Fertilizer requirements in Bottle gourd

  • Add farmyard manure @ 10 tonnes/acre at the time of field preparation.
  • Application of 30 kg urea, 80 kg single super phosphate and 30 kg muriate of potash per acre at the time of field preparation.
  • Apply another 30 kg urea per acre in 2-3  split doses at the time of vining and initial fruit set.
  • Total P & K and one-third of Nitrogen can be applied basally about 8-10 cm away from the seeds.
  • Nitrogen deficiency causes yellowing of vine and foliage and checks the vegetative growth.
  • Deficiency of K reduces plant height and area of foliage causing flower drop and checks the fruiting.

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Nutrient Management in Snake Gourd

  • Apply well decomposed organic Farm Yard Manure( FYM) should be applied at the time of land preparation.
  • 50 grams of NPK 12:32:16 mixture as basal dose/pit.
  • Use 100 gram/pit 19:19:19 or 0:52:34 at the time of fruit elongation.
  • Apply Urea @ 25 grams/pit 30 days after sowing the seed.
  • Apply phosphorus solubilizing bacteria and azospirillum @ 500 ml /acre.
  • And Pseudomonas 1 kg/acre along with FYM 20 kg and Neem cake at 40 kg before last ploughing in the main field.

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Fertilizer Requirments for Watermelon

Fertilizer Requirements for Watermelon:- 

  • Apply well rotten FYM @ 15-22.5 tonnes/ha. should be mixed thoroughly with the soil at the time of preparation of land.
  • 135 kg Urea, 100 kg DAP and 70 kg MoP are the proper doses per acre for the cultivation of watermelon.
  • The full quantity of phosphorus and potash and half quantity of nitrogen used before sowing.
  • Rest nitrogen used 10-15 days after sowing.
  • In general, high N under high temperature condition promotes maleness in flowering and lower number of flowers fruit-set and yield.
  • Watermelons require ample amount of potassium and phosphorus for optimal melon production.

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Nutrient Management in Wheat

Nutrient Management in Wheat:- Nutrients play an important role in the wheat production. Well rotted farmyard manure (FYM) or compost should be applied at the rate of 15 to 20 tons/ha. after every two years. The FYM and compost will keep the soil physical properties in good condition-

  • Apply well rotten FYM compost 15-20 ton per hac.in every 2 year interval.
  • Use 88 kg Urea, 160 Kg SSP and 40 kg MOP per Acre.
  • Apply urea in below three doses.
  1. 44 kg quantity during seed sowing.
  2. 22 kg during the first irrigation.
  3. Remain 22 kg dose during second irrigation.
  • If the full quantity of phosphorus is added in Kharif season, then add half the amount of phosphorus in Rabi.
  • When you have minimum or two irrigation may be used 175:250:35-40 Kg/hac. quantity of Urea, SSP and MOP.
  • Use full quantity of NPK at a time of basal dose on unirregated condition.
  • If wheat sowing are done in mid-December, then 25% of the nitrogen should be reduced.

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Doses of Fertilizer and Manure in Onion Crop

  • Onion needs a heavy dose of fertilizers for a good yield.
  • Farmyard manure @ 8-10 tonnes/Acre may be incorporated into the soil one month before transplanting.
  • Nitrogen 50 kg/Acre, Phosphorus 25 kg/Acre and Potash 30 kg/Acre.
  • Full amount of P, K and half of N are to be added just before transplanting.
  • Rest of the N is to be given as a second dose at 20-25 days after transplanting, and third dose is given at 45-60 days after transplanting.
  • Zinc sulphate application (Znso4@10 kg/Acre) and Boron 4 Kg/Acre increases yield as well as improves the quality of bulb.

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Basal Dose of Fertilizer and Manure for Maize

Basal Dose of Fertilizer and Manure for Maize:-

  • Apply NPK fertilizers as per soil test recommendations.
  • Add a well composted FYM @ 10 tons per acre at the last ploughing.
  • Soil test recommendations are not available, Apply DAP 50 Kg and MOP 35 Kg per acre at sowing.
  • Basal application of fertilizer can be vary on soil, variety and other factors.

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Basal dose of fertilizers for Chilli

Basal dose of fertilizers for Chilli:-

  • Apply NPK fertilizers as per soil test recommendations.
  • If soil test recommendations are not availables, Apply DAP 100 Kg, Urea 50 Kg and MOP 50 Kg per Acre at before sowing.
  • Basal application of fertilizer can be vary on soil, variety and other factors.

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Manure and fertilizer dose for Soybean

Manure and fertilizer dose for Soybean:-

Soybean is a pulse and oilseed crop. There is less need of nitrogen. Giving more nitrogen can lead to unfruitfulness, therefore it has to pay special attention to nutrient management.

  • The quantity of Manure and fertilizers can be distinguished according to the soil test report, location and variety.
  • Add a well composted FYM to 10 tons per acre at the last ploughing.
  • By Soybean Research Centre recommended 20: 60: 20: 20 kg per hectare. Nitrogen: Phosphorus: Potash: Sulphur according to which approximately 50 kg DAP per acre, 10 kg single super phosphate and 30 kg potash as a basal dose and After 15 days of sowing, 8 kg per acre sulfur 90% WDG and 4 kg per acre (bio-fertilizer) should be broadcasting.
  • At the time of sowing it is very beneficial to treat Rhizobium culture with 5 grams per kg of seeds and PSB culture with 5 grams per kg seed.

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Basal dose of fertilizers for Cotton

Basal dose of fertilizers for Cotton:-

  • Apply NPK fertilizers as per soil test recommendations.
  • If soil test recommendations are not available, Apply DAP 65 Kg, Urea 50 Kg and MOP 50 Kg per Acre at before sowing.
  • if basal application could not be done. Apply on the 25th day after sowing.
  • Basal application of fertilizer can be vary on soil, variety and other factors.

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डीएपी के दाम कम होने की संभावना

डीएपी के दाम कम होने की संभावना:-

पिछले दिनों में डीएपी उर्वरक के दाम उछाल सब्सिडी नीति न्यूट्रीएंट बेस्ड योजना में फास्फेट पर अनुदान में लगभग 27% की वृद्धि करना पड़ी थी | हालांकि केंद्र ने पोटाश पर अनुदान में लगभग 10% की कमी कर दी | केंद्र शासन के उर्वरक विभाग नई उर्वरक अनुदान नीति के क्रियान्वयन के लिए गाईड लाईन्स जारी करते हुए यह भी स्पष्ट किया है कि बोरोन तथा जिंक कोटेड फास्फोटिक अथवा पोटेशिक उर्वरकों पर क्रमशः 300 रु. व 500 रु. प्रति टन की दर से अतिरिक्त सब्सिडी दी जाएगी| जिससे किसानों में इन सूक्ष्म तत्वों के उपयोग को भी बढ़ावा मिले| उर्वरक विभाग ने यह भी निर्देश दिए है कि इन उर्वरकों के निर्माता उर्वरक के बैग पर अनुदान राशि दर्शाते हुए एम आर पी आवश्यक रूप से प्रिंट करें| प्रिंटेड एम आर पी से अधिक दर पर उर्वरक बेचना दंडनीय अपराध होगा|


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