How to manage white grub in Chilli crops

  • White grubs as the name suggests are white colored insects that live as a grub in a field whose dormancy period is in the winter.
  • They initially damage  chilli plant  roots. Symptoms of white grub include a complete withering of the plant or stunting of the plant resulting in the plant dying.
  • For control of this insect , in the month of June and July,use Metarhizium culture (kalichakra) along with FYM (2 kg + 50-75 kg)  per acre for control of white grub
  • But if infestation of white grub is visible even in the immature stage of chilli crop, then chemical treatment can also be done to control this pest.
  • use  FENPROPATHRIN 10% EC 10% EC @ 500 ml / acre, CLOTHIANIDIN  50.00% WG @ (Dantotsu) 100 g / acre as soil mix.

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