOP and 6 kg Sulphur 90% per acre during the land preparation use the half quantity of urea and the full quantity of remain fertilizer and remaining quantity of urea used in two split doses during the irrigation.

Source: IIVR, VARANASI and Handbook Of Agriculture

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Fertilizer application for Chickpea

चने की फसल दलहनी होने के कारण इसको नाइट्रोजन की कम आवश्यकता होती है क्योंकि चने के पौधों की जड़ों में ग्रन्थियां पाई जाती है। ग्रन्थियों में उपस्थित जीवाणु वातावरण की नाइट्रोजन का जड़ों में स्थिरीकरण करके पौधे की नाइट्रोजन की पूर्ति कर देती है। लेकिन प्रारम्भिक अवस्था में पौधे की जड़ों में ग्रंन्थियों का पूर्ण विकास न होने के कारण पौधे को भूमि से नाइट्रोजन लेनी होती है। अतः नाइट्रोजन की आपूर्ति हेतु 20 कि.ग्रा. नाइट्रोजन प्रति हैक्टेयर की आवश्यकता होती है। इसके साथ 40 कि.ग्रा. फॉस्फोरस प्रति हैक्टेयर की दर से देना चाहिये। नाइट्रोजन की मात्रा यूरिया या डाई अमोनियम फास्फेट (डीएपी) तथा गोबर खाद व कम्पोस्ट खाद द्वारा दी जा सकती है। जबकि फास्फोरस की आपूर्ति सिंगल सुपर फास्फेट या डीएपी या गोबर व कम्पोस्ट खाद द्वारा की जा सकती है। एकीकृत पोषक प्रबन्धन विधि द्वारा पोषक तत्वों की आपूर्ति करना लाभदायक होता है। एक हैक्टेयर क्षेत्र के लिए 2.50 टन गोबर या कस्पोस्ट खाद को भूमि की तैयारी के समय अच्छी प्रकार से मिट्‌टी में मिला देनी चाहिये। बुवाई के समय 22 कि.ग्रा. यूरिया तथा 125 कि.ग्रा. सिंगल सुपर फास्फेट या 44 कि.ग्रा. डीएपी में 5 किलो ग्राम यूरिया मिलाकर प्रति हैक्टेयर की दर से पंक्तियों में देना पर्याप्त रहता है।


Manures and fertilizers in Peas

Normally 20 tones FYM should be mixed in the field approximately 1.5 months before sowing. 25 kg nitrogen 70 kg phosphorus 50 kg potash should be used per hectare. Make a mixture of fertilizers and 5 cm from the line of seed and 5 cm Under the surface of the seed should be given in the ridge at the time of sowing.

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Fertilizer and Manure in Onion

Mix the FYM at the rate of 15-20 t / ha at the time of preparation of the soil. Nitrogen 120 kg /. ha Phosphorus 60 kg/ha Potash 75 kg / ha and By giving 20 kg sulfur, 10 kg of borax and 10-15 kg Zyme, the yield and quality increase.
