White grub pest outbreak in crops

White grub pest outbreak in crops
  • Identification: White grubs are white coloured insects that live as grubs in a field their dormancy period is in the winter.

  • Symptoms of damage: Usually, they initially damage plant roots. Symptoms of white grub can be seen on the plant, such as a complete withering of the plant or stunting of the plant and later the plant dying is the main symptom.

  • Management: For control of this insect , in the months of June and July, use Metarhizium culture [kalichakra] along with FYM (2 kg + 50-75 kg)  per acre for control of white grub. Chemical treatment can also be done. For this, use FENPROPATHRIN 10 % EC [Danitol] @ 500 ml / acre, Clothianidin 50.00% WG @ [Dantotsu] 100 gm / acre as soil mix.

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Get a grant of up to Rs 50 lakh for goat, sheep, pig and poultry farming

animal husbandry

The central government is running many schemes to enable the farmers of the country in every way. Under this, efforts are being made to connect the farmers with other businesses besides agriculture through these schemes, so that the financial problems of the farmers can be removed.

In this sequence, the ‘National Livestock Mission’ is being run by the Government of India. This subsidy is provided under the scheme for various animal businesses. The objective of this scheme of the centre is to increase animal productivity along with providing employment opportunities. Under the scheme, a grant is being given for the fodder sector along with poultry, pig farming, and goat and sheep rearing.

A 50% grant is given for the setting up of rural poultry farms through National Livestock Mission. This grant ranges from Rs.25 lakh to Rs.50 lakh for different sectors.

  • 25 lakhs for poultry farming

  • Rs 50 lakh for sheep and goat rearing

  • 30 lakh rupees for pig farming

  • 50 lakhs for fodder project

For complete information about this scheme, visit the official website nlm.udyamimitra.in. If you want to register for this scheme, then you can also apply on this website. So without wasting time take advantage of this beneficial scheme.

Source: Krishi Jagaran

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90% subsidy will be given on various organic pesticides

90% subsidy will be given on various organic pesticides

The Rajasthan government has started many new schemes in the state to promote organic farming. Farmers are being encouraged to do organic farming through these schemes. In this series, the state government is providing subsidies of up to 90% to the farmers on the purchase of organic pesticides.

Different insecticides are used for different pests in agriculture. In such a situation, the state government has decided to give subsidies on all recommended organic pesticides. Through this scheme, bio-pesticides like Trichoderma, NSKE, Azadirachtin, Beauveria bassina, Metahergisum, Verticulum, NPV, Pheramon trap, Trichocards etc. will be provided to the farmers at approved rates.

The objective of this scheme of the state government is to increase the income of farmers by reducing the cost of farming. Let us inform you that under the state scheme, bio-pesticide kits will be provided to one lakh farmers. Due to this, the farmer brothers will have to pay only 10% of the purchase of organic pesticides, the rest 90% or the maximum rate of Rs 900 per hectare will be paid by the government.

At least 50% of small and marginal farmers in the state will be benefited from this scheme. Apart from this, priority will be given to the farmers of scheduled caste, tribe, women farmers, BPL, Antyodaya and food security families in the scheme.

Source: Kisan Samadhan

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Get subsidy on the purchase of solar pump, take advantage of the scheme soon

Install the solar pump on huge subsidy of 75%

To reduce power consumption, the government is promoting the production of renewable energy. Under this, ‘Kusum Yojana’ is being run by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. Under this, solar plants and solar pumps are given on subsidy to benefit the farmers.

In this direction, the Madhya Pradesh government has made a good decision to provide economic benefits to the farmers. Under this, the state government has started the ‘Mukhyamantri Solar Pump Scheme’. Through this scheme, soon solar pumps of up to 10 horsepower will be installed on the farmers’ fields.

Through this scheme, a target has been set to install solar pumps in the fields of 50 thousand farmers in the state. In the scheme, priority has been given to one thousand such farmers, who do not have the availability of electricity. At the same time, with the help of this scheme, the farmers will be able to save electricity and diesel separately.

The state government has planned to provide grants ranging from Rs 50,000 to Rs 2.5 lakh for different solar pumps. To avail of the benefits of the scheme, the applicant has to visit the online application portal cmsolarpump.mp.gov.in. Here farmers can submit applications for Solar Pump and can get the relevant information.

Source: Krishi Samadhan

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Irrigation will be possible without electricity, farmers will get benefit from this scheme

Irrigation will be possible without electricity

Farmers face a lot of difficulty in irrigating in summer due to a shortage of electricity. To get rid of this problem for the farmers of the state, the Madhya Pradesh government has implemented a scheme. Under this scheme, electricity will not be required for irrigation in the field. The pump will be run with the help of solar energy.

Solar power plants of 1250 MW capacity will be set up in the state. With the help of power plants, 7996 agricultural feeders can be energized with solar energy. Through this scheme, the fields of lakhs of farmers will be irrigated and about one thousand crore rupees will also be saved. At the same time, with the help of this solar energy, electricity will also be available to the farmers during the day.

The government has been spending 14 thousand 800 crores every year to provide cheap electricity to the farmers of the state. In such a situation, the scheme of running pumps on solar energy for irrigation will prove beneficial. However, at present, solar energy is costing an average of Rs 3 20 paise per unit. Whereas in thermal power, this rate is around Rs 5, 34 paise per unit. In such a situation, the problems of both the farmers and the government will end with solar energy.

Source: Patrika

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50 thousand rupees will be available to farmers without guarantee

A subsidy of Rs 7000 will be given on the cultivation of these crops

Punjab National Bank has come up with a special scheme to help the farmers of the country financially. Its name is ‘Kisan Tatkal Loan Scheme’. Under this scheme, loans up to Rs 50,000 will be transferred to the bank accounts of needy farmers without any guarantee. With the help of this, farmers will be able to fulfil their every need from agricultural work.

Required eligibility for the scheme:

  • Applicant should have Kisan Credit Card (KCC).

  • The applicant must have a bank record for the last two years.

Procedure to get a loan:

With the help of minimum documents, farmers can apply for this scheme. Under this scheme, the farmer will not need to mortgage anything, nor will he have to pay any service charge for taking the loan. At the same time, the farmer will be given up to 5 years to repay this loan. The beneficiary can pay in instalments or with the full amount in one go.

If you want to take advantage of this scheme, then you can apply online by visiting the official website of Punjab National Bank, or you can also apply offline by visiting the nearest Punjab National Bank.

Source: Krishi Jagran

For information related to beneficial government schemes related to agriculture and farmers, read the articles of Gramophone daily. Don’t forget to share this article with your friends using the share button below.


Learn easy techniques to build a greenhouse at a low cost

Learn easy techniques to build a greenhouse at a low cost

Crops in the fields are often damaged by natural calamities and pests. At the same time, the crop grown in the greenhouse is the safest. In such a situation, good yields can be obtained through greenhouses. Although the cost of building a greenhouse is high, not all farmers are able to take advantage of it.

In such a situation, if you are thinking of making a low-cost greenhouse, then this article is especially for you. Here you will learn about easy techniques to build a low-cost greenhouse to get high yields of crops.

Build Greenhouse at a low cost

This cheap technique requires bamboo and wood. With their help, a strong building is prepared. Simple techniques are used to increase or decrease the temperature and humidity in this simple greenhouse. In this, nets can be used for shade, while the temperature can be reduced by opening the side walls. In this way, good production can be obtained by making a greenhouse at a very low cost.

Source: Krishi Jagran

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How to treat onion seedlings before transplanting

onion seedlings
  • For transplanting onion seedlings, select healthy seedlings, and transplant 12 to 14 cm tall or  5-6 weeks old seedlings after sowing in the nursery.

  • Sometimes it is ready for transplanting in 6-7  weeks depending on soil, climate and water availability.

  • Before transplanting, make a solution based on Rizocare (Trichoderma Viride 1.0% WP) @ 2.5 gm or Sprint (Carbendazim 25% + Mancozeb 50% WS) @ 3 gm per litre of water, and keep the plants in the solution for 10 minutes. Keep the root submerged.

  • Due to this, the crop can be saved from early-stage diseases like Damping off, and root rot.

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Buy expensive agricultural machines at cheap prices

Buy expensive agricultural machines at cheap prices

Modern machines have made farming very easy. With the help of agricultural machines, farmers can do more work in less time. On the other hand, farmers get more profit due to low-cost investment. Due to financial difficulties, many farmers are unable to buy these modern machines. Because of this, they lag behind modernity.

Keeping in view the helplessness of the farmers and the importance of agricultural machines, the Government of Rajasthan has started the ‘Rajasthan Agricultural Technology Mission’. Under this scheme, agricultural machines will be provided to the farmers of the state on subsidy. Under this, many expensive and necessary equipment like a tractor, thresher, rotavator, reaper, and seed drill has been kept.

Apart from this, grants will be given to farmers for setting up custom hiring centres and buying drones. A minimum of 30% of small and marginal farmers will be included in the beneficiary list under this scheme. A proposal of Rs 108 crore has been approved by the state government for this mission.

Source: Krishi Samadhan

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Measures for identification and prevention of choanephora blight disease in chilli crops

choanephora blight disease

The causative agent of this disease is Choanephora cucurbitarum, the fungus of the disease usually infects the upper part of the plant, flowers, leaves, new branches and fruits. In the initial stage, water-soaked areas develop on the leaf. The affected branch dries up and hangs. In severe infection, the fruits turn brown to black and a layer of fungus can be seen on the infected part.

Biological management

Apply Combat (Trichoderma viride @ 500 gm) or Monas Curb (Pseudomonas fluorescens 1% WP) @ 500 gm per acre.

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